PBS Kids Essays

  • PBS and Children’s Television as a Vehicle to teach reading

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    characters pop out of books; vowel sing and words take on a life of their own. Each show on PBS has a curriculum, a list of things to learn that can help kids succeed in school and in life. PBS encourages creativity and critical thinking to young children. The purpose of this paper is to explain to you the readers of why PBS children television is a positive learning tool to teach children how to read. Educational PBS shows being broadcasted like, “Between the Lions, Arthur, and Curious George are one of

  • Website Review

    640 Words  | 2 Pages

    After visiting and examining the PBS Web site, I was able to conclude that it is an extremely successful entertainment and educational site. The Web site has won many substantial awards, including the prestigious "Webbie Award" in 1998 and 1999. According to a recent survey, fifty-six percent of users at the PBS Web site are male and sixty percent are between the ages of eighteen and forty-four. Forty-four percent of the Web site users have children and fifty-seven percent make online purchases.

  • life in the factories

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    asked, for as low as they asked, with no questions asked. That group of people was children. Since many families had control of their children and some families didn’t want to send their kids these factories, so many factories were not able to find the amount of workers they wanted so they went to look for the kids other places. A few places that they went to look were orphanages and workhouses and bought these children and forced them to sign contracts, which virtually made them slaves. The factories

  • Kids getting lazy, fat and disrespectful

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kids these days are getting lazier, fatter, and more disrespectful. The baseball and soccer fields are empty, and the parks are empty. Kids are just no where to be seen nowadays. Where have they all gone? Well, if you look in the right places, then maybe you’ll see them. By the right places, I mean in front of our good friends the television, the play station or the computer. Parents should Here are some stats from the U.S. Surgeon General’s office. •     Almost half of Americans aged 12 to 21 are

  • From Spanish to English: Becoming Literate in America

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    made me believe that I was some sort of thing that didn't belong. All these contributed to a low esteemed child that was unable to communicate. The world I was in suddenly became a place that I didn't know. To the kids and others in my class I was an illiterate person. As the only kid in my class that couldn't read or write in the same language I was felt out of many activates. The only thing that really helped me was the support of the teachers. They encouraged me to try the best that I could

  • A Look at Robert Rodriguez

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    Austin, TX. There, he would lay the foundation for his trilogy of movies. Robert Rodriguez is highly known for El Mariachi, Desperado, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, and the Spy Kids movies. By looking at each of these movies separately, we can see how Robert Rodriguez developed as a director. From El Mariachi to Spy Kids, we are able to see that Rodriguez stays close to his roots by casting mostly Hispanic actors/actresses, and we can begin to understand why not all movies need big budgets to be

  • School House Rock: Animated Educational Music Videos for Kids

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    The Benefits of School House Rock: Animated Educational Music Videos for Kids "As your body grows bigger, your mind must flower, it's great to learn, 'cause knowledge is power!" Any person in their twenties can tell you where this phrase comes from, and that is because every Saturday morning in between Saturday morning cartoons children would wait anxiously for a five minute break of School House Rock. Little did we know that while we were singing along to "Sufferin' Till Suffrage" we were

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

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    brain processes worry thoughts (kids health). People with OCD have obsessions and compulsions. Obsession is defined as a compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or unwanted emotion (American Heritage). “Obsessions lead to anxiety (kids health).” To relieve their anxiety people will perform compulsions. Compulsion is defined as an irresistible impulse to act (American Heritage). An example of this would be someone who feels dirty may wash their hands 100 times a day (kids health). “In the United States

  • Forgotten Kids with Mental Illness

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    Forgotten Kids are children that have disabilities that are barely visible. They have their arms and legs, can see and hear, run, play, etc., but most have never been invited to a birthday party or to a sleep over. They are the last to be chosen to play and the first to be blamed. Their illnesses aren’t fatal, but a small part of their hearts and souls die with every rejection. Their behaviors seem odd or unpredictable to themselves as much as to society. They are misunderstood and overlooked, thus

  • The Influence of Special Education Teachers

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    Special Education Para-Educator for eleven years now. My decision to do this was based on the needs of my family and kids. When my last child was born, the doctors did not think that he would make it. He had a heart malfunction and was born with RSV and Von Villibrantds disease (which I did not find out until he was three); those factors lead me to want to work with special education kids, knowing that I could make a difference. When I was twenty –three I went to college to get my science degree, thinking

