Star Wars: The Clone Wars Essays

  • Prequels Of The Star Wars

    726 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Star Wars prequels were hated by a lot of people but, are they that bad? Some complaints against the prequels have been restated over and over again so much so that it’s just accepted as fact that the prequels are horrible movies that “ruined star wars” but are they? It didn’t live up to the hype leading up to the first movie but how could it? Showing Darth Vader the great mysterious villain as the eight year old boy nick named Annie was an odd choice destroying the mystery of one of the greats

  • Revenge of the Sith

    10376 Words  | 21 Pages

    REVENGE OF THE SITH Star Wars, Episode III This story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It is already over. Nothing can be done to change it. It is a story of love and loss, brotherhood and betrayal, courage and sacrifice and the death of dreams. It is a story of the blurred line between our best and our worst. It is the story of the end of an age. A strange thing about stories— Though this all happened so long ago and so far away that words cannot describe the time

  • The Star Wars Trilogy

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Star Wars Trilogy always have one thing that is stated: the Force. The Force is an unlimited power that is in every living objects. As exciting as that sounds, the idea of the Force has been created out of many religions. The idea of the Force came from different religion such as: Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity Taoism is related in the Force because the Force was viewed as energy around everything. When Obi-Wan told Luke that he should let go of his sight and follow the instincts

  • Drunken Master Essay

    2012 Words  | 5 Pages

    "Drunken Master" spawned a number of clone-films and this particular one is one of the best. Butcher Wing is a mediocre student of master Wong Fei Hung, a fact that has not forbidden him from carrying a rivalry with another school headed by Master Ko. Eventually, Wing's long lost brother arrives in town with his wife and Tai Ho, Master Ko's son abducts the girl. Later on, the story involves Beggar So, a lot of misunderstandings, murder and lastly a fight between Wing and Master Ko. Sammo Hung is

  • Western Self-Identity In Edward Said's Star Wars

    1076 Words  | 3 Pages

    The binary thought process and power dynamic invoked by Western history is very similar to the same thought process and power struggle the Jedi face with the "Others" in their universe. In the fictional universe of Star Wars, the Jedi are the guardians of the Star Wars universe, and the only beings powered by the mystical energy of the Force. The Force gives their lightsabers energy and gives them a constant source of "power", much like a wizard uses magic. The Jedi, the most powerful beings in the

  • Star Wars Episode 2 Essay

    689 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones” Star Wars is a testament to film excellence. The original trilogy was released and the world went nuts over the science fiction universe that George Lucas had created. Then came the prequels that did not receive as much admiration as the original trilogy. “Clones” falls into the prequel category. This movie sets up a young Jedi’s fall to darkness through emotions such as love and anger (which are prohibited within the jedi order). While mostly negative

  • Sci-Fi at It's Best: Star Wars

    1453 Words  | 3 Pages

    Star Wars is the biggest influence and best rated sci-fi series in all of America. With unforgettable characters, unique weapons and aircraft, and powerful mythology, Star Wars has shaped how all outer-planetary sci-fi movies and shows are made today. Although many people think Star Wars is an exact replica of Star Trek, they are sadly mistaken. Time frame, species, events, mythology, characters, it’s all different and in no way better than Star Wars. Star Wars began with one mans stellar imagination

  • Noncognitive Elements Of The Star Wars Rogue One

    1360 Words  | 3 Pages

    Star Wars Rogue One has many elements that contribute to why the movie is so famous today. People can connect with the movie in many ways but also fantasize what life would be like in the Star Wars galaxy. There are two elements that help the movie, such as the noncognitive elements that are very dominate and the cognitive elements that help people connect with the movie. I will break down each element into parts and how the elements contribute to how people perceive and understand the movie.

  • Star Wars

    675 Words  | 2 Pages

    Today is Star Wars Day, an unoffical holiday that celebrates the Star Wars franchise. With the announcement of a new Star Wars cast and a release date, it seems that everyone is looking forward to the future of the series and re-looking at the past Space opera. With the new information about the upcoming Star Wars film, Disney attraction and things and the numerous stories of the expanded universe, it is hard not to get interested in this imaginative series. So on May 4th, watch the film or the animated

  • The Personality Of Anakin Skywalker In Star Wars

    547 Words  | 2 Pages

    Anakin Skywalker is a fictional character in famous Star Wars movies. Also known as Darth Vader. On this paper I will examine his personality based on the prequel trilogy, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I will start by summarizing the relevant parts of trilogy about his actions, thoughts also important figures and events in his life in order the make a ground for personality assessment. At the first

