Bar High Research Paper

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This year, I have set the bar high for myself. I want to be a successful student so I can do well in high school. As I prepare, I have a few goals I want to reach academically, athletically, and religiously. I will do my best to not fail any quizzes or tests, win my volleyball league, and pray every day. I may not reach my goals, but if I work hard and try my best at all the goals I wish to reach, that will be success for me. I hope I can become a better student, volleyball player, Catholic, and most of all, a better person. A goal I have for academics is to not fail any quizzes or tests. One way I can do this is to study before every quiz and test. I can do this by making a good study guide and good notes for myself. I will also ask many questions so I can so I can know all the information. If I am confused on a question, I should ask questions so I can understand what will be asked on the test. One of the most important things I need to do to help my test grade is pay attention in class. If I take plenty of notes and listen to the lesson, I will have resources to study off of so I will do well. This year, I should do well on all of my tests and quizzes as long as I study, pay attention in class, and ask plenty of questions. …show more content…

To do this, I will need to attend every practice and practice on my own every day. I can get better at digging and hitting so I can prepare for the tournaments. Also, I need to talk a lot in games. If I communicate a lot, my team will work better together. The most important thing I need to do to win our school volleyball league is to be a team leader. I will go to every practice, talk a lot in games, listen to my teammates, work hard and help fellow teammates if they need any help. We may be a small volleyball team in the top division, but if we work hard, we can place top in our

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