Essay On Sampling In Research

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The key to good research is preparation, preparation, and preparation. Hence, the key to making good sampling choices is preparation. Trochim (2008) defines sampling as the drawing of a sample (a subset) from a population (the full set). In our everyday lives we all draw samples without realising it. For instance, when one decides to taste some unfamiliar food or drink that is some form of sampling. Williams (2003 74) posits that “Sampling is a search for typicality). On the other hand, (Clark: 2006 87) defines sampling as “a process of drawing a number of individual cases from a larger population”. According to (Chiromo: 2006 16), “a sample is a smaller group or subset of the population”.
As Chiromo 2006: 17 correctly points out, there are two types of sampling techniques namely probability and non-probability sampling. Probability sampling is the type of sampling that affords each member or unit of the population an equal choice of being included in the sample, (Clark 2006: 18). On the other hand in non-probability sampling, the units of the sample have an unknown chance of being included in the sample. Quantitative research uses both random and non-random sampling although there is usually a mistaken belief the non-random sampling is for qualitative research alone.
This paper discusses different types of sampling techniques used in quantitative research. It begins by looking at probability sampling (also known as random sampling) before discussing non-probability sampling (non-random sampling). The discussion ends by looking considerations that should be made before selecting a sampling technique before concluding. Because quantitative researchers prefer probability sampling and only use non-probability on rare occasions the e...

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Sampling is the act of choosing a smaller, more manageable subset of the objects or members of a population to include in an investigation in order to study with greater ease something about that population. In other words, sampling allows researchers to select a subset of the objects or members of a population to represent the total population. Sampling is used in language research when the objects or members (hereafter simply objects or members, but not both) of a population are so numerous that investigating all of them would be unwieldy. Quantitative researchers use both probability and non-probability sample but rely more on probability because of its generalisability. In choosing sampling methods, considerations need to be made for the objective of the research, the resources available, the population and the legal and ethical requirements.

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