Physiology Of The Kidney

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The purpose of this lap is to see the difference of urine of a healthy person and people with diseases. Like for example a person with untreated diabetes, a person working in a factory with hot and dry air, a person producing little antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or a person having urinary tract infection.
Let’s start with how kidney works. Kidneys are an important part of our body and are bean shaped organ that performs several important roles in the body, which is located below the ribcage. They are essential in the urinary system and their function is to remove extra fluid from the body, make urine, help to make red blood cells, controlling body’s chemical reaction, and even help to control blood pressure. The kidney removes extra wastes and extra water from the blood to form urine. And urine flows from the kidney to the bladder through the ureters.
The wastes comes from the food we eat and from the active muscle. The body uses the food for energy and other things it needs. After the body has taken what it needs, it is send to the kidney through the blood.
Each kidn...

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