Analysis Of Casalinga

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In its rawest meaning Casalinga is the Italian word for Housewife or homemaker. However in many parts of Italy Casalinga is also a term we often refer to when explaining home cooked meals “cucinato da casalinga.”
In this book you will fi nd traditional meals with basic methods of preparation and cooking.
Learn the methods that have been passed down by generation after generation and altered to fi t each new family tree.
You will travel through appetizers all way to desserts making it easy to plan a full traditional
Italian banquet. Along the way you will also hear the love and passion my family share when it comes to our food and also the memories we share that we hope you will enjoy into your homes.
This cookbook will show you the dishes my sisters and I grew up with and …show more content…

They included how living off the land was part of life in both my mother and father’s villages in Italy. My grandmother often told stories of how food was scarce during WW II and how she conjured up new recipes using what she had in her garden to feed her family.
My mother and father told us how they would have to compromise on satisfying each other’s food tastes when they fi rst married. My father came from northern Italy, which has a softer palette of taste. My mother came from southern Italy and grew up with richer, spicier foods. So, as time passed and my sisters and I came into the equation, my mother would blend both southern and northern dishes into our everyday diet. During the process of listing all these recipes and memories,
I realized I had the best of two worlds and three cultures growing up. Not only did I fi nd myself switching roles between my Italian home life and Australian daily living, I also had to understand two Italian subcultures within my own family. Since my father is a northern Italian (Trevisano) and

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