  • The Pros And Cons Of Star Wars

    1029 Words  | 3 Pages

    Star Wars is a science fiction universe, created by the minds of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, which has been taking the world by loved since the 70’s. With its only main competitor being Star Trek, Star Wars has becoming ever more popular ever since its first red carpet premiere in 1977. There are six known movies, 2 different cartoon television series, countless merchandise sold, and much more. Recently Disney spent $4 billion for the ownership rights of the franchise. Was this a good idea

  • A Comparison Of The Star Wars Prequels

    1142 Words  | 3 Pages

    The third and final prequel to George Lucas's Star Wars trilogy Revenge of the Sith is the midpoint of the Star Wars saga. It is the climax of the Star Wars prequels and leads magnificently and flawlessly into the completion of the original trilogy. The original trilogy led up to a happy ending complete with fireworks and scenes of different planets celebrating. The prequels tell a similar hero's journey, but instead of an affirming story about believing in oneself, it is a dire warning about the

  • Chewbacca

    1344 Words  | 3 Pages

    Chewbacca (or Chewie) (c. 200 BBY - c. 25 ABY), a fictional character of the Star Wars universe, is 2.3 m (7.5 ft) tall Wookiee and co-pilot of Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca is the son of Attichitcuk, the husband of Mallatobuck, and the father of Lumpawarrump. Wise and sophisticated, he has a great deal of technological savvy. Chewbacca is known for his great strength and loyalty. While Chewie is perfectly able to understand the galactic-standard language Basic, he is unable

  • Jumping Right Into Anakin's War

    1816 Words  | 4 Pages

    When you think of the characters from George Lucas’ Star Wars, the main and arguably the most important character usually comes to mind. Anakin Skywalker, also called “The Chosen One” by many including his master, Obi Wan Kenobi ( Lucas: Revenge of the Sith), has no competition with being the face of the franchise, and has the most unique character development in the entire film series. Jumping right into Anakin's life without any backstory or knowledge of the character can make it hard to truly

  • Does Victor Frankenstein Use Of Technology

    1152 Words  | 3 Pages

    are defects to the procedure which it is done. There can be someone that can end up with two heads. I believe that cloning is dangerous because if I had a clone and he was kept in the dark. Would the clone kill me off to become me I believe so. Hollywood tries to encourage the use of clones For Example, Star wars and the sixth day. In Star Wars there are Storm Troopers that work for the Galactic Empire as there army and in the sixth day there also used for military purposes. By watching these movies

  • Star Wars And The Odyssey: An Epic Analysis

    968 Words  | 2 Pages

    that make an ordinary story an epic. These elements are portrayed in various forms in both Star Wars and The Odyssey. However, some are not so obvious or easily detected. This can help us decide which is a better example and which is a better choice to teach to students. Read on Having a vast setting that is often worldwide and perhaps even beyond, is one of the more basic elements of an epic. Star Wars and the Odyssey fit the criteria in that aspect pretty well. Odysseus travels all over the sea

  • The Ruthless Chancellor Palpatine

    1047 Words  | 3 Pages

    the most horrible events imaginable. One person who used power for evil was a character from the movie Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith created by George Lucas. The characters name was Chancellor Palpatine. In a span of about fifteen years, he was able to manipulate the political system of the Galactic Republic so that he would come to power. With various events such as the Clone Wars, he gained more and more power as Chancellor, so much so that the only thing that the Chancellor feared

  • Why I Love Star Wars

    562 Words  | 2 Pages

    my birthday. With it came a plethora of games. From Lego Star Wars, to Tomb Raider. One game stood above the rest, Star Wars Battlefront 2. Star Wars Battlefront 2 was a game made by Pandemic Studios in 2005. The game featured everything a young boy could dream of in a Star Wars game. There were multiple game modes including capture the flag, and team deathmatch. There was also a choice between The Clone Wars and The Galactic Civil War time periods. Playing the game with my dad was one of my

  • The Negative Impact Of Star Wars On Pop Culture

    776 Words  | 2 Pages

    It is surely undeniable that the Star Wars movies have had one of the biggest impacts of all time on sci-fi film and more importantly on pop culture. The six films combined with the countless remediations, such as toys, video games, and spin-off shows, have made the Star Wars franchise a holder of the Guinness World Records title “World’s most successful film merchandising franchise”. So what exactly made these movies so wildly successful and loved by all that they spawned this huge amount of remediations

  • Feminism In Star Wars Movies

    883 Words  | 2 Pages

    national icons such as Rosie the Riveter who was a symbol for the women working in the factories during World War two, many other attributes had immense impacts on the movement. One of these attributes is pop culture, and in specifically the Star Wars movies. While they are not the most influential female characters