Infant Toddler Rating Scale Essay

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The Infant and Toddler Rating Scale is just one of the four scales that share the same format and use a scoring system. All the scales have different requirements because they assess different age groups and different settings. These tests are checking on the organization of space, interactions, activities, schedules and provisions of staff and parents. This scale is specifically setup for children from birth to 30 months of age; this group is most vulnerable physically, emotionally and mentally. This scale assesses the environment for the children’s health and safety, appropriate stimulation through language and activities with warm interactions. There are challenges trying to meet the needs these children in a group setting because they require a lot of interaction and personal attention in order to thrive. Another thing we get from doing these assessments is the scores are letting us know what is happening in the classroom, because it can help us improve the quality of care given to the infants and toddlers. There have been revisions made to ITERS which is why it’s known as ITERS-R. They are now able to answer some questions with yes or no and even NA. By making changes like this we are able to be more …show more content…

Always need time to communicate with the parents either formal or informal so we can build trust and be cultural sensitive. We can also provide parents with support and education with whatever the child’s needs might be. For the children we help them understand the language and reasoning skills. Math and numbers can be taught is so many ways through play that the children won’t get stressed. Nature and science when we provide them with things that are naturally in their surroundings they get a chance to investigate. Promote acceptance of diversity and do things to help all the children learn something new and interact with different activities when sharing their

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