Rating scale Essays

  • Pain Rating Scales

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    measure Pain scales are reliable only to compare the intensity of one patient's pain at different times, thus allowing clinicians and patients to judge whether pain intensity is increasing or decreasing with time and treatment. Pain rating scales: Pain rating scales used in daily clinical practice generally deal with pain intensity that is how much a person hurts. Mainly there are two types of pain scales, the verbal scales and the nonverbal or observational scales. Verbal scales are used in

  • Hamilton Rating Scale

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    evaluate the effectiveness and accuracy of the Hamilton rating scale for depression a 17-item scale (HRSD-17) and three self-report questionnaires patient Health Questionnaire – a 9 item scale, Epidemiologic studies depression Scale (CES-D) questionnaire and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) – a 7 item scale. Students at the university of Stirling were all shown a video and asked ask to mark the totals scores using the Hamilton rating scale. Introduction The diagnostic and statistical

  • Toddler Rating Scale

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    Toddler Rating Scale is just one of the four scales that share the same format and use a scoring system. All the scales have different requirements because they assess different age groups and different settings. These tests are checking on the organization of space, interactions, activities, schedules and provisions of staff and parents. This scale is specifically set up for children from birth to 30 months of age; this group is most vulnerable physically, emotionally and mentally. This scale assesses

  • Hamilton Rating Scale For Depression

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    Sukendu, Ranadip & Sarmila, 2012). With that being said, various scales of measurements have been developed in order to determine a reliable diagnosis. One of these scales includes the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (also known as the HAM-D or HRDS). The Hamilton Depression Scale, published by Max Hamilton, is the most widely used depression-rating scale in the world (Malay, Asish, Sukendu, Ranadip & Sarmila, 2012). The scale was established in 1960 as a measure of depressive symptoms that

  • The ADHD Rating Scale-IV

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    The ADHD Rating Scale-IV is designed to be used with children ages 5 to 18 and consists of scales for the Home and School. The Home version is also available in Spanish. The scales are rated according to symptom frequency on a 4-point scale of 9 to 3 (never or rarely) to (very often) and each has 18 items. The checklists are designed to be completed by parents and teachers who have observed the child for six months. Divided across four age groups, the scores are reported as percentile ranks separately

  • Self-Rating Scale for Depression

    1438 Words  | 3 Pages

    Application In order to recognize depression, self-rating scales can be useful between groups of patients with the risk increased for the depression. These scales are valuable to discover patients, evaluating the result of treatment and the course of the depression. The scales that they autoappraise are also independent from which doctor the patient they are, hence the result is a more patient ligature compared to a clinical evaluation. If the scale of autoposition indicates that the patient suffers

  • Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale

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    could potentially be changed for a better quality classroom. This being said, the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale will definitely impact me as a teacher. These are things I will unquestionably be taking into consideration when starting my career as an educator. After

  • Infant Toddler Rating Scale Essay

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    Toddler Rating Scale is just one of the four scales that share the same format and use a scoring system. All the scales have different requirements because they assess different age groups and different settings. These tests are checking on the organization of space, interactions, activities, schedules and provisions of staff and parents. This scale is specifically setup for children from birth to 30 months of age; this group is most vulnerable physically, emotionally and mentally. This scale assesses

  • Assessing Clinical Depression According to the MADRS

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    indecisevness (7)suicide ideation The criteria must include either a depressed mood or loss of pleasure. The following study will be concerned with the assessment of depression. In particular we will examine the Montgomery and Asberg Depression rating scale (MADRS). A standardised assessment system is important for both therapist and patient. With a system that clinicians have agreed upon it is much simpler to align assessments and treatments. It ensures that when three different clinicians interview

  • A Non-native Rater's Perception of the IELTS Analytical Rating Scale

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    In the past,large scale and standardized testing organizations have implemented language assessments aimed to assess the English language proficiency of students aiming to study in higher education.These high stake tests play a vital role when decisions made on individual performance and its outcome is considered as a diagnosis of the test takers’ ability.Among these performance, the International English Language Testing System ( IELTS) writing score is considered by most universities

