Wellness Essays

  • The Importance Of Social Wellness

    1203 Words  | 3 Pages

    Social wellness is the ability for an individual to interact with people around them. I am a very social and outgoing person. Everyone that knows me, realizes that I talk a lot. I have very good communication skills with people. Anytime someone approaches me, I want to make them feel comfortable talking to me and carry on a conversation. I have many various friends that I have created meaningful bonds with. My roommate and a fellow teammate is from the same time as I am. Her and I were mere acquaintances

  • Health and Wellness int the Workplace

    4038 Words  | 9 Pages

    Health and Wellness in the Workplace If the health of employees can help or hinder a company, then why do companies still have sick days? With the “on the go” lifestyles, how can we not question the health of employees and their families. Today we have high stress jobs, rush hour traffic, and demanding schedules. Being healthy and fit is the way to conquer tomorrow. We, as people in the workforce, are depended on to follow through with work commitments. A healthy employee is able to do more

  • Corporate Wellness Programs

    1200 Words  | 3 Pages

    Corporate Wellness Programs Corporate wellness programs are critical to the fiscal fitness of organizations in the United States today. Corporate wellness programs vary in their methods, but the end goals are the same: decrease medical costs and increase employee productivity. Healthcare costs now consume over 50% of corporate profits and continue to increase at nearly 12% a year (Powell, 1999, p.15). This dramatic rise in costs has caused employers to look for innovative ways to combat the costs

  • Plato and Aristotle

    1275 Words  | 3 Pages

    Plato and Aristotle Plato and Aristotle have two distinct views on wellness. However, each man’s opinion on wellness is directly tied in to his respective opinions on the idea of imitation as a form of knowledge. Their appreciation or lack thereof for tragedy is in fact directly correlated to their own perspective on wellness and emotion. Firstly, it is important to consider each man’s view of wellness—that is how does each man go about addressing emotional stability. One important consideration

  • Health and Welness for the Employees

    1040 Words  | 3 Pages

    reasons for the employees to get involved in a wellness program. Whether they like it or not overall wellness will affect their everyday life, at home as well as at work. The fact of the matter is that people that are in good health are usually more coherent and are able to enjoy more out of life. With more incentive going towards corporations paying subsidies to encourage employee participation there is increasing demand by employees to have a wellness program implemented. A study of health risk data

  • Wellness Assessment

    750 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wellness Assessment Environmental and intellectual wellness were my highest ranked scores and my lowest ranked score was in the occupational domain. Through observing the other domains of wellness I believe that this makes perfect sense in relation to my lifestyle and myself as a whole. The highest scores are due to my interest and satisfaction in these areas. Both environmental and intellectual wellness had factors which I voluntarily partake in my daily life. The lowest ranked score is due

  • Importance Of Wellness

    1483 Words  | 3 Pages

    books detailing healthy lifestyles, once wrote, “Wellness is not a 'medical fix' but a way of living - a lifestyle sensitive and responsive to all the dimensions of body, mind, and spirit, an approach to life we each design to achieve our highest potential for well-being now and forever.” As inferred from this quote, wellness is vital to our wellbeing and necessary for a healthy lifestyle. An important part of having proper wellness is having a wellness plan that you can follow and use as a guide to

  • Cardio Wellness

    948 Words  | 2 Pages

    impact on all 7 of the dimensions of wellness. The 7 dimensions include, social, occupational, emotional, mental, environmental, spiritual, and physical. Social Wellness “Social wellness is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in the world. The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family, friends and co-workers contributes to social wellness. (UWSP)” Cardio can do wonders for your Social wellness.

  • Perspectives on Wellness

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is wellness? “Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy life. Wellness is also a process for change and growth” (Health Topic – What is wellness?). To have acceptable wellness you should have an equal amount of social, emotional/mental, and physical health. I, myself, believe that I have an okay wellness, I mean not like full wellness but just enough to pass I'll say. But how am I living in wellness? There are different ways of living with wellness

  • Wellness Autobiography

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    Chlorissa Kaufenberg Intro to Wellness Wellness Autobiography I consider myself to be a healthy person, however that can always be improved. In my life I believe I have taken appropriate steps to maintaining a pretty healthy life in many ways. I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs. I choose healthy foods over junk foods. I live in an environment that promotes good health. I do whatever I can to avoid stressful situations. Finally, I try to exercise as much as I can. I have never smoked, drank or done

