Brits In America Summary

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Whether or not America is truly sexist in one way or another is important and central to the argument, it is still made apparent by writers on both sides that many individuals feel threatened due to their sex/gender and writers will use these experiences to make their audience more aware of sexism in everyday life. Raphaëlle Soffe is one such person who feels this way even on heavily policed areas. In her article “Brits in America: sexism, safety and strength” she talks about what she experiences on a daily basis on a college campus. She states that “robberies and attack attempts are frequently reported to local police and, unfortunately, women are often seen as easy targets”. As an example, she talks about a situation where a woman was attacked by a man late at night while going on a run. …show more content…

This event in particular shook me as I had run past the exact same spot, on the exact same day, one hour later than she had, and without pepper spray”. She says that these occurrences are not uncommon and as stated before, she says women are targeted over men unproportionally. She feels that simply because of her gender, she is being targeted and that makes her feel unsafe and uneasy even in these heavily policed places. Soffe does fail to show true evidence that there is a disparity between men and women and that women are truly targeted more however, she truly connects to her audience by connecting sexism to her everyday life making her more relatable. This example really bridges the gap between reader and writer. Individual experience with sexism can vary a lot depending on where you live, work, and study and this connection Soffe makes to her audience especially those who are currently in college. Soffe is a clear example of real sexism happening in everyday life and her example makes the issue see much more real to her audience and more of an issue that needs to be

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