Allowed In School

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I think phones should be allowed in school for many reasons. “Students have been using cell phones consistently in their lives, many public schools continue to resist allowing devices in the class room.” Most, might even every child/student has a phone in this era, and are used to contact others such as parents, friends, family, and teachers. Phones can be used in positive ways in school just as much as in negative ways. However they can be used as other resources or academic learning devices, they can be used to look up study documents, test prep answers, notes, facts that can be used in daily school class periods. Students seem to only use phones and cellular devices as ways to get on social media therefore they contact friends and family, …show more content…

Students constantly use their phones or devices in school and as a student, I do it myself, but some students use their phones as curricular devices. NEA Today, reported “in 2016 that 70 percent of districts across the country that had once banned student phones reversed themselves ad now allow them.” Students always have a way to get away from learning and always have something to distract themselves from the teacher or what is being taught. There is always a mental or physical block of learning and phones can make that more challenging towards the teacher, but if rules are put in place and schools can adapt to the ways that phones can and will be used. Phones should be allowed in schools because they can and are used in much more ways than to use snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, or games. The schools need to learn that phones will always be used and rules should be set in place to make and problem better than they already are. Students can always find their way around the rules but if students and staff cooperated, students might be able to learn more and teachers won’t need a challenge to get the students attention and have them focus on the lesson, when it could all be avoided and set rules and boundaries to make the whole problem better and find a

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