7 Pillars Of Accountability Essay

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Introduction Based on data compiled over a five-year period, Bustin (2014) discovered that the greatest threat that businesses faced in trying to accomplish and maintain a high level of performance, was the lack of accountability. This information he was able to glean from his interviews with over 3500 executives worldwide. He concluded that most businesses were not operating effectively, because of accountability issues. Accountability therefore, is a critical component in the efficient operation of a business, and therefore the leadership of every business needs to develop a culture of accountability within the organization. In order to facilitate this process, Bustin (2014) compiled the principles and practices that he gleaned from the executives he interviewed, and from those evolved his Seven Pillars of Accountability. Using these pillars, with a sense of intentionality, he posited, serves as a roadmap to help businesses build and enhance accountability from within, resulting in a more effective and productive business.
The Seven Pillars of Accountability
Bustin’s Seven Pillars of Accountability for building a culture of accountability …show more content…

As a leader who views accountability as crucial to the success of my business, there are a few strategies that I will need to put in place. Knowing that if there is compatibility between what I say and what I do, people will trust what I say, I realize that I need to walk the talk (Johnson & Phillips, 2003). My actions must reflect the values and mission of my business. Bustin (2014) presented the Seven Pillars of Accountability as a model for building a culture of accountability in our enterprise: Character, Unity, Learning, Tracking, Urgency, Reputation, and Evolving. As a leader in my business, my responsibility would be to implement these pillars to the best of my

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