Ofsted uses the definition of safeguarding in light of the ‘Children Act 2004, and the Department for Education and Skills guidance document Working together to safe guard children, which illustrates the emphasis on the welfare of children and learners.’ This is overall concluded as preventing children from any mistreatment, impairment of health and development and allowing children to prosper in a safe and effective care. When inspectors are evaluating the significance of the schools safeguarding system and whether they are successfully following it, they analyse key factors such as the impact and outcomes of the students academically and the level of positivity through their development and well-being. Furthermore, it will be recorded how
well the school protects students from being abused in any form, whether this is racially, through discrimination or harassment and bullying. Therefore, teachers must impose these rules and make sure they are followed through effectively for the benefit of the students and the school.
This decision makes it clear the most important thing for a school to do is to protect the students. It also states that the board of education, whose role is to oversee the schools, must make sure that the staff of the schools is protecting those children. This case highlights that long-term abuse can happen in schools if there are not clear policies or, if there are, that there is no one ensuring that those policies are
Wilson, K. and Adrian J. L. (2007) The Child Protection Handbook: The Practitioner's Guide to Safeguarding Children. Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall
The legislation regarding safeguarding and chid protection ensures that all the children are safe, secure and protected from any kind of potential harm which may affect their health or development.
Some of the national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding that affect the day-to-day work with children and young people
When working practitioners must not only protect the children they work with when in the school setting and off site, but also themselves. Whether in school or off-site the school safeguarding policy should be referred to, to give guidance and adhered to at all times.
• The role of school and college staff is highlighted as being especially important in safeguarding children because of their position to identify concerns early on, provide early intervention and to
LSCB, (2013), SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND VULNERABLE ADULTS POLICY, (www.safechildren-cios.co.uk), [Assessed 1 November 2013].
In light of recent acts of violence in the nation’s schools, school safety and security have become a hot topic. However, the issue of school safety goes beyond student violence. It includes property damage, theft, and anything else that concerns the overall well being of schools. While it is important to create a safe environment in schools it is also necessary to make sure students feel comfortable in this atmosphere. The security can not be so overbearing that it becomes a negative tactic that gets in the way of the students main objective, learning. Barely noticeable cameras, ID cards, and security guards without uniforms can help generate this safe, but comfortable learning environment. On the other hand metal detectors and mini police forces may be a little too reminiscent of George Orwell’s novel, 1984, or even modern prisons. School security should not be overbearing or obtrusive where it gets in the way of a comfortable environment that is conducive to learning in the nation’s schools.
In this essay I will be discussing the importance of safeguarding within mental health nursing and child nursing, I have chosen to talk about this topic because student and registered nurses include this in their training and continue to be influenced by the importance of safeguarding in everyday practice. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) states that 50,500 children in the UK are known to be at risk of abuse. As nurses during practice and placement we need to ensure that we follow correct procedures that ensure that barriers are not crossed which will cause safeguarding issues. For Mental Health Nurses (RMN) this could include; ensuring that proper consent is given, ensuring that vulnerable adults in our care are safe and their welfare is
Research carried out by Ofsted (2011) shows that, assessment improved a practitioner’s awareness of a child’s strengths and weaknesses. Subsequently, this had a positive influence on their planning, as they were able to differentiate and offer adequate support for children. Ofsted believes it to be the best way to improve pupil’s attainment (Ofsted, 2011).
This presentation has informed my knowledge about Ofsted greatly. As a student, I have only ever witnessed my previous teachers and schools being inspected and have never experienced the ‘behind the scenes’ of an Ofsted inspection. By completing this task, I feel that I am now able to understand the process that Ofsted follow in a clearer form and feel that this would be very beneficial towards my professional development. This is because as I aspire to be a primary school teacher, I am now aware of what Ofsted look out for in an inspection and feel that I would be able to implement the knowledge gained into my practice and work ethics.
OFSTED is the school specific regulatory bodies for England, they are responsible for inspections of services carried out by schools, colleges and children's homes making sure they provide the quality of service adequate for every child and young person. OFSTED make professional judgment when inspecting the settings ,it will then be published in an OFSTED report outlining any required improvements that may be needed and the necessary actions to improve their facilities to provide adequate standards in care and education .
Munro (2003) states child abuse is treating a child in a way that is harmful or morally wrong however, goes on to explain it is hard to find a universal agreement of the definition of child abuse. NSPCC (2010) further explains child abuse as maltreatment of a child. This can be done directly by inflicting harm or indirectly by failing to prevent harm from happening. Abuse can be perpetrated by an adult or another child. Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013) states that it’s the responsibility of everyone who works with children to make sure that a child is safeguarded and their welfare promoted. The Purpose of this essay is firstly to discuss risk factors posed to Simone and Sasha through the scenario provided and highlight ways a professional should assess whether a child is suffering from an abusive or neglectful situation. Secondly the appropriate action that needs to be taken, and the support that needs to be given, and what services will be involved with the family in order to prevent a family brake down while safeguarding and protecting the children’s welfare, will also be discussed. Lastly this essay will draw on current legislation, guidance and procedures that promote multi– agency working in order to effectively safeguard and promote children’s welfare.
The issue of school safety has become a controversial topic in the United States, due to tragic acts of violence occurring on a daily basis. American citizens should never have to cope with the negative impact of school violence, no matter how often they hear about the tragedies (Jones, "Parents" 1). In the past, schools were viewed as a safe place for children to get an education. Recently, the concern over violence in schools has taken a toll on many parents, school administrators, and legislatures (Eckland 1). Studies have shown that there are over 3 million acts of violence in American public schools each year. Not all occurrences are serious and deadly, but they occur on a daily basis throughout our country (Jones, “School” 6). This has caused many parents to worry about the well-being of their children while they are in class. This has also led to an increase in questions and concerns by parents and guardians. Many people have asked, “What are you doing about safety and security on my child’s campus” (Schimke 2). School violence is the cause of elevated worry and fear for their children, and school districts should enforce better security.
These days, school safety is one of the most important parts of running a good school. So how can we make our school, safer and a better school overall?