Sirenomelia What are the other Names for this condition? (also known as / synonyms) • Mermaid Syndrome • Sirenomelia Sequence • Midline Disorder • Sirenomelus What is it? (Definition/Background information) • Sirenomelia is a birth defect that causes the legs to fuse together. This medical condition of malformation varies from person to person and occurs 1 in every 70,000 to 100,000 births. Fetus usually dies in the womb, during birth or usually right after birth. Who gets it? (Age and Sex
The body has always been a broad and dense subject to study, and by the end of the twentieth century the body had become a significant theme of political, social, cultural and economic values; whereas the body has emerged in the most recent years as problematic in society . In modern society the representation of the ‘perfect’ and ‘healthy’ body have become a mainstream ideology where body issues are everywhere particularly for the young adult female and pre-adolescent girls, for they are always