The elements needed to be included in a good title should contain the critical words or a phrase that describes the article; identify the major variables and the population. The title of this article has identified the independent and dependent variables which is the adaption and effects of the training program to help patients with end stage renal disease (Coughlan, Cronin, and Ryan, 2007; Nieswiadomy, 2008 p.380).
The authors of this article have outlined the purpose, aims, and objectives of the study. It also provides the methods used which is quantitative approach to collect the data, the results, conclusion of the study. It is important that the author should present the essential components of the study in the abstract because the abstract may be the only section that is read by readers to decide if the study is useful or not or to continue reading (Coughlan, Cronin, and Ryan, 2007; Ingham-Broomfield, 2008 p.104; Stockhausen and Conrick, 2002; Nieswiadomy, 2008 p.380).
This article hasn’t provided an introduction; however a lengthy summary of the study which identifies the problem, purpose and rationale for the research study has been provided in the background. The introduction should give the reader a general sense of what the document is about, and preferably persuade the reader to continue reading. This prepares the reader for reading the rest of the document (Burns & Grove, 2001 p.636; Nieswiadomy, 2008 p.380; Stockhausen and Conrick, 2002).
Literature review
As Burns and Grove (2001) & Polit and Hungler (1997) as cited in Ingham-Broomfield (2008 p.104) mentioned that the primary purpose of the literature review is to discuss what is known, gain broad background and understanding of the available information related to the study. As Coughlan, Cronin, and Ryan (2007) stated that literature review should also help to identify any gaps in the literature relating to the problem and suggest how those gaps might be filled. The authors of this article has not provided any review of literature and this could misinform the reader what the main focus of the study; however, several appropriate references were used in the background. The terms used in the key concepts are adequately defined and consistent with the topic. The background of the study introduces the previous knowledge or what is already known which is to investigate the effectiveness of an ATP designed to help ESRD patients to cope with stressors while receiving haemodialysis treatment.
CONTENTS PAGE Content Page Abstract Introduction Method Results Conclusion & Discussions Evaluation- Variability Analysis - Limitations & Errors
In response to the question set, I will go into detail of the study, consisting of the background, main hypotheses, as well the aims, procedure and results gathered from the study; explaining the four research methods chosen to investigate, furthering into the three methods actually tested.
Studies, Vol. 25, No. 4 (Mar., 1995), pp. 447-464. Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2784403
This is a credible article; it seems that it is researched thoroughly and thoughtfully. Overall this article highlights my topic fairly well, and did meet my expectations; the author’s conclusion ended strong and summarizes the article greatly. Still, this article is not much different than my other twelve articles with the exclusion of one. In this article and others not all sources have different points of view and only one has done that.
This study was Accepted: May 28th 2013, Published: July 10 2013, and Reviewed: April 2, 2013 so it is up to date. The information has not been revised because it is new however it has been reviewed. The information is completely current. All of the links and contact information are functional and up to date.
Abstract is a condensed version of the full report; this was well formulated by using headings instead of single paragraph style, thus looked uncluttered (Macnee, 2004). The purpose had c...
This is a research paper conducted on the very highly pursuited field of nursing. Nursing is a profession in the healthcare field that focuses or assisting others. Not to mention, nurses are heroes because of the many lives they save every day. This is an example that one doesn’t need tights or a cape to be a hero. Never the less, there are many reasons one may want to become nurse. Some of those reasons may be for personal gain or the greater good. However, before becoming a nurse one needs to be educated about educational requirements, licenses and certifications, projected salaries, and the projected job outlook for the next five – ten years for nursing. This research paper will provide thorough information on those four major aspects of
The program director, the associate director, the administration, the head of nutrition and metabolism research as well as the nursing staff. All these personnel are charged with different responsibilities when combined helps in realization of an effective outcome that improves the nursing practice.
For this assignment I had the pleasure sitting down with Emily Petermeier and getting an insight on what the real nursing world is like. Emily graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Nursing in May 2015, and got a job at Fairview East Bank Hospital. This interview really helped me understand what it is like to be a new nurse and the dedication that I have to have going through nursing school and throughout my career. In the interview you will see the perspective of Emily’s endeavors after college and insight for future nurses or nursing students.
Contains some appropriate details or examples. The content of the essay addresses the topic with an in-depth analysis. The provided information is necessary, relevant and sufficient to discuss these issues. Details and examples are convincingly appropriate. Organization of the essay Random or confusing organization and inadequate or poor analysis and argumentation Adequate organization and adequate level of analysis and argumentation Clear and coherent organization with a good level of analysis and many effective points of argumentation Coherent and rhetorically sophisticated organization with a highly sophisticated level of analysis and
My persuasive essay will be written from a position of support for RNs who are transitioning to nurse managers to receive continuing education to acquire the necessary managerial training required to succeed in their management positions. I am currently pursuing my RN to BSN degree and have a personal interest in this position. Nurses receive clinical skills which transition laterally from a school setting to a staff nursing environment. When nurses transition from staff to management there is little to no training available, it becomes a learn as you go hands on approach. I have observed how inexperienced leadership leads to increased staff turn over which negatively effects patient care and continuity, whereas experienced leadership cultivates
Now within the rest of this paper you will be finding a few different things getting discussed. Staring it off we will be discussing the articles that we have found to make our arguments and hypotheses. After wrapping up the literature reviews we will be discussing the hypotheses thus continuing onto our variables and indicators. Once we discuss our hypotheses we will be moving onto the research design. The research design will have our general issues, sampling, and methods.
The interdisciplinary course is a core requirement in the after-degree nursing program as it incorporates the principles of self-directed learning and promotes critical thinking, which is an essential element in nursing practice. As a final year nursing student, I believe that knowledge from this course will enhance my ability to provide patient-centered care.
I am interested in the conceptual framework developed in this study. This conceptual framework can be used to guide my research after modifications. Overall it is a good, well-written article
Thus the overall cohesiveness of this research study is clear and logical. The researchers created solid links amongst the ideas that they expressed in their aims and objectives throughout the study. The literature review was well constructed and referenced in relevant areas in the methodology and results section. The main area which showed a lack of cohesiveness was the conclusion however the reasons for this were well presented by the researchers and certain measures were advised for future study in this area.