Code of Ethics
The code of ethics applies to all employees, officers, and board members of the organization. All business representatives are expected to conduct business in a legal and ethical manner at all times and are responsible for conducting themselves according to the principles set forth. While this code of ethics is meant to be comprehensive, it does not cover all possible scenarios. It is important to handle questionable situations with integrity and morality, but if you are unsure of how to proceed please contact your manager or ethics officer.
Responsibilities to Each Other
• We are an anti-harassment organization. Harassment in any form is unethical, illegal, and unwelcome in our organization. All individuals will be treated
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No work is important enough to risk the safety of our employees or harm to the environment. Everyone has the right and responsibility to stop unsafe working conditions. In addition, weapons, threats, and acts of violence will not be tolerated.
• We are a drug and alcohol free environment. Employees may not perform any work functions while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you need assistance with substance abuse please contact a human resources representative.
Responsibilities to Our Shareholders
• We will protect the organization’s assets. This includes tangible assets such as the building, vehicles, and equipment. It is equally important to protect intangible assets such as copyrights, information, and computer programs.
• We will maintain confidential information. Information should only be discussed and shared on a need-to-know business basis, even with other representatives of the organization. Extra care should be taken when communicating with outsiders.
• We will follow proper accounting and disclosure practices. All record keeping and financial statements will be prepared according to GAAP standards and reviewed by an independent
Which of the six principles in the AICPA Code of Conduct is most related to Article 1.5 of the California Accountancy Act? Explain your conclusion.
The accounting system misallocated motors from the asset manufacturing equipment to inventory. There are issues of honesty, responsibility, and professional ethics.
In conclusion the code of conduct is very important in a business it intended to be a central guide and reference for users in support of day-to-day decision making. It is meant to clarify an organization's mission, values and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct. Some of the principles and standard I talk about was sexual harassment, being professional and discrimination on other. Some of the ways that employees can follower the code of conduct is by ethics training, Setting and following policies and procedures and include ethical behavior in their everyday life.
The popular sitcom that is now one of today’s pop culture`s favorites, is based on the original British sitcom The Office and later began to air on NBC. With characters that are relatable to any office environment, The Office does cause many to question the violation of ethics in this sitcom. The show features Michael Scott the manager at Dunder Mifflin, who is the center of many questionable actions. Because every show needs a good love story; Pam and Jim are introduced as the office lovers who win the award for “relationship goals”. Besides the main characters, the cast consists of unmotivated employees.
A code of ethics is a formal document in which is used to assist members of an organization, to know what’s ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’ in the work place and applying it to their decisions. A code of ethics is a written set of rules or guidelines to help the workers and management ‘conduct’ or direct their actions with its primary values and ethical standards. A code of ethics is important because without it, employees and management wouldn’t have guidelines and the establishment would resemble a crazy house. Consider the establishment, Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts is a food establishment well-known for their famous donuts, coffee and their slogan “America runs on Dunkin”. Without a code of ethics, the industry would most likely be extremely hard to control.
Ethics or rather morals entail mechanisms that defend, systematize as well as recommend conceptions of right or wrong. Many organizations develop ethical codes to ensure employees and employers understand the difference in doing good or bad. In that respect, ethics are an essential aspect of successfully running of any organization or government. Ethics ensure employee’s productivity levels are up to the required standards. It also assists them to know their rights and responsibilities. Additionally, employers, as well as any persons in management, are guided by them to ensure they provide transparent leadership. Ethics also defines how customers should be handled. Ethical codes govern the relationship between customers and an
Roberts, Barry S. and Richard A. Mann. ?Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Primer.? n.pag. On-line. Internet. 5 Dec 2000. Available WWW:
Workplace violence is scary and intense. It doesn’t matter who you are in the situation, the victim, onlooker, or even the committer, it is frightening. When something happens to push an employee over the edge into violent action, many other employees are inadvertently involved. I observed a case of workplace violence many years ago, but I will not forget it anytime soon.
In today's fast paced, stress riddled work environment it is no surprise that the workplace can become a foreground for violence. Employers must be extra careful when hiring and firing employees and stay aware with what is happening in the work environment that surrounds them. Extra precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of all employees in the workplace. Too many times employers do not take the proper steps in preventing workplace violence and the consequences are disastrous. Violence on the job or even after hours can take a very negative toll on an entire business. In order to prevent danger in the workplace, employers must know how to identify potential violence and be familiar with the necessary steps to prevent it from happening.
The issue of sexual harassment in the workplace not only causes the employed parties involved grief and unwanted attention, but also gives the company a bad reputation. The definition of sexual harassment is the, "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.” (Shaney, 1986) While the most common idea of sexual harassment is that a man makes an unwanted advance towards a woman, the fact is that sexual harassment can go both ways. In fact, once a person’s work begins to be effected by the harassment the company ultimately loses out on production because they have not effectively treated the issue. In order to deal with the issue of sexual harassment, companies have implemented training courses on how to recognize, and respond to sexual advancements in the workplace.
Sexual harassment is a crippling reality in the work environment. The effects can be ravaging to an organization, to the individual harassed, fellow employees, and the harasser. Sexual harassment is not necessarily about sex, it is certainly about power. When someone at work uses sexual behavior to control you, whether it is behavioral or physical in nature, that is sexual harassment.
In our society sexual harassment has been in the workplace for years. The use of sexual harassment in the workplace has been remembered best as a weapon used to keep women in their place which would cause them to forfeit promotions within their organizations. It was once believed that women were the only victims but the shift is now changing men are also reporting that they are also victims of sexual harassment on the job. In 1964 the Civil Rights Act was passed and employers began to recognize that they were liable for two types of sexual harassment. The first kind of harassment is Quid pro quo when a supervisor offers the employee sexual advances in order to get or keep a job, and also this harassment is used to determined if an individual will get a promotion. The second form of harassment is when supervisors or coworkers make working conditions hostile and unbearable. In both instances the legal ramification will cost an organization to suffer a financial loss in productivity, time, and money. Throughout this research my finding is that it's to the company's best interest to provide a clear policy on sexual harassment.
KANE-URRABAZO, C. (2007). Sexual harassment in the workplace: it is your problem. Journal Of Nursing Management, 15(6), 608-613. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2007.00725.x
It is the policy of each department to provide all employees with a safe, harassment-free work environment. All employees are expected to behave professionally and respectfully while interacting with others without regard to classification, job title, or function. Discriminatory or harassing conduct will not be tolerated. Any such behavior that does occur will be immediately addressed and appropriate corrective action will be taken.
Ethics is the responsibility of each individual person, but starts with the CEO and the Board of Directors, setting the right tone at the top and moves down through the organization, including setting the tone in the middle. A company’s culture and ethic standards start at the top, not from the bottom. Employees will almost always behave in the manner that they think management expects them, and it is foolish for management to pretend otherwise (Scudder). One of the CEO’s most important jobs is to create, foster, and communicate the culture of the organization. Wrongdoings or improper behavior rarely occurs in a void, leaders typically know when someone is compromising the company