Jumping Right Into Anakin's War

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When you think of the characters from George Lucas’ Star Wars, the main and arguably the most important character usually comes to mind. Anakin Skywalker, also called “The Chosen One” by many including his master, Obi Wan Kenobi ( Lucas: Revenge of the Sith), has no competition with being the face of the franchise, and has the most unique character development in the entire film series. Jumping right into Anakin's life without any backstory or knowledge of the character can make it hard to truly understand his actions and realize how damaging all of the injuries, deaths, and battles he experienced was to not only his physical health, but also to his mental stability. Born on Tatooine, the fictional sand planet, Anakin grew up with his mother …show more content…

(Lucas and Filoni, The Clone Wars ). In his life, Anakin shows many examples of physical courage, bodily injury or death, mental pain, and lifelong disabilities. Every battle Anakin fought in without a doubt needed courage to face, whether it be the many events in the Clone Wars, or the duels against high ranking Sith Apprentices and Lords (Lucas and Filoni, The Clone Wars) (Lucas, Attack of the Clones). Anakin also faced many injuries in the series, such as the loss of his right arm whilst fighting against the sith lord Count Dooku. (Lucas, Attack of the Clones) not only did this affect his midichlorian count, but it inhibited his future power. Mental pain for Anakin can be proven as the main reason as to why he eventually came to the inevitable and turned to the dark side. Lucas, Revenge of the Sith. Many argue that his wife, Padme Amidala, also known as the Queen of Naboo, is the cause of him spiraling out of control and committing the heinous acts he did. After meeting on Tatooine, Anakin grew fond of Padme and …show more content…

Almost like a puppet on strings, Anakin followed orders Emperor Palpatine, an undercover Sith lord posing as a senator for Naboo, and as stated by Obi Wan “You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now, until now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy.”(Lucas, Revenge of the Sith, 01:58:02-01:58:13). Lucas, The Phantom Menace; Lucas,Attack of the Clones. The final moments of “Anakin Skywalker” consisted of a duel against his former master, Obi Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, accompanied by Padme, Anakin instantly flipped a switch after realizing his master ‘attempted’ to turn her against him. And after being confronted for his actions and discrete marriage, Anakin's fear of losing his wife aided him in the hatred fueled duel, knowing that if he defeated Obi Wan he could rule peacefully with Palpatine and Padme. Of course, it did not end this way, and after finally cutting him down, Obi Wan gave him a final goodbye, leaving him to burn alive on the lava planet. Until he was found barely alive by the Emperor, who took him in and nursed him back to health. Lucas, Revenge of the Sith. This essentially summarizes the fall of Anakin, and how all of the courageous acts he committed gave him some temporary glory, but the looming fear of losing Padme quite literally drove him insane. Throughout the prequels, (Lucas, The Phantom Menace), (Lucas, Attack of the Clones), (Lucas: Revenge

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