Pound cake Essays

  • Analysis of Bill Cosby’s “The Pound Cake Speech”

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    During the 2004 NAACP awards ceremony at Washington, D.C., in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the landmark case Brown vs. Board of Education , Bill Cosby delivers a speech, which would be subsequently referred to as “The Pound Cake Speech, criticizing the lifestyle and lack of parenting in the African–American community. The speech has been severely criticized for it is delivery and topics expressed within it. Author Jerome Corsi notes, "Cosby was attacked both for his flippant tone and

  • Analysis Of Pound Cake Speech By Bill Cosby

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    Among the young, it seems like there is an epidemic of bad behaviors. Teenagers aren’t finishing high school, they are getting knocked up, and going to prison/jail. In his “Pound Cake Speech” Bill Cosby addresses these issues to the African American community. His speech was an emotional view of parenting these days. Bill Cosby argues that the 50 percent dropout rate in schools is because of parenting, children not speaking English grammatically is because of parenting, children having children is

  • Analysis Of Vanilla Cake

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    VANILLA CAKE Ingredients Cake: 1 stick (8 tablespoons) unsalted butter, at room temperature, plus more for the pans 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled, plus more for the pans 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon fine salt 2 cups granulated sugar 1/2 cup vegetable oil 5 large eggs, at room temperature 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract 1 cup milk Frosting: 3 sticks (1 1/2 cups) unsalted butter, at room temperature Pinch fine salt 3 1/4 cups

  • Recipe: Vanilla Infused Couscous Pudding

    1982 Words  | 4 Pages

    Vanilla Infused Couscous Pudding Serves 6 / Prep time: 20 minutes / Cook time: 20 minutes Couscous replaces the rice in this dish, creating a slightly different taste and a unique texture in this family favorite. The vanilla bean adds an intense flavor and delightful small vanilla seeds to the pudding, but you can substitute extract if you do not have beans. Look for vanilla beans in the baking section of your local grocery store. 1½ cups plain rice milk ½ cup water 1 vanilla bean, split ½ cup

  • Comparing Executed Consideration and Past Consideration

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    When a promise is made in exchange for an act, when that act is performed, it is executed consideration for example when you go to a bakery and ask the baker to make you a birthday cake and you pay for his services in advance then we can call the payment Executed consideration for the bakers promise to make the cake. PAST CONSIDERATION If a party voluntarily acts and then the other party makes a promise, the act is said to be "past consideration" since the act was already performed and not made

  • Carrot Cake Essay

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    key ingredients are needed to create carrot cake. What is carrot cake you ask? Why it’s an old-fashioned favorite! Mildly spiced, made with fresh shreds of carrots and toasted walnuts, filled and frosted with a soft cream cheese buttercream. Finished with a sprinkle of toasted walnuts and you have heaven in your mouth. You can easily buy a box of carrot cake mix at any local supermarket, but the question is, will it be as spectacular as a home made cake? The answer is no, along with being delicious

  • Personal Narrative Essay: A Warm Chocolate Chip Cookie

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    cookie when all of a sudden someone caught me. Goodness I am glad to see Sarah. Come to think of it, she probably is a lot of the reason why I am so into sweets in the first place. Whenever I go over to her house, her mother would feed me pounds of her fantastic cake and she never fails to give me more than enough. That’s it, she is the one to blame for this obsession of mine. But honestly let’s worry about that later, after I’ve enjoyed this dream world I am currently in.

  • Song Analysis: We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel

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    Every song has a story to tell, and some contain hidden stories or lessons, while others are completely blatant. In Billy Joel’s song, “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” he does not hesitate to be very obvious with what he tries to prove, which is how all of the events in his song contribute to one large fire. I chose to remediate Joel’s song because it spoke to me with historical context. When researching the song, I read a majority of the history behind it and decided to reflect upon it in a visual picture

  • White Bread

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    White Bread The plastic wrapper of a loaf of Wonderbread’s D’Italiano white bread is colored brightly with the primary colors one associates with childhood and kindergarten playroom activities. The swirling script lettering of the word D’Italiano makes the bread seem somehow more special than bread packaged with ordinary block lettering. On both ends of the shiny, clear wrapper, boldly colored round dots resembling bright balloons are arranged upon a blazing red background, conveying the joy

  • The Anniversary Party

    2987 Words  | 6 Pages

    shakes her head and takes a coconut cake into the other room while she remembers the hot day in Georgia when she lost her French name - Bertat. Bertat, Bertat. That name - incredibly beautiful, with the little lilt at the end lifting it up. She remembers becoming "Mrs. Alexander" and then incorporating the name when they started the "ALEXANDER'S OFFICE SUPPLIES" stores in Milledgeville, Macon, and Dublin, Georgia, where they live. And she puts the coconut cake down where it goes, where it will sit