  • Essay On The Likert Scale And The Stapel Scale

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    questionnaire or scale. This simple approach will help answer many questions that the group or organization is looking to explore. Even though I mentioned simple questionnaire, putting one of these questionnaires or scale together involves using different techniques and approaches to effectively interpret each and every response. The following examples of scales are just a few of the many different ways a group or organization may conduct their marketing research. These examples are the Likert Scale, Semantic

  • Preference Reversal And Expert

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    Subjects in gambling tasks that involve both choice and pricing show a pattern of responses known as preference reversal. That is, although subjects in a choice condition generally will give higher preference ratings to “safe';, high-probability/low-payoff, bets than to “longshot';, low-probability/high-payoff, bets, when they are asked in a pricing condition to generate an amount of money that they would accept to avoid the gamble altogether they tend to give higher values for longshots

  • Analysis of Tender Option Bonds

    4850 Words  | 10 Pages

    TOBs are synthetically created short-term tax exempt instruments. A TOB sponsor will buy a portfolio of fixed rate, long term municipal bonds with ratings between AA-AAA and combine them with an interest rate swap to create short term tax exempt floating rate bonds. The tax-exempt status creates a high level of demand particularly from investors who seek tax exempt cash flow as a source of annual income and revenue. The buyers of TOBs are for the most part money market mutual funds. Money market

  • Earthquakes

    2186 Words  | 5 Pages

    I chose to research earthquakes and the prediction of earthquakes because I was curious as to how they work. In this paper, I will discus the history of earthquakes, the kinds and locations of earthquakes, earthquake effects, intensity scales, prediction, and my own predictions. An earthquake can be defined as vibrations produced in the earth's crust. Tectonic plates have friction between them which builds up as it tries to push away and suddenly ruptures and then rebounds. The vibrations can range

  • Media and Television - Analysis of the V-Chip

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    During the last decade, media ratings have been used as a means of addressing concerns about "objectionable" or potentially harmful media content. Politicians, entertainment industry leaders, and parents alike have turned to media ratings as a "middle ground" to such concerns somewhere between direct government censorship and not addressing the issue at all. While movie ratings have been in place for several decades, there was a trend in adoption of a rating system for media such as television

  • Metaphors In The Vietnam War

    2551 Words  | 6 Pages

    Metaphors that Justify War Truth Uncloaked Do you think we had all the information that was at the President's disposal when he made the decision to deploy our troops in the Gulf? Do you think having that information might have made you feel more comfortable about our involvement? Should our government decide what we get to know and what we don't? By in large, we hear exactly what our government wants us to hear. Knowing this, at no other time paralleled in history, we want the truth;

  • Pornography Does Not Cause Rape

    2740 Words  | 6 Pages

    is that the mass media does not cause undesirable social behaviour and in actuality, the media people should not be dubbed as the "bad guys".  They simply use their power in the most constructive ways possible in order to promote their ratings and popularity.  One way to do that is to concentrate on what sells: sex, violence and disaster. Having said this, why is it then, that many in society still believe otherwise; why do they continue to believe that pornography is

  • Microsoft Vs. Government

    1466 Words  | 3 Pages

    because of the increased probability of price wars and more opportunity for critical innovation in the industry. Also, the eventual decision made by the government concerning the future of Microsoft will play a key role in future public approval ratings. Empirically speaking, the companies, an... ... middle of paper ... ... create an unhealthy, unbalanced market place for computer and computer software industry. The consequences are too dire to let Microsoft go on like it has in the past

  • School Uniforms Solving the Problem

    507 Words  | 2 Pages

    School Uniforms Solving the Problem Over the past couple of years, school uniform policies have been enforced as the most efficient method for “solving” problems such as crime and attendance ratings in our public schools. Many schools state that it is quite true that uniforms are lowering such mentioned rates of crime tremendously, but can this really be proven? Currently, there have only been informal studies that try to actually see if uniforms are helping, no long term studies. Technically

  • The Problem of Video Game Violence is Exaggerated

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    only) rating on the front of the videogame cover. This means that only players seventeen or older should be playing such games. However, many children around the ages of twelve and under are acquiring these video games as gifts or are purchasing the games themselves. Therefore, it can be assumed that the parents are purchasing M-rated games for their children, and that stores are willingly selling these young children M-rated games. As Paul Keegan says, parents are not following these ratings and stores