Outdoor fireplace Essays

  • A Chiminea Research Paper

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    chiminea does? Does it grant wishes, race across the world, feed the hungry? While the first two possibilities are clearly false, the third is a possibility! (67) What is a Chiminea and where did it come from? A chiminea is quite simply an outdoor fireplace. Dating back to 17th century Mexico, where clay pots, kettles, and even homes were common, the chiminea has a solid place in traditional Spanish history where they were invaluable. Practicality and durability were a necessity

  • Principles of Construction

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    the vertical is the recommended maximum. 45 degrees bends are really too steep, although permitted in some circumstances. Flues should be insulated to keep the gases warmer therefore improving the 'draw' and the clearance of smoke from the fireplace or appliance. Flue Functions. For most wood and coal fires the flue has two jobs to do: 1) To clear the products of combustion from the fire and to discharge them outside the building. 2) To create a flow of air through the burning

  • Heurich Mansion

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    Christian Heurich, the owner of the Heurich mansion was born in 1842 in the small village of Hainia, Germany. He was always very proud of his humble origins, especially that he was born in the remains of a castle that once housed the Henneberg dynasty. Christian Heurich’s journey to become the ultimate American success story led him to the nation’s capital to build the Heurich Mansion or as it is known locally, the Brewmaster’s castle. The National Register of Historic Places recognizes the Heurich

  • Outdoor Education Program and Research Proposal Part 1

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    program is a major in Outdoor Education (OE) to be housed in the College of Education at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY. Outdoor Education is a broad and diverse field but in its most simplistic terms is a form of education that occurs outdoors. The field has strong ties to adventure, experiential, place-based, and environmental education. The OE field supports thousands of seasonal and permanent jobs nationally and statewide, with institutions like the National Outdoor Leadership School,

  • The Benefits of Wilderness Sports and Adventure Education

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    definition is that students are active, always involved, while they learn from new experiences that can have real consequences like getting hurt. Another way to define it is the promotion of learning through adventure centered experiences, for example, outdoor sports, challenge courses and races. When teaching Adventure Education there are many skills and concepts that are applied with the lesson, but more importantly, there needs to be a base understanding of where adventure education originates from

  • Outdoor Sports and Adventure Education

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    In many schools across the nation, adventure education and outdoor sports are very important. These different types of curriculum provide benefits that many other curriculum does not provide, as well as a basic knowledge for outdoor activities and living. Not only will outdoor sports and adventure education get kids moving but it will also help kids become more aware of the world around them and can learn activities that are used on a daily basis outside. With the many different types of these activities

  • Adventure Therapy (Cooperative and Initiative)

    634 Words  | 2 Pages

    physically and psychologically challenging activities, usually conducted in a group setting. This type of practice occurs in outdoors, and in remote natural settings. It explores the unknown in a safe environment through adventure activities. Adventure Therapy involves tasks such as cooperative games, trust activities, problem solving initiatives, high adventure and outdoor pursuits. STYLES/ VERSIONS • One to one • Group setting QUALIFICATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS/KNOWLEDGE There are many different qualifications

  • Thorpe Park Customer Service Essay

    3500 Words  | 7 Pages

    The leisure and recreation industry is a diverse part of the UK economy, spanning the public, private and voluntary sectors, and made up of a number of interrelated components including sport & physical recreation, arts & entertainment, outdoor activities etc. The leisure and recreation industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the UK economy. Introduction to Thorpe Park In 1970, the site was an active gravel pit owned by Ready Mix Concrete and in 1971 work was granted for

  • Irongirl's Story Theme

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    If you were to complete an Ironman, a triathlon in which you swim for 2.4 miles, bike for 112 miles and then run a marathon right after would you feel proud of yourself? The theme of the article “An Irongirl’s Story” is to finish is to win. This is shown various times throughout the story. The meaning behind “to finish is to win” is that even if you do not come in first place, you still win just for completing a grueling task such as an Ironman race. This theme also means that you should be more

  • Defining Adventure Education

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    In J.C. Miles & S. Priest (Eds). Adventure programming. (pp.455-462). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc. Garvey, D. (1999). Outdoor adventure programming and moral development. In J.C. Miles & S. Priest (Eds). Adventure programming. (pp.133-139). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc. Garvey, D. (2002). The future of adventure education. The outdoor network. Unsoeld, W. (1974). Proceedings from AEE: Spiritual Values in Wilderness. Estes Park, CO: Colorado Outward Bound School.

