Sirenomeli Mermaid Syndrome

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What are the other Names for this condition? (also known as / synonyms)

• Mermaid Syndrome
• Sirenomelia Sequence
• Midline Disorder
• Sirenomelus

What is it? (Definition/Background information)

• Sirenomelia is a birth defect that causes the legs to fuse together. This medical condition of malformation varies from person to person and occurs 1 in every 70,000 to 100,000 births. Fetus usually dies in the womb, during birth or usually right after birth.

Who gets it? (Age and Sex Distribution)

• Developing fetus of both genders

What are the Risk Factors? (Predisposing factors)

• A normal fetus has two arteries and one vein. However, fetus with Sirenomelia only has one umbilical artery and one vein, which unfortunately will contribute to the improper growth.

What are the Causes? (Etiology)

• Currently there is no known cause. However, researchers, scientists as well as doctors believe that a vitelline umbilical artery is a possible factor that can contribute to Sirenomelia.

What are the Signs and Symptoms?

• Fused legs or absent of foot structures
• Abnormal kidney
• Vertebral abnormality
• Absent of genital
• Incomplete or underdevelopment of reproductive system

How is it Diagnosed?

• Usually before birth, around the second trimester, doctors can diagnose Sirenomelia through ultrasound or sonogram
• Immediately after being born, doctors can tell if the baby has Sirenomelia through physical observation

What are the possible Complications?

The severity of Sirenomelia varies among individual. Many babies die during birth and those live can face long-term effects including:
• Renal problems such as kidney failure or absent of either one or both kidneys
• Cardiovascular problems such as Heart proble...

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..., born in 2004, is currently living in Peru. She was born with normal hearts and lungs. She underwent numerous surgeries such as kidney transplant, leg separation and organ reconstruction. When she was just 3 months, doctors operated on her lower extremity for the first time. With each operation, doctors hope to bring her a better and happier lifestyle.
• Tiffany Yorks was born in 1988 with a heart defect and kidney problems. When she was about a month old, she received 2 surgeries for her leg separations. She went through multiple surgeries for reconstruction of her legs and feet. Surgeons are also planning operations to create her bladder and rectum. Tiffany is now married and can participate in many activities like swimming and dancing. However, she sometimes has to use a wheelchair or a walker to move around. She is currently the longest survivor of Sirenomelia.

More about Sirenomeli Mermaid Syndrome

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