Qwest Essays

  • Manipulating Earnings Paper

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    years was Qwest Communications with Joe Nacchio at the helm. I have friends and family that have worked at Qwest Communications for years and they lost significant amounts of money courtesy of Joe Nacchio who altered the books to show that the company was performing better than it really was and because of his actions the company’s stock nose dived when the fraud was

  • First Break All The Rules Summary

    774 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. Connect: Leaders must show that they value employees. In First, Break All the Rules, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman argue that managers trump companies. Employee-focused initiatives such as profit sharing and implementing work–life balance initiatives are important. However, if employees’ relationship with their managers is fractured, then no amount of perks will persuade employees to perform at top levels. Employee engagement is a direct reflection of how employees feel about their relationship

  • First Year Model Rocket Summary

    777 Words  | 2 Pages

    First Year Model Rockets Dr Hüseyin Sarper’s article, “ First-year project experience in Aerospace: Apogee Determination of Model Rockets with Explicit Consideration of Drag Effec,t” examines the processes associated with determining the apogee of a rocket while exploring the viewpoint of first year students. By utilizing outside research and a variety of scientific tools, Sarper conducts experiments and launches several rockets to calculate the apogee of model rockets. The project takes place within

  • Business Ethics - Case Study og Global Crossing and Its Owner Gary Winnick

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    company’s respectability he entered into negotiations to purchase long distance provider Frontier for $11.2 billion, followed in the next quarter by the announcement of a deal of $37 billion to buy US West which ultimately fell through after losing out to Qwest. The acquisitions were meant to provide cash flow and raise the awareness and respectability of Global Crossing, allowing Winnick’s stake in Global crossing to grow in excess of $4.5 billion. In 1999 Winnick abandoned his previous plan to raise capital

  • Ljm1 Internal Control Essay

    1125 Words  | 3 Pages

    1. What important internal controls were ignored when LJM1 was created? Internal controls are those company policies that are established to safeguard company assets, to ensure that accounting records are prepared in a reliable manner and to guarantee the achievement of organizational objectives (Wilson & Key, 2011). LJM1 ignored several important internal controls by violating Enron’s code of conduct. First, the company’s managers were forbidden from assuming any managerial or financial role of

  • Oligopoly

    1446 Words  | 3 Pages

    An oligopoly describes a market situation in which there are limited or few sellers. Each seller knows that the other seller or sellers will react to its changes in prices and also quantities. This can cause a type of chain reaction in a market situation. In the world market there are oligopolies in steel production, automobiles, semi-conductor manufacturing, cigarettes, cereals, and also in telecommunications. Often times oligopolistic industries supply a similar or identical product. These companies

  • Public Relations-Class Project-Written Cor Plan For The School And Community Relations Plan

    1360 Words  | 3 Pages

    School and Community Relations-Class Project-Written PR Plan Introduction The Emmett School District could benefit from a formalized public relations plan that includes detailed strategies for communicating key messages and the mission/vision of the district, listening to and responding to public input, sharing successes (marketing), working with the media, and training staff in effective communications. The following paper outlines the process of developing and implementing a plan from the standpoint

  • Understanding Professionalism: Traits for Success

    1257 Words  | 3 Pages

    The term professional is thrown around quite a bit these days, perhaps too much. I do it myself. But what exactly does it mean to be a professional? As you read through the items below, consider how you compare with each trait. 1: Put customer satisfaction first Understanding and satisfying your customer's needs are the cornerstones of a successful business. Do what is necessary to meet those needs. After all, without the customer, there is no professional. You may not view those you work with as

  • The Consequences of Bad Business Decisions

    1312 Words  | 3 Pages

    In today's world business is very competitive. To compete with other company's executives have turned to corrupt practices. Once respected businesses like Enron, WorldCom, and Arthur Anderson have been found deceiving there customers, stockholders, and employees. C.E.O.'s try to achieve the American dream and pursue capitalism to its fullest potential. In doing so, business leaders have lost their values and ethics, and make bad business decisions. The downfalls of a company are the consequence of

  • Fraud Case Study

    1309 Words  | 3 Pages

    statement fraud is one of the biggest types of fraud in today’s business world. The complexity and mechanism of financial statement fraud brought the attention of auditors and regulators. Financial scandals of Enron, WorldCom, Xerox, Tyco, Parmalat, Qwest, and Satam Computers increased the auditors’ responsibility in detecting and preventing fraudulent transactions. Corporate financial fraud had negative consequences for the market capitalization due to gigantic losses of investors. In addition, accounting

