Essay On Personality Predispositions

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Personality predispositions can determine levels of extraversion, which determine the levels to which one seeks social support, thus determining positive affect. Similarly, personality predispositions can determine levels of neuroticism that may influence one’s style of coping in the face of both positive and negative external factors which can determine negative affect (Diener, 1996). Happiness, a core aspect of positive subjective wellbeing, involves maintaining a superior level of positive affect in comparison to negative effect, based on specific positive or negative emotions linked to the recent experiences in one’s life (Emmons & Diener, 1985). Positive emotions such as joy and pride must trump negative emotions such as frustration and sadness in the recent past or present in order for an individual to feel happy. Life satisfaction builds on this and is a cognitive valuation of the quality of an individual’s experiences as a sum throughout their entire life (Emmons & Diener, 1985). Individual personality traits have been found to influence the different patterns and levels of life satisfaction, positive and negative affects and simply general, overall happiness (McCrae, 1983). It is commonly believed that heredity and heritability is responsible for roughly 50% of subjective wellbeing. External factors account for the remaining subjective wellbeing variance – things such as life events, …show more content…

Levels and definitions of subjective wellbeing differ from person to person, country to country and from culture to culture. It is extremely hard to pinpoint how many and what demographic factors influence subjective wellbeing across the general population as a whole. Though we cannot, given these differences, confirm how much and to what extent our subjective wellbeing is determined by biological factors, we can deduce that a portion is built due to external, non-genetic

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