  • race in sports

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    your team, or a devastating moment with a loss. That is what makes you grow when you are a younger kid growing up. A kid who can handle a loss in his life with the same dignity as a win will become a better person in the future. In class discussion we talked about how in today’s age younger kids do not have the same interest to get involved in sports as they used to. It seems that today younger kids are more interested in playing video games, then to take part in a sport and learn the team aspect

  • How to Babysit Four Kids

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    How to Babysit Four Kids My mom, who skillfully manages four children, works Tuesday evenings - she calls it time out. As I walked in the house on a recent Tuesday evening, I hear Meghan screaming. Tim is mercilessly teasing her by hiding her teddy bear.  Pat is hollering from the basement at Tim; and the phone is ringing.  The ringing stops, which means Maura got it. When Meghan hears me enter she runs crying "Tim's teasing me and I'm hungry."  I ask the kids, "Why didn't you feed her

  • Gender Roles and Kids Toys

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    Gender Roles and Kids Toys In David Barry's article, Guys vs. Men, he discussed the differences between "guys" and "men". This article made several valid points, including that guys will try and out perform each other where sports are concerned and that the space shuttle is the ultimate guy toy. My question is why do only guys play with all the neat toys? Part of the answer to this question might be that men are encouraged to play with hi-tech toys while girls are given a Barbi doll or a

  • The Role of the Teacher in Education

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    Schools are one of the first places where kids' behavior and future educational success is shaped. Teachers are carriers of either positive or negative behavior toward students. The reason why the first years of school are so critical is because kids learn the base of their educational life. I believe that teachers must love their career in order for them to pass enthusiasm, to assists, and to provide a warm environment to the students. In my opinion teachers are the second mothers for the students

  • Looking for a hotel where kids are welcome?

    884 Words  | 2 Pages

    Looking for a hotel where kids are welcome? GRAPH The well-known comic The Family Circus by Bil Keane, which is run in over 1500 newspapers, shows the hectic life of an American family, giving meaning to the saying, "Kids will be kids." It is based on the actual life of Bil Keane’s family and his experiences as a child. The most commonly noted features of his comic are the circular shape he often encloses the pictures in, and the dotted line that follows the children around, giving away their

  • Techno Kids Is it Equal Oppurtunity for All?

    2313 Words  | 5 Pages

    Techno Kids Is it Equal Oppurtunity for All? I’ve been planning a dinner party for a week now. It’s my first time doing this and I’m a little nervous. At first I wasn’t sure whom to invite but my English teacher helped me decide. He encouraged me to invite people who will help me learn about how children are becoming more computer literate at such a young age, and if it is all children or only a select group. The guest list consists of Anne Hird, the author of the book Learning from Cyber

  • Kids and the Coffee Craze

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    Kids and the Coffee Craze Chellie Normand’s 11-year-old daughter started drinking coffee when she could first pick up a cup. “We used to put spoonfuls in the empty creamer containers at Denny's for her to sip a little when she was about a year old,” the 34-year-old mom from Lawton, Oklahoma said. ”By the time she was 6, she'd use $1 of her allowance each month to buy one specialty coffee that she liked ... She doesn't go through a pot a day, like [me], but she has it now and then when she

  • Kids Baseball, A Great American Tradition

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    Kids Baseball, A Great American Tradition Kids’ baseball is a really great American tradition. Fathers can relate to their kids who play Little League because male adults remember the experience as something vital that taught them life-skills and socialization during their youth. Little League is as American as apple pie and now the rest of the world is finally wonderfully acclimated to enjoying everything American including baseball. Even an institution as wonderful as Little League has its

  • Lifes Too Short

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    the dream that kids have growing up in the hood. Those kids dream of getting rich at a young age and living like a true "player" for the rest of their day's. They want to drive around in a benz' and have girls fill the whole thing. What these kids don't understand is that Too Short didn't get to where he is by pimping or selling drugs, he got to where he is by some simple rules discussed in his song "Gettin it". First of all, an important ingredient to the song is how it appeals to kids. With it's ghetto

  • kids in the butt

    1808 Words  | 4 Pages

    Substance Use and Abuse Among Children and Teenagers During the past several years, there has been a renewed national concern about drug abuse, culminating in the current "war on drugs." In this review, we emphasize that even though child or teenage drug use is an individual behavior, it is embedded in a sociocultural context that strongly determines its character and manifestations. Our focus is on psychoactive substances both licit (cigarettes and alcohol) and illicit (e.g., cannabis and cocaine)