Principles Of Relationship Building With Children

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The main principles of relationship building with children are:- Active listening, this is not just listening with your ears. You need to show appropriate feedback repeating some of what has been said, maybe in the form of a question. Engage with the child you are talking to and answer/respond when required. Children copy behaviour of others so you need to be the best role model you possibly can be. Children need clear boundaries and limits within the school. They need to know that certain behaviour/actions are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. These boundaries are often outlined in a Home-School agreement that sets out what the school will accept/do. What the parents/careers are expected to follow and also how the child is expected to …show more content…

Time should be given to communicate effectively. Everyone has a bad day. This may be caused by illness or tiredness, people react out of character and sometimes communication breaks down because comments are made and misinterpreted. We should always take the time to consider others feelings. Laughter and good humour can relieve tensions and add to relationship building but must only be used at appropriate times. Showing an interest in an individualâ€TMs experiences proves that you are listening actively. Question: Question 3 Answer: Social background can affect relationships and the way people communicate. If a person is the youngest member of a family they may be quite forceful as they are used to fighting to be heard or easily intimidated if older siblings speak for them or control the personâ€TMs actions. If parents divorce children may be used to adults arguing and may repeat phrases or actions that they witness. If a parent loses their job it could also affect a child who may want to talk about it may become withdrawn. Remarriage or step-families could also affect a child's communication. If the child is …show more content…

The child may repeat the actions of the step sibling using any animosity that maybe there. This could also make the child feel insecure and unsettled making them with drawn. Professional background affects how people communicate as people who have higher professional status need to hold authority using tone of voice and language to support this. They need to deal with and resolve difficult situations. If someone holds a lower professional status they need to accept instructions and sometimes criticism. For example a school cleaner would not tell the Headteacher how to run their school, but would need to accept the Headteacher telling the cleaner how to clean the school. In some cultures females are treated with less respect, so a female child may not be very forth coming in a group discussion where a male child may be more dominant and freely spoken. A

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