  • Brian Skyrms? Evolution of the Social Contract

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    example, Skyrms proposes there is a cake that must be divided between two individuals. Each individual is looking to maximize his or her utility, and therefore, wants as much of the cake as possible. However, there is a third party, or what Skryms labels a “referee.” The two individuals must determine the percentage or portion of the cake they want and summit these requests to the referee. The percentages must not exceed 100%, or the referee will consume all the cake. It is therefore not in either parties’

  • Metaphors We Live By written by Lakoff and Johnson

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    then I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien I recently read the book Metaphors We Live By written by Lakoff and Johnson. I had always thought that metaphors, when used to illustrate logical, objective arguments, poetical flourishes, the icing on the cake, the supporting cast but never the star. I'm now convinced otherwise. Lakoff and Johnson propose that the language we use affects the way we think and the way we think affects the language we use. I am reminded of the old saying: "As a man thinkith

  • Their Eyes Were Watching God

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    portly stomach. Joe Starks was the knight who could rescue that damsel in distress. However, Tea Cakes started off with a “sweep you off of you feet” type meeting, which could not be turned down. He possessed charm and grace and had this unique ability to make Janie feel special.  “Yuh can’t beat uh woman” Page 96 I like this line. It is so playful and flattering, and in my opinion…TRUE. Tea Cakes knows a little some thing about woman. He does not see them as trophies to be put on the mantle

  • What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander

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    potato pies of hers, and continue on with her cakes. Of the cakes she prepared, the carrot cake was the one in which she took her time. When it is time for the carrot cake to be made, my mother becomes like a sculptor taking nothing and creating something that is truly divine. As I watch her bake the carrot cake year after year, it is always the same, as if all time stands still while she is preparing and mixing her ingredients. Once the carrot cake is finished, it is one of the most heavenly mouth

  • The Quest for Affection in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

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    loving intimacy. The pollinated bee careful... ... middle of paper ... ...h and every chair and thing. Commenced to sing, commenced to sob to sigh, singing and sobbing. Then Tea Cake came prancing around her where she was and the song of the sigh flew out of the window and lit in the top of the pine trees. Tea Cake, with the sun for a shawl. Of course he wasn’t dead. He could never be dead until she herself had finished feeling and thinking. The kiss of his memory made pictures of love and light


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    Hawaii’s fruit cake or popularly known as “happy cake” is Hawaii's most famous and delicious cake which was originally made of pineapple, roasted macadamia nuts and fresh coconut. It was founded by Dick Rodby in 1967 and first served at the legendary restaurant at Kemo’o Farm in Wahiawa. As the days passed, Hawaiian cake became popular all over the country and orders have been their regular guest, until later throughout United States people begun to order this delightful fruit cake from Kemo’o Farm

  • Reflection On Their Eyes Were Watching God

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    while-vs.-black world. It is not until Janie matures and gets a life of her own that she realizes this. As the story progresses, there is more of this racial tension, especially towards the end of the novel. After a hurricane overtook Janie and Tea Cakes current home in the Everglades, they arrive at a town of only whites and others who previously arrived there also attempting to

  • Cake Essay

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cake symbolizes joy, love, appreciation, and even accomplishments. It is served during weddings, birthdays, and many different party settings. The cakes are almost always made to honor or mean something to the recipient. They are edible art, to be viewed and consumed with love and happiness on the most joyous occasions. Most cakes for these types of special occasions are ordered in a cake bakery. This process can seem daunting to someone that is looking for the prefect cake. Whether it is a simple

  • Argumentative Essay On The Cake Day

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    There are cakes all over the world that symbolize different events such as birthday parties, special events, or if you are like me where every day is national cake day. Cake can mean much more than that though. You can use cake to symbolize your life is a way you never thought about for example; comparing a cake to making the perfect relationship with someone. It may seem crazy, but just here me out. There are many types of cake in the world that have many different flavors, styles, layers, and recipes

  • Advantages Of Pancakes

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    Humans may be a great fan of breakfast foods, but not all breakfast foods are created equal. Pancakes, while sometimes favorable, can be inconsistent; waffles, however, are perfect in every way, shape, and form, eliminating user error. A pancake is made from batter, but a waffle is made from the hopes and dreams of mankind. Waffles are better than pancakes because of their consistency and equally sized portions, among other things. Variety: Waffles can be made into pretty much anything, and aren't