2. In recent years, there has been a growing attempt to measure the performance of health care providers. The federal government and the states have published data on how hospitals are compared to acceptable clinical standards with regard to pneumonia. Explain how these data could affect the consumer decision-making process. These data affect the consumer decision-making process through alternative evaluation, the consumer compares the different choices to best meet their individuals need. The consumer decides the criteria for judging the alternative products or services by evaluative criteria. Consumers use tangible and intangible criteria, and when evaluating alternatives, determine qualities that are important and evaluate the alternatives. …show more content…
Mary recently brought her child to the Express Clinic at their Big Market Basket Food Store. This convenience clinic is staffed by a nurse practitioner from 8:00 A.M. until the store closes at 9:00 P.M., 7 days a week. The nurse practitioner did an exam and prescribed a prescription for an inner ear infection. Mary had it filled in the pharmacy and returned home. Shortly afterwards, she started to have second thoughts, “Should I have just waited and brought my daughter to the pediatrician?” she wondered? Two days later she got a newsletter from the Express Clinic. On the cover page she saw a story headline that said “In a recent survey, 97% of the mothers we surveyed were extremely satisfied with the care they received for their children at Express Clinic.” What strategy was being implemented by Express Clinic? What was the organization trying to counter? The strategy implemented by Express Clinic was external search, finding information from one or more sources when an internal search inadequate. Patients rely on the internet to search for valuable information, and external information searches have increased including the development of rating services. How information is presented is vital for marketers, and they need to be involved in pretesting and presenting the …show more content…
information. Chapter 5 Problems 1 and 5 1. A hospital marketing director has several research projects to undertake this quarter. He must try to determine the appropriate sampling methodology in light of each problem. Provide your recommendation on each issue: a. The hospital urology department wants to establish a sexual dysfunction clinic. The department head wants to get an estimate of the number of men ages 35 to 60 in the community suffering with some form of sexual dysfunction. Several sampling methods could be used, focus groups, probability sampling, or mailing surveys.
The first, focus groups, interviews conducted with 8 to 10 people with a trained moderator following an interview guide, a common useful approach for acquiring health care information. Also, useful in examining a wide range of sensitive health care issues. Second, probability sampling, units selected by chance, the sample’s reliability, and does not require detailed information about the population surveyed. The third option, mail surveys, inexpensive way to contact individuals over a large geographical area, provide anonymity to the respondent, and eliminate interviewer bias. b. A primary care medical group is trying to determine whether patients are being greeted and serviced appropriately by the billing and admitting departments. Two sampling methods include mail surveys and convenience sampling, a variation of a nonprobability sample. Mail surveys, inexpensive way to contact individuals over a large geographical area, provide anonymity to the respondent, and eliminate interview bias. Convenience sampling, a nonprobability sample, the only criteria is the convenience of the unit to the researcher, fast and uncomplicated, but the sampling error not determined. c. An MCO is trying to determine what concerns physicians have in agreeing to become part of its panel of physicians who will treat its
subscribers. Personal interviews include two forms, one-to-one interviewing between interviewer and respondent, and the other, group method referred to as “focus groups.” This sampling method, highest completion rate, preferred method, a valuable way to collect data when the respondent is probed, some limitations, require trained interviewers, and the potential for bias is great. 5. The following list presents the alternative samples obtained by a health care marketing research firm for its clients. Describe the type of sample each represents. a. Ten people sitting in the waiting room are asked to describe the ambiance of the facility and the attitude of the receptionist. Focus Group sample, focus groups, interviews conducted with 8 to 10 people with a trained moderator following an interview guide, a common useful approach for acquiring health care information. Also, useful in examining a wide range of sensitive health care issues. b. The medical school samples alumni regarding an evaluation of their education. Respondents are selected in an amount equal to the same population of specialties from the graduating class. Simple random sampling, process that requires each unit’s chance of being chosen is known and equal, easy to understand, and the simple data analysis techniques. The disadvantage requires a list and number of every item in the universe, and could gather highly misleading samples. c. The walk-in clinic calls every 15th patient who visited the clinic on Wednesday to access whether the patient was greeted by the receptionist and given a handbook regarding the scope of services and an explanation as to how the clinic operated. Telephone interviews, a quick way to acquire information, data acquired within a short time and allows for the targeting of responses. Also, computer technology improved the telephone interviewing process, and eliminate potential interview bias.
The consumer decision process consists of these six steps. First, problem recognition: Awareness of an unmet need. Second, information search: Search for alternatives that will meet your needs. Third, alternative evaluation: Evaluate the alternatives. Forth, purchase decision: Decide on the best alternative for you based on your criteria. Fifth, post-purchase behavior: Determine if you are satisfied with your choice. Sixth, disposal of product: Determine if you will keep it, upgrade it, or get rid of
There has been a shortage of physicians, lack of inpatient beds, problems with ambulatory services, as well as not having proper methods of dealing with patient overflow, all in the past 10 years (Cummings & francescutti, 2006, p.101). The area of concern that have been worse...
