Man With The Iron Heads Direct Characterization

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In, “Man with the Iron Heads,” Gary Paulsen used indirect characterization to develop Jay’s character. The most effective type of indirect characterization used to develop Jay’s character was actions. I was able to learn a great deal about Jay through the way he conducted himself throughout the story. Jay is watchful. Jay is on the lookout for Blade and Blade’s boys. According to the text, “I watch for them. I watch for Blade’s boys every waking minute of every day.” (6). This action reveals that Jay doesn’t want to get caught by Blade. Through Jay’s actions we learn he is also shy. This is shown when the man who makes the iron heads smiles at him and Jay slowly waves back. This is a timid response. The text states, “And he smiles. Nods and smiles to say hi, …show more content…

Jay is shy due to the limited amount of social interaction that he has experienced. We also discover that Jay is afraid of Blade. Jay is afraid of what Blade could do to him because of what Blade has done to other people. On page 13, “If I don’t get back up to Layla’s apartment soon, I’ll run into Blade’s people.” (13). This shows that since Jay is afraid of Blade, so he quickly hurries back to Layla’s apartment so he doesn’t get caught by Blade. Jealous is another way one could describe Jay. Jay is envious of what other people have since he has so little. The author states, “They made us read that book you wrote and everybody in your book was happy, living in good houses, talking about their problems until the problems went away.” (16). Jay wishes he had the type of life described in the book. The way the author explains how Jay finds food shows he is resourceful. Jay doesn’t live in a family where groceries are purchased regularly or in enough of a quantity. The text states, “I used to shop for food at Skinny Tony’s corner store half a block away. I used to shop without money, but Skinny Tony got too smart.” (18). Jay would steal food from the shelves since his aunt only

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