Approach to Research Studies
The field of social science typically applies the research methods of either qualitative or quantitative concept ( ). The quantitative research strategy incorporates approaches which emphasize on quantities. The quantitative method collects data, usually by numbers, and is evaluated by numerical and automated methods. The quantitative approach to research is primarily used in research in the field of physical science (book). However, the qualitative method customarily makes use of words to clarify extensive theories that cannot be apprehended statistically, for instance in such things as: an individual’s principles, state of mind, or objectives. The information that is composed, within the method of qualitative theory, can be in the form of words, field notes, or records, therefore, the information collected in this strategy cannot be understood statistically ( ). There are key differences in the aforementioned types of research methodologies; this paper will outline the differences, advantages, as well as, the disadvantages of each method, and how to determine the best method for a study on leadership.
Quantitative Method
The quantitative method of research in a study involves the use of queries, and the possibilities for reply have been prearranged (book). This method of research has the need for the use of a huge pool of respondents. The scope in this method of research has a necessity to be hypothetically impartial, in facts and be effective numerically. A random selection method, referred to as sampling, is used due to the huge amount of participants needed. Prior to the beginning of the study, a numerical method is used to govern the number of participants to allow the finding to be withi...
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...e of clarifications and observations.
Research Strategies
Different styles of research are employed in research to safeguard that the facts are acquired to permit examiners to find resolution to the principal queries for the study correctly, therefore, evading uncertainty ( ). Acquiring relevant proof encompasses stipulating the type of proof mandatory in answering the query. Methodological designs encompass logical complications; therefore, matters of sampling, information gathering methods, and queries are secondary to the type of method used in research. Strategies are often compared with quantitative and qualitative research methods. Research and collective studies are often observed as principal specimens of quantitative research and are evaluated compared to the flaws and strong point of numerical, examination, and quantitative research methods ( ).
The development of knowledge requires a number of processes in order to establish credible data to ensure the validity and appropriateness of how it can be used in the future. For the healthcare industry, this has provided the ability to create and form new types of interventions in order to give adequate care across a of number of fields within the system. Research then, has been an essential part in providing definitive data, either by disproving previous beliefs or confirming newly found data and methods. Moreover, research in itself contains its own process with a methodological approach. Of the notable methods, quantitative research is often used for its systemic approach (Polit & Beck, 2006). Thus, the use of the scientific method is used, which also utilizes the use of numerical data (Polit & Beck). Here, researches make use of creating surveys, scales, or placing a numerical value on it subjects (Polit & Beck). In the end the resulting data is neutral and statistical. However, like all things its approach is not perfect, yet, it has the ability to yield valuable data.
The articles, published after 1996, contain varied methods of research attainment, but share similarities such as being a self-survey, having a small sample size, and being
The method used in this research involved participants who were asked to assess their leaders in different organizational context by the use of the questionnaires. The context included recreational sport, government agency and also transports services. The participants were also required to examine historical world leaders based on their leadership styles (Rohomann & Rowold,
The father of quantitative analysis, Rene Descartes, thought that in order to know and understand something, you have to measure it (Kover, 2008). Quantitative research has two main types of sampling used, probabilistic and purposive. Probabilistic sampling is when there is equal chance of anyone within the studied population to be included. Purposive sampling is used when some benchmarks are used to replace the discrepancy among errors. The primary collection of data is from tests or standardized questionnaires, structured interviews, and closed-ended observational protocols. The secondary means for data collection includes official documents. In this study, the data is analyzed to test one or more expressed hypotheses. Descriptive and inferential analyses are the two types of data analysis used and advance from descriptive to inferential. The next step in the process is data interpretation, and the goal is to give meaning to the results in regards to the hypothesis the theory was derived from. Data interpretation techniques used are generalization, theory-driven, and interpretation of theory (Gelo, Braakmann, Benetka, 2008). The discussion should bring together findings and put them into context of the framework, guiding the study (Black, Gray, Airasain, Hector, Hopkins, Nenty, Ouyang, n.d.). The discussion should include an interpretation of the results; descriptions of themes, trends, and relationships; meanings of the results, and the limitations of the study. In the conclusion, one wants to end the study by providing a synopsis and final comments. It should include a summary of findings, recommendations, and future research (Black, Gray, Airasain, Hector, Hopkins, Nenty, Ouyang, n.d.). Deductive reasoning is used in studies...
The purpose of this critique is to analyze the design of a research study conducted by; Donna Kazemi, Maureen Levine, Jacek Dmochowski, Mary Nies, and Linman Sun called “Effects of Motivational Interviewing Intervention on Blackouts Amoung College Freshman”. It was accepted in January 21st, 2013 and was published in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship.
