Being Apart Of A Professional Organization Essay

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Professional organizations are arguably the most important thing you can join to benefit your professional life. Being apart of these organizations can have a number of advantages to your career. First and foremost, they will show that you are serious about your career. Along side that; they will keep you up to date on events, seminars, and breakthroughs in the field. Last but not least being apart of an organization looks good on your resume.

Being apart of a professional organization will show that you are serious about your career. Contributing to your tight nit community will also present you with optimal job opportunities in your field. For example, a member of your organization is looking for a position to be filled and may post the position up for the organization members in hopes of finding the right candidate. Being apart of that organization will give you the upper hand because your potential employer will most likely ask where you seen the posting. Then when evaluating the candidates, the employer will remember that you are apart of the same organization they are. Finally, The employer is more likely to pick you over a competitor especially if they are not apart of an organization.

Professional organizations like IEEE …show more content…

Showing that your serious about your career can sometimes be a tough thing to do, however its what you pay and go to school for. After school, you will want to show that you’re still serious about your career, which can be done by joining an organization. Being an active part of an organization will prove to your present and future employer that you are there to stay. It will show that you want to stay informed on current events, and can also help you land a job. Joining an organization is often over looked by young professionals, but could be the difference between getting hired for your dream job or having to settle for something

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