  • Essay On Wellness

    1552 Words  | 4 Pages

    Wellness the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health. I would interpret wellness as not only being the state of good physical and mental health but, as genuinely being happy. Wellness is the mind, the body and the soul. Each dimension of wellness is all equally significant to one, if one lacks the others may as well. Each of the dimensions of wellness act and interact in a way that contributes to our own quality of life. There are seven dimensions of wellness. The dimensions

  • The Importance Of Wellness

    729 Words  | 2 Pages

    you to define wellness? Wellness to me is having a peak internal happiness inside your mind. If you’re emotionally, physically, and socially content with yourself then you should be able to have a wellness which is incredibly high. Wellness could be positive or negative depending on the person’s life and how they handle situations. If you are happy with the wellness of yourself, then the people around you can feed off of the vibes you give off. Working up to a happy and positive wellness could be hard

  • Pillars Of Wellness

    1286 Words  | 3 Pages

    Wellness is used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body, and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. There are six pillars of wellness which include: physical, emotional, social, spiritual/intellectual and occupational. Each one of these pillars covers its particular area related to health, but they all share in your total wellness. There are many benefits to participating in the wellness programs such as increased energy and improved eating habits and assist you to be more


    2387 Words  | 5 Pages

    INTRODUCTION BHP Billiton is a leading global resources company. Its vision has always been to create value for its long term shareholders through the holistic approach of natural resources, which involves 4 major steps, namely discovery of the natural resources, its acquisition, development and management of the natural resources, and finally marketing of the same. BHP Billiton is a global firm, with operations on a truly worldwide scale, and has been single minded committed in upholding its

  • Innovations of Employee Benefits

    1867 Words  | 4 Pages

    The succeeding paragraphs will explain how innovations in employee benefits can improve the overall competitive compensation strategy of the organization. In order to maintain their competitive edge, companies need to fully understand that as the needs of their employee’s change, so does their benefit plans. Companies need to find innovative ways of engaging employees that encourage and support their commitment and improve their performance. The first way is by helping the company to attract and

  • Wellness Essay

    746 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wellness in a workplace is a key factor determining how productive an organization shall be. This wellness encompasses two concepts, organizational well-being and the psychological well-being. Organization wellness encompasses collective well-being within the organization and this is brought forth by concepts such as embracing diversity, collaboration and fairness. Psychological wellness on the other hand involves the general well-being of the particular persons in the workplace. Essentially, psychological

  • Wellness Reflection

    1243 Words  | 3 Pages

    Maintaining your overall wellness is very important to stay healthy in all ways possible. This health and wellness class taught me about various topics that are very important and can have a huge impact on anyone 's daily life when applied. Good health, wellness, fitness, and healthy lifestyles are important for all people. Living and creating a healthy lifestyle is very important to me and has many benefits that go along with it. I believe living a healthy lifestyle means living life in a way

  • Legal Wellness

    1820 Words  | 4 Pages

    profession is not tailored towards a specific crowd. As a lawyer my goal is to bring equal justice and liberation to my clients who face all types of legal battles. Three wellness factors that impact my profession and the people who seek legal assistance is physical wellness, interpersonal wellness, and financial wellness. As I stated before law applies to all parts of life there is no one specific area it focuses on. I

  • Reflection On Wellness

    1803 Words  | 4 Pages

    health? "Wellness is a dynamic procedure of getting to be plainly mindful of and settling on decisions toward a solid life. Wellness is likewise a procedure for change and growth". Wellness is an essential perspective with regards to a person's wellbeing. The six measurements of wellness comprise of Social, Occupational, Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, and Emotional. It was produced to enable individuals to comprehend their general wellness and wellbeing. The principal part of wellness that I'll

  • The Need for Employee Counseling

    4075 Words  | 9 Pages

    balancinglife.com, pp.1-2. "The Layperson's Guide to Counselor Ethics: What You Should Know About the Ethical Practice of Professional Counselors." www.counseling.org, pp.1-2. "7 Ways To Beat The Blues." www.hurstplace.com, pp.1 Atkinson, William "Wellness, Employee Assistance Programs: Investments, Not Costs." www.findarticles.com, pp.1-6 Farr, John "Problem Employees: How do managers decide how and when to deal with poor employee performance?" www.findarticles.com, pp.1-7 "The Future of Electronic