Architect E.J Lennox's American Courthouse Construction

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Architect E.J Lennox's American Courthouse Construction


In 1886 the city held a competition for the design of a court house.

Thirteen architects competed and E.J Lennox was chosen to construct this

building. He was chosen as the architect because of his unique way of

demonstrating the Richardsoninan Romanesque design (In North America this

design was know as the style of public dignity). But by the time the

project was underway, the city government decided that it needed a city

hall as well as a court house, so Lennox prepared new designs for a

building that combined both. The Interior features involve bronze and iron

detailing, painted murals by George Reid, as well as huge symbolic stained-

glass windows by Robert McCausland. The entire building was created out of

stone. Materials used were Credit valley red sandstone, Sackville

brownstone from New Brunswick and greystone from a quarry near Orangeville.

The stones are decorated with elaborate carvings of floral and geometric

designs, hideous faces and caricatures. The complete building cost the city

2.5 million dollars which is almost nine times greater that the original

target price which was set at 300,000 dollars. Many people complained and

said that the cost of building the hall could have been used on practical

schemes such as sewer improvage, water supplies and other important city

needs. This mind blowing amount of money encouraged many investigations and

lawsuits. One affair being in which the architects name was revealed

carved immediately below the ledge under the uppermost windows and it

spelled out "E J LENNOX ARCHITECT A D 1898".


Before designing the building Lennox made a tour to cities of the U.S

with buildings with the same style, now city hall's resemblance to H. H.

Richardosn's Pittsburgh court house in 1886 is often pointed out. The

building is designed so that the clock tower is centered on lower Bay

street, providing a satisfying vista. Since this building was designed to

be used for various activities when one enters the old city hall form the

entrance of Queen and James street they will see three names carved above

the door: Court House, Municipal Building and City Hall.

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