Urinary bladder Essays

  • The Urinary System

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    The Urinary System How do the urinay system work ?? Your body takes nutrients from food and uses them to maintain all bodily functions including energy and self-repair. After your body has taken what it needs from the food, waste products are left behind in the blood and in the bowel. The urinary system works with the lungs, skin, and intestines--all of which also excrete wastes--to keep the chemicals and water in your body balanced. Adults eliminate about a quart and a half of urine each day

  • Prognosis Of Urolithiasis

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    stones in the kidney, bladder, and/or urinary tract.1 1,200 to 1,400 per 100,000 people will develop a urinary stone each year. Urinary stones are formed when there is a decrease in urine volume or an excess of stone forming substances are present. The use of diagnostic imaging plays a vital role in the diagnostic and treatment processes of a stone in the urinary track. This paper will discuss the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of Urolithiasis. The urinary tract consists of

  • The Human Reproductive System

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    the other, a baby cannot be made. The Male Reproductive system consist of various parts, including Testes, Testosterone, Epididymis, Vas deferens, Semen, Sperm, Prostate , Urethra, Penis (shaft & glanz), Seminiferous tubules, Seminal vesicles, Bladder. Below is a description of the path a sperm goes

  • Analysis and Treatment of Urinary Disorders in Middle Aged Adults

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    I will be discussing a clinical case involving a 45-year-old grocery sales clerk experiencing a urinary disorder addressing issues such as: factors that could have been responsible for developing the stones; his water intake, diet, evaluation of the composition of the calculi; the outcome of test results for his WBC, blood calcium levels, CT scan, and X-ray; and the best treatment plan to prevent recurrence of post-treatment. Discuss possible factors that may have been responsible for the development

  • Chronic Bladder Disorder

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    Chronic Bladder Disorder There are few telltale signs of what Shelly Gregory copes with on a daily basis. On closer observation, one may notice the odd way she holds the right side of her abdomen when she walks or the way she tilts her body to the side when she sits on a chair for too long. To people around her, Gregory, a 35-year-old mother of two daughters, may pass as healthy. But only those in her inner circle, including her husband and children, truly understand the pain she has to endure

  • Kidney Stones

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    eating specific food. One percent of stones are cystine stones, which have to do with the hereditary disorder cystinuria. Struvite makes another small percentage, and grow very large primarily in women, producing kidney damage and obstruction of the urinary tract. Struvite stones consist of magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate, and are also called infected stones because they only form in infected urine. Another 8 percent of stones are made of uric acid, and half of the men that have this also have gout

  • Epididymitis Case Study

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    associated with a urinary tract infection or urethritis. A positive result from urinalysis and culture, or urethral swab in sexually active adolescents, suggests the diagnosis. Chlamydia and gonococci are described as the classic causative agents in the sexually active individual; common urinary pathogens, however, including coliforms and Mycoplasma sp, are more probable in younger children. When studies suggest a bacterial infection, antibiotics are indicated. Just as for any urinary tract infection

  • Exploring Professional Practice in Nursing

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    ANMC Domains of Nursing PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6) During my clinical placement at Fremantle hospital, I ensured that I read and understood all policies and procedures of hospital. I also got myself familiarized with infection control and risk and safety guidelines so that I could follow them properly in need. I also come to know the importance of wearing personal protective clothing (PPE) in relation to different disease conditions. I also come to know that

  • Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

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    basically starts on the side or below the ribs and may go lower towards the groin and abdomen. Symptoms of kidney stones The symptoms or signs may or may not develop until and unless the stones move into the tube that connects the kidney and bladder called ureter. The following are some common signs you may encounter at the time of kidney stones disorder. • Pain in the side, back and below the ribs that may be severe. • This pain can spread to the lower abdomen and finally to the groin. •

  • Physiology Of The Kidney

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    a person working in a factory with hot and dry air, a person producing little antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or a person having urinary tract infection. Let’s start with how kidney works. Kidneys are an important part of our body and are bean shaped organ that performs several important roles in the body, which is located below the ribcage. They are essential in the urinary system and their function is to remove extra fluid from the body, make urine, help to make red blood cells, controlling body’s

