The Star Wars Trilogy

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The Star Wars Trilogy always have one thing that is stated: the Force. The Force is an unlimited power that is in every living objects. As exciting as that sounds, the idea of the Force has been created out of many religions. The idea of the Force came from different religion such as: Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity
Taoism is related in the Force because the Force was viewed as energy around everything. When Obi-Wan told Luke that he should let go of his sight and follow the instincts to guard the blaster. Luke utilized his instincts to follow the energy around him and was able to guard the blaster. This suggests that Taoism is in the Force because when Luke used his instincts it revealed concepts of Taoism called Wu Wei. Wu Wei is the concept of following the way instead of thinking. This idea is also in the Force when Luke relied on his instincts to shoot the Death Star instead of using his aiming mechanics. Another example revealing that Taoism is an idea in the Force is when Qui-Gon mentioned that there was no accidents that happens. When nothing is an accident, it suggests that everything that happens for a reason. This leads to Taoism in where people should let nature take its course and follow through. The Force revealed Taoism when Luke was training with Yoda. Yoda had told Luke to do or do not. He said do not try. This reveals Taoism because instead of trying, Luke must do it without thinking. The Force contains the concept of Wu Wei from Taoism. It is when people let go of their surroundings and that is when they will be able to feel other living energies. This is the concept the Force has obtained from Taoism. Not only is Taoism in the Force, Hinduism is also utilized in the idea of the Force.
Hinduism is...

... middle of paper ... and meaningful. The Force not only provided many evidence for religion, it also provided a way to most religion into one. The religions were from different places as well as different time. To create one concept out of a few religions reveals how different religions may not be as different as implied. Overall, the Force revealed that many religion are not as different from each other.

Works Cited, “Buddhism.”, “Hinduism.”, “Taoism.”
Beliefnet, “The Tao of Star Wars.”
Bethinking,“‘Feeling The Force’ - Star Wars and spiritual truth.”

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