  • Ropes Course

    797 Words  | 2 Pages

    Humans are social creatures. We need interaction with each other. We interact with each other in all areas of our life. We build relationships with people who we interact with. But not all relationships are equal. With some people who have great relationships with others, not so much. But the thing that any relationship hinges upon is trust. Relationships are often described by trust. We measure how strong a relationship is by how much we can trust them. The sense of trust develops naturally among

  • Persuasive Advertising Messages

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    I will use the central route to persuasion because we are providing a high-involvement service. We want to show advertisements with strong, well documented issue- relevant arguments that encourage cognitive processing. The type of source I will use is informal sources because from reading the articles on Curves the formal sources thinks that Curves work-out plan is not effective. So we want opinion leaders to get our name out to the public. For the message appeal I will use factual appeal because

  • Theodore Roosevelt

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    was a strong leader and ruled with an iron fist as a president. He conquered the frontier and went on to conquer other countries as well. Roosevelt was a born leader. During his childhood he overcame his sickness by exercising and participating in outdoor activities. After Theodore graduated from Harvard he went straight into politics. He began his career as the president of the New York Board of Police Commissioners. Later Roosevelt continued his career as an assistant secretary of the navy in Washington

  • Wilderness Therapy and Conventional Therapy

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    With an increasing number of individuals seeking mental health services and the issues these individuals face becoming deeper and more difficult to treat with conventional therapy, there is a greater need for more modern and creative therapy. Even more so, individuals are seeking treatment at a younger age and need more interventions to fit their needs. Wilderness therapy is a newer intervention found to be effective with youth and adolescents. This paper will examine the major components of wilderness

  • Outdoor On-Land and Water Adventure Activities in the UK

    2165 Words  | 5 Pages

    Outdoor On-Land and Water Activities in UK I have compiled a detailed report based on two outdoor adventure activities, one land-based and one water-based. Within the report I have looked at a number of aspects: · What is meant by outdoor adventure activities and those that are available within the UK and in my local area · The benefits of the two activities and; · The participants involved within it · The role of national governing bodies and regulatory bodies in outdoor adventure

  • The Importance Of Creative Play

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    I always knew recess was important, but after taking this course I learned how it targets all aspects of child development such as cognitive, creative, emotional, physical, and social on the whole child. Recess should be an unstructured, positive experience that should influence children’s learning, social development, and health. There are significant cognitive benefits of recess that should be taken into serious consideration in schools. The American Association for the Child 's Right to Play

  • Exploring the Beauty of Flagstaff

    943 Words  | 2 Pages

    To escape the reality of our busy world, the perfect place to sit and relax is in the middle of pine trees and listen to the soothing sounds of solitude. The first thing you want to do in Flagstaff is go outdoors and explore. There is so much that you shouldn’t pass up in the way of outdoor activities. You can go hiking on one of the many trails Flagstaff has to offer, or create your own journey. The best way to explore is to make your own path, but by being careful as to leave markers so you

  • Comparing Ballistics Of A .30-06 And .270

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    into a 2x4 with each gun. Both rifles were fired at a range of 50 yards away, into the wind, while using 150 grain shells. The rounds for the .270 used soft tips, but the .30-06 used sharp tips. The .30-06 is an extremely good rifle for most of the outdoor activities. The depth of this rifle is superb compared to the .270, mainly because it is of a higher caliber, and that means more power. The bullets can come from ranging anywhere from 110 grain to 220 grain, soft, regular (sharp), and hollow pointed

  • Shining a New Light on the Outdoors: Wilderness Therapy

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    for hours, researching ways to handle "out-of-control" children. Luckily, she came across a program, National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), and thought it was worth a try to discuss the program with Jack. I eavesdropped on my parents conversation with Jack and the second I saw a slight gleam of interest in his eyes for going on a semester long trip in Colorado that focused on outdoor skills, leadership and environmental ethics, I knew my parents would sign him up. The next semester rolled around

  • Why Is Mother Nature Lost Children

    1985 Words  | 4 Pages

    Mother Nature’s Lost Children Recall the way the sunlight hit your face, the grass tickled your skin, and the woods came alive with your childish creativity. Can you imagine your childhood without those long hours spent in nature? Not only did these experiences promote use of imagination, but also the benefits you received were numerous and gained absentmindedly. Humans of all ages can vouch for the desire to be around nature that they have felt at one time or another. Nature can vary from trees