  • A Scope Of Microsoft

    1656 Words  | 4 Pages

    There are many factors that must be considered when “scoping” out a company for a potential merger or acquisition. I being the CEO of a major competitive software manufacturing company look for many things. Things such as strategic planning, financial performance, technological advances and marketing opportunities are just some of the factors that must be looked at when considering another company for acquisition. In this case, Microsoft Corporation is our target. I will be examining the above-mentioned

  • Ethical and Regulatory Issues Facing the Telecommunications Industry

    1615 Words  | 4 Pages

    local phone service. By 1999, 98% of homes had no choice in local service (Wikipedia, 2005). Passage of the Act resulted in several mergers including AT&T's purchase of TCI Corporation, the merger between Bell Atlantic and NYNEX, the merger between Qwest and US West, the merger between SBC and AT&T, and the merger between Sprint and Nextel. The purpose of this document is to discuss regulatory issues facing the telecommunications industry. In this document, we will discuss a list of best practices

  • RadioShack SWOT Analysis For Management

    1758 Words  | 4 Pages

    Throughout my college career, I have been involved in a wide variety of organizations and internships that not only refined my business skills, but also provided me the realistic experience in the business realm. I have experienced a wide-range of activities and work that span from selling automobile parts to providing services to patients recovering from substance abuse and mental illness. Throughout this journey, I was given an opportunity to not only develop my business marketing skills, but

  • Adaptive Lacrosse Essay

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    When most people think of the fastest growing sport in the United States they would think of football or basketball however that is way off. Even though those are the most popular sports they are not the fastest growing, the fastest growing sport in the United States is Lacrosse. From 2002 to 20012 lacrosse participation went up 218.1 percent and in 2013 746,859 players competed on organized lacrosse teams (Rovell)(Smith). According to Mo Rocca lacrosse went from America’s oldest team sport to its

  • Biggie Smalls: The Life Of The Waste Of People

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    “Damn right I love the life I live, cause I went from negative, to positive.” This is one of the most well-known quotes stated by The Notorious B.I.G. He was an extremely talented rapper and person. Christopher Wallace, AKA Biggie Smalls was one of the most respected and successful artists worldwide. Though his career was short, it was extremely successful. Biggie Smalls was the son of Jamaican parents, Violetta Wallace and George Latore. His father left the family when Biggie was just one years

  • Strategic Audit on T-Mobile

    1688 Words  | 4 Pages

    Strategic Audit on T-Mobile Contents Company Profile 3 Vision and Mission Statement and Company Objectives 3 Competitive Strategy of T-Mobile 4 Business Model Used by T-mobile 4 Company’s Ethics and Social Responsibility 5 Porter’s Five Forces Model 5 Driving Forces 6 Industry Rivals Positioned 6 Key Factors for Being a Success in the Market 6 References 8 Company Profile T-Mobile US, Inc., which was earlier MetroPCS Communications, Inc., became corporate on March 10, 2004. T-Mobile

  • The Wealth Effect

    3906 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Wealth Effect The "Wealth Effect" refers to the propensity of people to spend more if they have more assets. The premise is that when the value of equities rises so does our wealth and disposable income, thus we feel more comfortable about spending. The wealth effect has helped power the US economy over 1999 and part of 2000, but what happens to the economy if the market tanks? The Federal Reserve has reported that for every $1 billion in increase in the value of equities, Americans will

  • lena horne

    9050 Words  | 19 Pages

    Singer/actress Lena Horne's primary occupation was nightclub entertaining, a profession she pursued successfully around the world for more than 60 years, from the 1930s to the 1990s. In conjunction with her club work, she also maintained a recording career that stretched from 1936 to 2000 and brought her three Grammys, including a Lifetime Achievement Award in 1989; she appeared in 16 feature films and several shorts between 1938 and 1978; she performed occasionally on Broadway, including in her

  • Case Study of Nortel Networks

    8655 Words  | 18 Pages

    Case Study of Nortel Networks Vision Statement "Nortel Networks mission is being a company that's valued by its customers, shareholders, employees, and the communities in which our people live, work, and raise their families"[1]. Introduction Nortel's Core Values Our people are our strength: Nortel boasts the importance they place on their employees and the contributions they make to the organization. We create superior value for our customers: The company claims that their products