This paper will provide a hypothetical discussion of how each of the four “worldviews” (post-positivism, constructivism, advocacy/participatory, and pragmatism) might apply to the proposed study. It will refer to the topic paper developed during the class RSH9101B (Research Topic, Problem, Purpose, and Questions) with the assistance of Dr. Kenneth Gossett, class mentor. The portion of the Topic Paper to be used will be the problem statement, which will provide the foundation for this discussion and completion of this assignment. This discussion ultimately will lead to the strengthening of this research and the understanding for the need of better researches to help today’s virtual organizations.
Research philosophies is a framework by which the research problem should be fundamentally approached, there are four major research philosophies positivism, interpretivism/constructivism, realism and pragmatism (Davies, 2007). Positivism is a philosophical trend in the methodology of science, defining the only source of true, actual knowledge of empirical research and denies cognitive value of philosophical inquiry. According to the positivist philosophy, methodology is not related to the essence of knowledge about the real world, but rather has to do with the operations by which knowledge is constructed. The essential reasoning behind positivism is that, all truthful learning depends on the positive data assembled from noticeable experience, and that any thought past this domain of self evident actuality is powerful. Just explanatory proclamations are permitted to be known as valid, through reason alone (Davies 2007).
In order to get the result I choose to use sampling techniques. Sampling techniques are scientific methods of selecting samples from populations. As far as possible, the samples selected must be random and representative of the population from which the samples are selected. The sampling technique used in each study depends on the nature of the population of interest. For this project I have chosen convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is recommended for pre-testing of questionnaires, the gathering of ideas and insight or the forming of hypotheses. In this method, the selection of elements or sampling units is left primarily to the interviewers. I selected the 60 respondent randomly because they happen to be in the right place at the right time.
As part of my research methods assignment, I have been asked to carry out a reading to identify and discuss different research methods in two different research studies and provide a critical and literary review of the same articles. The first text is called “Women in the Boardroom: Symbols and Substance?” .This paper proposes if women and minorities add a valuable new perspective that results in an enhanced corporate performance. The second is called “Knife crime statistics”. This paper summarises the available statistics that relate to knife crime.
Abstract 1 can be identified as a qualitative methodology as the abstract contains elements of opinions and meanings behind issues in the passage and this method has been defined as a method that is used to gather data that helps to understand the meaning, reason and opinions behind a problem, while at the same time providing insights into the problem or helping to develop the ideas or hypotheses for research. Qualitative data collection methods usually use unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some of these methods include group discussions, individual interviews, and participation or observations. The sample size is normally small, and respondents are selected to fill a set quota. The advantages of qualitative data are
This paper discusses different types of sampling techniques used in quantitative research. It begins by looking at probability sampling (also known as random sampling) before discussing non-probability sampling (non-random sampling). The discussion ends by looking considerations that should be made before selecting a sampling technique before concluding. Because quantitative researchers prefer probability sampling and only use non-probability on rare occasions the e...
There are many sampling methods and each of sampling method has its advantages. Researchers need to select well of the sampling method to improve the data quality and overall results quality. There are a pool of sampling methods to choose from including simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling and cluster sampling (Oulte, 2011). Each sampling method can be applicable at different situations and times. For simple random sampling, it is more suitable applying for when the whole population is available to reach for researchers; for the stratified sampling, it is more appropriate when there are specific sub-groups which has direct relationships with the research objectives; for the systematic sampling, it is more appropriate when there is a stream of representative people for researchers to reach; and last for cluster sampling, it can be used when the population is divided into several regions but it is significance to collect their information for the research objectives (Oulte, 2011). It is not appropriate to say that each method enjoys more priority, but it is important for researchers to select the suitable one.
...espond inappropriately. De Vos (2011:125) explains that the careful attention paid to the cooperation and assistance of others is very important in order to make sure that each project is conducted in an ethically correct manner, as this is the case failure of cooperation from the participants will result in yet another ethical problem we might have to face.
Traditional research may use quantitative or qualitative research method. According to Hendricks (2009), quantitative research is a general conclusion based on hard data. Hen-dricks describe quantitativ...
Research philosophy, refers to the development of knowledge adopted by the researchers in their research (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). In other words, it is the theory that used to direct the researcher for conducting the procedure of research design, research strategy, questionnaire design and sampling (Malhotra, 2009). It is very important to have a clear understanding of the research philosophy so that we could examine the assumptions about the way we view the world, which are contained in the research philosophy we choose, knowing that whether they are appropriate or not (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). According to Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009), three major ways of thinking about research philosophy are examined: ontology, epistemology and axiology. Each of them carries significant differences which will have an impact on the way we consider the research procedures. Ontology, “is concerned with nature of reality”, while epistemology “concerns what constitutes acceptable knowledge in a field of study and axiology “studies judgements about value” (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009, p110, p112, p116). This study is intent on creating some “facts” from objective evaluations which are made by the subjects. Therefore, epistemology will be chosen for this study as the way of thinking about the research philosophy.