Strategies Of Savoring And Dampening

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Humans gravitate towards safe, loving, and happy experiences. But sometimes it’s difficult to be positive, especially when experiences feel overwhelming. In recent years, there has been a lot of research conducted on regulating emotions. With these strategies, we can learn how to control our feelings. There are two types of strategies: savoring and dampening. Savoring is the idea of noticing and relishing experiences, hardwiring your brain to focus on positivity. Dampening, on the other hang, is the act of suppressing or down-regulating positive emotions, out of fear, shyness, or modesty. There are many ways to promote positive emotions, but the focus of this paper will be on the differing implementation strategies. While there’s consensus amongst scholarship that savoring and dampening are effective ways in influencing life satisfaction, the scholars differ in their approaches leading to their conclusions.

The articles, published after 1996, contain varied methods of research attainment, but share similarities such as being a self-survey, having a small sample size, and being …show more content…

Gross et al. (2012) and Quoidbach et al. (2010) study both strategies. For example, Quoidbach et al. (2010) shows how positive events and negative events are related. On a separate note, Jose et al. (2012) and Smith et al. (2017) solely mention improving happiness and well-being through savoring. In Smith et al.’s (2017) study, the effect of savoring specifically on older adults is reported, supporting that strategies could be applied to a wide range of people. Gross et al. (1996) is different in that it’s research primarily touches on dampening. In the study, it is shown that suppression had no effect in the neutral settings, but clear effects in both negative and positive

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