For patients, when ACOs are fully functional they represent an increase in patient experience in several ways. First ACOs allow open communication between physicians from different specialties coordinating together to determine solutions. Second, ACOs also establish a single point of contact for all questions concerning care. Finally, these organizations represent a centralized network of physicians for the patient, creating a team to deliver comprehensive care. In fact, there is mounting evidence that suggests the potential benefits of care coordination in ACOs for both patient experience and quality, including reduced hospital admissions, improved quality of chronic disease management, improved patient satisfaction, and better access to specialty care (Stille, 2005). For providers, ACOs provide an opportunity for better collaboration on the various modalities they use on their patients, as well as improved workflow and communication. There are several stakeholders in which the large scale implementation of ACOs would affect. Federal and state government health insurance programs like Medicaid and Medicare, one type of stakeholders. With the implementation of ACOs and the shared savings model, Medicaid and Medicare now have a financial incentive to partner with healthcare organizations to deliver better outcomes at lower costs. If done correctly, Medicaid and Medicare stand to save large
When one examines managed health care and the hospitals that provide the care, a degree of variation is found in the treatment and care of their patients. This variation can be between hospitals or even between physicians within a health care network. For managed care companies the variation may be beneficial. This may provide them with opportunities to save money when it comes to paying for their policy holder’s care, however this large variation may also be detrimental to the insurance company. This would fall into the category of management of utilization, if hospitals and managed care organizations can control treatment utilization, they can control premium costs for both themselves and their customers (Rodwin 1996). If health care organizations can implement prevention as a way to warrant good health with their consumers, insurance companies can also illuminate unnecessary health care. These are just a few examples of how the health care industry can help benefit their patients, but that does not mean every issue involving physician over utilization or quality of care is erased because there is a management mechanism set in place.
Doctors play a major role in society today because doctors will use medicalization to gain power to their name or to their practices and more importantly their income. Another reason why medicalization is apparent in society has also to do with MCOs. MCOs are health insurance providers that restrain costs by monitoring closely the health services given to patients. MCOs either support or oppose medicalization, depending on which tactic best protects their interests (Weitz, 2012,
data matching - using available sources including the AMA and CMS, Community First compares procedures, treatments and other billed services for reasonableness; and
reimbursement determinations. As a result, the camaraderie among physicians has developed into a more aggressive approach to impede competition (Shi & Singh, 2012). Little information is shared with patients in regards to procedures or disease control. The subjects are forced to rely on the internet for enlightenment on the scope of their illnesses (Shi & Singh, 2012). Furthermore, the U.S. health care system fails to provide adequate knowledge on billing strategies for operations and other medical practices. The cost in a free system is based on supply and demand and is known in advance of hospital admission (Shi & Singh, 2012). The need for new technology is another characteristic that is of interest when considering the health care system. Technology is often v...
What factors are important in understanding the decision situation? There are many factors that will play a key role in understanding this particular situation. The five elements of the external environment will help analyze the marketing environment. The
As a result, the institute published a classic report titled “Crossing the Quality Chasm” that still influences current thinking among health care decision makers. In fact, medial expert continue to publish “Crossing the Quality Chasm” reports as needed, with publication issued in 2003, twice in 2008, and 2011. It is with these reports that the IOM encourages utilization of the latest evidenced based practices while providing feedback about what patient desire.
This study is intended to further understand the impact of health care quality and cost
From buying a hamburger to buying a house people use a process in order to make a decision on what to buy. (book cite) describes this as the consumer decision process (pg.175). Utilizing a consumer decision process model, marketers are able to better understand how consumers are purchasing products and services. The five step consumer decision process model includes need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase, and post purchase. Not all purchases require following all five steps to a T, but consumers, whether they know it or not, follow a version of this model when making a purchase. Companies also use this model in order to effectively market their products and services. A company
Data Collection and Analysis Questionnaire The research was carried out on both quantitative and qualitative approaches. It began with a quantitative approach—questionnaire. Bryman and Bell (2003) asserted that mail or postal questionnaires are the most popular forms of questionnaires. Another form—self-completion questionnaire—was also common because of the overlap with postal questionnaire to some extent.
The Advantages and Limitations of Social Surveys in Sociological Research To survey something, is to carry out a systematic overview so that a researcher can produce a comprehensive general report on it. Survey method is often used by positivist sociologists seeking to test their hypotheses, and to investigate causes and examine variables. As with every other sociological research, survey has its own advantages and limitations. Positivist research, which is in the scientific tradition, begins with a hypothesis that can be either confirmed or rejected according to the data collected. One of the significant advantages of survey method is that, it can be used to collect data that is a representative of a larger population.
Consumer Decision Making Process A key factor in successfully marketing new/existing products or implementing a product Extension is a thorough understanding of the motivation, learning, memory, and decision Processes that influence consumers purchasing behavior. Consumer purchasing behavior theories have found their way into managerial decision making to help companies more effectively develop and launch new products, segment the market, determine market entrance and in brand management. Therefore, a better understanding of how consumers decide what to purchase is critical to the success of a product. There are numerous theories and models describing the consumer purchasing decision process.
Since a significant part of the population is young females, there is a need for services regarding gynecology, family, and pediatric care (Taylor, 2004). Despite most of the population being young, diabetes and hypertension also play a role in the population and therefore, services are needed to address these issues (Taylor, 2004). Since most of health care center populations are from low income households, health care centers usually provide enabling services such as “case management, translation, transportation, outreach, eligibility assistance, and health education” as well as other comprehensive services (Taylor, 2004, p. 8). To assure health care centers are fulfilling its purposes, each health care center goes through a Performance Review Protocol where the health care center is graded more on their performance than its compliance, unlike its former Primary Care Effectiveness Review (Taylor,