Revenge Of The Sith Analysis

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Quite possibly one of the most iconic openings in cinematic history is “A Long time ago in a galaxy far far away.” Of course, I am referring to Star Wars. It is such a fascinating and great movie going experience. There have been a total of seven Star Wars films, but in this essay I am going to be focusing on Star Wars: Episode 3- Revenge of the Sith. This film was written and directed by George Lucas and of the science fiction genre. Revenge of the Sith was released in theaters on May 19, 2005. The constant theme throughout this movie is the battle between good and evil, right and wrong, and light and dark. Anakin Skywalker is the main protagonist throughout this film. There is an internal fight going on within him concerning what side of the force he should follow. The light side means he would have to allow Padme, his wife, to die. The dark side would allow him to save her or at least have the fear of losing her. He slowly starts to turn to the dark side with guidance from Darth Sidious (Chancellor Palpatine). Anakin believes he is doing the right thing which in turn will save Padme from dying in childbirth. One could make the argument that perhaps Anakin was amoral in the way he dealt with his experiences. On the other hand, he was just a man who let his emotions and desires control …show more content…

Both mention that there is a savior or a chosen one that will bring about peace. There is the overwhelming emphasis on the battle between good and evil. The dark side being the evil and the light side being the good. Palpatine could be compared to the devil. He tempts Anakin to do terrible things. He wants to save his wife and is convinced by Palpatine that coming to the dark side is the only way this can be done. Yoda tells Anakin not to fear death and that they go onto a better place. Yoda is meaning they become a part of the force, but it could be compared to saying that those who pass will go to

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