Admission of Academic Dishonesty

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My name is Roberta Geis. I am a student at State University. It is my unfortunate, yet appreciative, responsibility to submit this paper on Academic Dishonesty. The purpose of this paper resulted from utter irresponsibility on my part. In an effort to meet a required deadline, along with a lack of proper time management, I submitted an assignment that contained plagiarism. I must admit that this was never my intentions and the first time I have been faced with such a situation. However, in an effort to take total responsibility, I recognize that my waiting until the last minute to complete an assignment is the root cause of this situation.

In completing the assignment, I copied words from different sites, but I honestly thought I paraphrased enough of the original material and cited references accordingly, which would have allowed my submission of the completed assignment without plagiarism violations. The slack in my scheduling employment responsibilities and my school assignments are the reasons I find myself in this embarrassing and unintended position.

First I would like to admit my extreme embarrassment and remorse for my actions. I really feel very bad about this predicament, and honestly I know that plagiarism violations are serious and damaging offenses. I now realize that the consequences are great and that the resulting impact could destroy my credibility and matriculation at State University.

Academic dishonesty, especially plagiarism, is frowned upon and not tolerated in any college or university. It is the epitome of wrong, especially in a scholarly environment. Plagiarism in its truest essence is stealing. Obviously in any civilized society, stealing is a violation of the law, and could resu...

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...cified directives. Also, I do not want to forfeit my ability to obtain my college degree. After many years had passed, I finally mustered the courage to enter college. Now I can finally see that reaching this goal is close, but yet so far. My current classification is a senior at State University, with plans of graduating in December, 2014. I am proud to say that I have continued a full time job- working in excess of forty hours weekly- sustained a peaceful household, and “honestly” maintained a good grade point average. These are achievements that have made me most proud. The last thing I would ever do is to jeopardize my ability to get my college degree. I have waited a long time for this moment. I have truly learned a valuable lesson through this ordeal. I know that at all cost, it is imperative to do the right thing and manage my time more efficiently.

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