  • Kidney Stone Essay

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    Most likely, if a kidney stone is causing blockage in the urinary tract, the person will need treatment. The majority of the kidney stones are small so they are left untreated and the person must wait for them to pass and a pain medication will be prescribed. One way someone could assist the stone in passing is by drinking a lot of water to help move the stone through the urinary tract, and if unable to drink due to vomiting, then it would be suggested that the person

  • Autonomic Dysreflexia Case Studies

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    an abnormal increase in muscle tone, overactive stretch reflex, and clonus. Multiple causes can contribute to an increase in spasticity including but not limited to: changes in positions, the temperature of the environment, tightness of clothing, urinary/digestive complications, emotional stress, pressure ulcers, or a quick passive stretch to the spastic muscle. The severity of spasticity varies, and SCIs who have been diagnosed with spasticity reports it as being problematic; however, if those with

  • Self Catheterization In Nursing

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    explain the complications that can occur based on non-adherence to a proper self-catheterization regimen. A spinal cord injury can cause an interruption in neural pathways which affect the function of the bladder causing urinary incontinence, urinary retention, urinary reflux, and recurrent urinary tract infections. These problems can ultimately lead to an increase in renal morbidity and mortality (Shaw & Logan, 2013) Later, in the discussion section of the article, the authors focus on the importance

  • Bladder Cancer Essay

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    In 2014, Bladder cancer caused 15,580 deaths in the United States. It can affect anyone, but most commonly affects older individuals (National Cancer Institute, 2014). Bladder cancer usually grows on the inside layer of the bladder and can spread to other parts of the body, regrow, and even cause death. Cancer begins with cells that make up the different tissues of the body. Normally, the body’s cells grow and replace themselves at a reasonable rate, on an as-needed basis. Sometimes, the cell growth/replenishment

  • Sirenomeli Mermaid Syndrome

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    a heart defect and kidney problems. When she was about a month old, she received 2 surgeries for her leg separations. She went through multiple surgeries for reconstruction of her legs and feet. Surgeons are also planning operations to create her bladder and rectum. Tiffany is now married and can participate in many activities like swimming and dancing. However, she sometimes has to use a wheelchair or a walker to move around. She is currently the longest survivor of Sirenomelia.

  • Kidney Stones Essay

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    Endorsing home remedies as a cure for kidney stones. Author: Mbaegbu Makuachukwu Lab researched partners Tyler Newman Chandni Patel Cristina Medina Teacher Assistant: Tamalia Julien INTRODUCTION Kidney stones, a very common urinary tract disorder that is now really rampant in humans especially. Some causes of kidney stones are still being argued from whether it is due to what is consumed or having a history in the family. There are some common kidney stones which are phosphate, oxalate

  • Kidney Stones

    600 Words  | 2 Pages

    kidney stone is a solid lump that can be as small as a grain of sand and as large as a golf ball made up of crystals that separate from urine and build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney. A kidney stone that does not pass on out can block the urinary tract. This blockage will probably cause a lot of pain. If medical attention is not received to identify the cause of the pain and remove the blockage, the pain is likely to go away over a few days. This usually will cause the sufferer to think

  • The Impact of ICT on a Person with Special Needs

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    The Impact of ICT on a Person with Special Needs [IMAGE] Andrea is 11 years old and is in Year 6 of St. Francis R.C Primary School in the south east of London, Peckham. She likes to go swimming, play with her dog and have friends over. She been in four plays and has even received two standing ovations. She has travelled abroad to many places such as Italy, France, Belgium and Germany, next summer she hopes to go to Scotland. Like most children her age, she is interested in many things

  • Essay On Colon

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    Anatomy/Physiology The main purposes of the colon are to absorb water and electrolytes to compact the feces for expulsion and expulsion of the feces. The length of the colon is roughly one to one and a half meters and the diameter spans from two to eight centimeters. The colon is made up of seven sections. These sections are the cecum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, the rectum and the anal canal. The first section of the colon is the cecum

  • Nephrolithiasis Research Paper

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    lodged in the ureter, bladder, or renal pelvis. This disease is more common in men, and can be a side effect from other disorders or due to an individual’s dietary intake (Preminger, 2007). Most kidney stones can pass unnoticed, but when they reach approximately 3mm they begin to induce severe pain due to dilation of renal pelvis and spasms in the ureter (Preminger, 2007). People with Nephrolithiasis have the accumulation of calcium crystals in their renal pelvis, ureter or bladder obstructing the normal