Bullying In The Workplace

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Bullying is a serious issue especially, if it happens at work. It affects productivity, emotional health and can cause death if not taken seriously. Have you ever witnessed someone being mean and deliberately abusing someone at work? Bullying occurs without warning and can cause serious repercussions. With the right policies bullying can be prevented, workplace bullying can be devastating because financial issues can occur, bullying can lead to severe consequences, and can cause serious health issues.
The impact of work place bullying is devastating and often difficult to recover from. Work place bullying can lead to stress, and health issues. Bullies try to ruin the person’s life, try to block transfers to other departments, inflicting pain and eventually force the individual to quit their job. When someone is victimized by a bully there are financial consequences, being fired without warning, or cause and having to quit because of other concerns. Bullies target individuals that seem weak in their eyes, have social skills, and are very intelligent. According to Wiedmer (2010), the impact of bullying in terms of finances, emotions, health, morale, productivity-are destructive, and the ramifications …show more content…

Workplace policies and procedures for addressing bullying include disciplinary, legal consequences, additional supervision, training, counseling, and relationship-building activities (Wiedmer, 2010). This should start with an anonymous line for reporting any suspected bullying or bullying actions. There should be an opportunity to go to a neutral party to discuss bullying that could come from a supervisor or manager. Managers must be mindful of each employee and watch if there is any sudden change in behavior related to bullying. Following these steps will help to eliminate workplace bullying and make it difficult to start bullying

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