LinkedIn Essays

  • What is LinkedIn?

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    LinkedIn LinkedIn is a website specifically established for the professionals all around the world to network. The website allows people to search for business contacts, manage their professional identity, research firms, join industry groups and identify desired career opportunities. This website is also being leveraged by the brands and recruiters and many corporate profiles have been established on LinkedIn to recruit candidates and develop a pool of potential candidates through networking (Lewis

  • Paid Perspectives At Linkedin Case

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    LinkedIn Corp. reported solid income picks up crosswise over sections in the final quarter as the interpersonal organization proceeds with its day of work to portable and universal extension. The organization dispatched a restricted form in streamlined Chinese and customary Chinese that has about multiplied its Chinese participation to more than 8 million, and had 347 million individuals toward the end of the year. Almost 70% of its individuals were from outside the U.S. Remarkable guests expanded

  • TWS and SWOT Analysis of LinkedIn

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    Introduction: In this report which focus on LinkedIn, an associated online business professional networking (BPN) which is a kind of social networking service that concentrate merely on connections and affiliations with a business theme unlike Facebook type of personal interaction. The professional or business networking service is a way to explore the opportunities for those who are seeking for a job and for those who want to advance in their careers. LinkedIn, which is a company, established in 2002

  • Literature Review Outline On Social Media

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    Literature Review Outline Julie Famular GrC 460 1/17/14 Introduction: Larson & Watson (2011) define social media as “the set of connectivity-enabled applications that facilitate interaction and the co-creation, exchange, and publication of information among firms and their networked communities of customers.” The use of social media has been on the rise for many years. Social media has shifted web towards “user-driven technologies such as blogs, social networks and video-sharing platforms” (Smith

  • The Impact of Social Media on Children and Adolescents

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    INTRODUCTION Since the time we have adopted internet and other media into our daily lives, there are so many debates and commentaries on the impacts of these new media on the social relations and activities of the young generations. There have been countless controversies whether the advancement in technology is proving to be a boon or bane for the society, especially for the young generations. In the past, the rapid growth of Television has also aroused so many questions, as well as discussions

  • How Social Media Has Influenced the Way We Live Today

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    online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content” (, May 18-2014). The entire human population is plugged into the network with the help of blogging websites such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. It is highly rare to find an alienated person from the network, as this modern application of technology links everyone with the click of a mouse. It is the new generation of socializing method. Social media websites bridge the gap between

  • The Use of Social Network or Social Media for Recruitment Purposes

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    platforms, which are most popular and therefore effective and usually need no investment, are Facebook, social network service, which was founded on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students. LinkedIn, which is a business-oriented social networking service. It was launched on May 5, 2003, and it is mainly used for professional networking. And micro blogging service, called Twitter "that enables users to send and read short 140-character text messages

  • Linkedin : A Social Media

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    LinkedIn is probably one of the most misunderstood social media platforms out there. When people think social media, they think of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; and they automatically think that LinkedIn is the same as all the other platforms. They just create a simple profile, upload a profile picture, and post stuff that that they like. But when nothing results from this approach, many are left confused about what is the best approach to using it. To be clear: LinkedIn is NOT like other

  • Negative Effects Of Social Media Addiction

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    In this day and age, innumerable amounts of people are connected to social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and so on. There are limitless social networking sites that make it possible to form broad connections between individuals. Since the Internet has quickly disseminated around the world, social media has progressed gradually as well. The worldwide use of cellular devices to access the Internet rapidly transformed the nature of our social interactions with one another. As

  • Social Media and its Influence on our Youth

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    Adolescents, and Families. Retrieved May 14, 2012, from Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics: Ron, C. (2010). What is the purpose of LinkedIn and how can it help expand business? Retrieved May 15, 2012, from LinkedIn: Thomas, T. (2012). 30 Statistics about Teens and Social Networking. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from Top Ten Reviews:

  • Cyberpsychology at Work

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    Technologies are indispensable and highly associated with individuals, businesses and organizations. Numerous eminent technologies are developed by firms and industries to gain competitive advantage in the market. The mode of lifestyle of individuals was also affected by technologies, either in social or occupational. Social media are one of the technologies which were invented and became contemporary prevalent. The origin of social media came from the “Usernet” inaugurated by Tom Truscott and Jim

  • My Career In Information Technology

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    officer, cybersecurity analyst, Network engineer, and many more. There are thousands of job sites on the web, but not every sites specifically focused on your related careers. Some of my favorite job search sites are Indeed, Monster, CareerBuilder and LinkedIn. Indeed, is one of the biggest job search sites

  • Persuasive Essay On Social Media

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    With so many people competing on social media nowadays, it can be difficult for a person or business to promote themselves with their content. At times, this can be extremely discouraging to some. When you post a clever or cool status, it can be troublesome when it only gets 4 likes. However, there are plenty of ways to get around this and expend your feedback. As any article will tell you, the best way to get your content noticed is to target your message to your audience and understand how to optimize

  • Essay On Effects Of Social Media On Society

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    SOCIAL NETWORK’S EFFECT ON SOCIETY TOPIC OVERVIEW In the last few years, social networks have exploded in popularity. Web sites such as Facebook and Twitter have dominated how societies communicate. People cannot seem to get enough of social media. The sites influence many parts of people 's lives. There are both good and bad sides to this phenomenon. It is a question of whether the positives of social media outweigh the negatives. On one side, social networks provide an easy way to connect with

  • Trends of Social Networking

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    The growth of social networking is one of the fastest growing digital trends to exist. Many social networking sites boast with millions if not billions of members. Prominent examples of these social sites are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Members of these networks use them daily to communicate, share various types of information or to collaborate with other members. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004 and its sole purpose is to give people the power to share and connect with the world. With

  • Importance Of Social Media In The Workplace

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    Managing Social Media in the Workplace While social media and computer usage has a rich history dating back to the early 1960s, the introduction of Friendster in 2002 is arguably the first movement toward social media (Goble, 2012). LinkedIn and MySpace followed in 2003, with Facebook opening its doors to the public in 2006 (Globe, 2012). With these new sites poised to continue to grow throughout the years, social media in the workplace has become a new frontier with specific challenges

  • Cybercrime And Social Media Essay

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    networking websites. Many factors play right into the advantage of identity theft through social media. One of the most important is the lack of user knowledge of the social media or website they are using. Social media such as Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, among others have insecure data for their

  • Social Media Workplace

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    media tools such as Facebook and LinkedIn have grown rapidly throughout the years and can no longer be seen as a means to socialize. Social media is a platform that is not only used in every day as part of people’s personal lives, but many global businesses are beginning to use it. However, some businesses still view social media as a distraction, and they are skeptical as social media slowly moves into the workplace. Therefore, social media like Facebook and LinkedIn should be utilized in the workplace

  • Employee Selection and Recruiting Through Social Networking

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    companies in terms of advertising, selling, and even distributing their products. Social networking has now even impacted the way some companies hire employees. There has been research tha... ... middle of paper ... ...or hiring the next CEO off LinkedIn, social media impacts many corporations as a whole. It is ultimately the employer's decision if an employee gets hired or not. Although, social media still seems to have an effect on recruiting employees. These sites can offer real insight about

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking

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    One of the key attributes amongst living things is communication. There are many ways for humans to communicate, whether it is face to face, telegrams, snail mail, texting, et cetera. The form of communication that has rapidly increased over the years is social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Google Plus, et cetera. In fact, according to Pew Internet, as of 2012, eighty-one percent of teenagers who use the Internet are using it for social networking sites (Madden et al.). Furthermore