Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cell Phones In School

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Are there really any advantages to allowing student cell phone usage in school? For many years, an ongoing battle between teachers, parents, and students has revolved around this simple, yet complex, question. David Rath states in his article that “twenty-four percent of K-12 schools ban cell phones altogether, and Sixty-two percent allow phones on school grounds but ban them in the classroom” (para. 1). Students and parents believe that cell phones can provide educational opportunities, along with a means of communication in case of emergency. However, teachers and administration argue that cell phones can distract students and add to bullying in school. I feel that students should not be allowed to use cell phones in school because it has many disadvantages. In an article by Sarah Sparks, she conducts a study on the relationship between student success and cell phones. Sparks states, “a study of English secondary students suggests student test scores rose in middle school classes that banned phones” …show more content…

In this letter by Bruce Tranter, he explains how there is no reason for cell phones to be allowed in class. Tranter explains how anything that a student can look up on a phone, whether it be online or in an app, the answer can be found without technology. Tranter states, “I think you will be hard-pressed to find an educator who can provide an educationally sound reason for allowing cell phones in the classroom” (para. 9). Tranter follows by saying, “if you do, I 'd like to ask them what they allow on evaluation day with the principal in the room” (para. 10). Cell phones can make learning easier, and provide a source of information but it is not needed in class. If a student wants to study with a cell phone on his or her own time, at home, they would be encouraged to. However, in class cell phones cause a bigger distraction than learning

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