Legolas Essays

  • Essay On Gandalf

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    l'un des principaux antagonistes de Souron, le Seigneur Ténébreux de Gandalf est un magicien. Aragorn: Membre de la communaute, Aragorn est un ami de longue date de Gandalf ainsi que des Elfes de la Terre du Milieu Legolas: Fils de Thranduhil, le roi des Elfes de la Foren Noire, Legolas Vertefeuille se fait connaître lors du Conseil D’elrond en 3018 du Troisieme Age. Il fait ensuite partie de la Communaute de L’anneau, en tant que représentant des Elfes. Gimli: Il est le fils de Gıoin, l'un des compagnons

  • Creative Writing: Things Fall Apart

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    "That is never going to work." The light, vaguely amused voice came from the treetops, immediately above where Aragorn, son of Arathorn, was kneeling over a small patch of forest floor that had been cleared of fallen leaves and other debris. Ignoring the comment, the ranger continued in his work, pausing only to wipe a tired arm across his sweat-dampened forehead. Within seconds, a pair of booted feet had thumped softly to the ground as their owner dropped from the lofty heights of the thick forest

  • The Barad-Dur Theme

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    Pippin chase a pack of Uruk-hai, and this pack soon joins a group of Orcs. This group makes way to Isengard, when suddenly they realize that they are being pursued. Aragorn listens with hope of progress, and Legolas, Gimili, and himself continue. They enter the kingdom of Rohan, whilst Legolas figures out that the Uruk-hai/Orcs are making their way to Isengard. Saruman prepares for war at Orthanc of Isengard. Saruman speaks with Sauron via an Orb, and discuss the war to come onto Rohan. Saruman directs

  • Examples Of Aragorn Being An Epic Hero

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    give up hope and always know what to do. Aragorn is knowledgeable and leads his companions like a true hero. For instance, Legolas, Boromir, Frodo, Sam, and Gimli escape from the terrifying Mines of Moria thinking

  • The Lord of the RingsTrilogy by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

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    made a very successful series. The Fellowship of the Ring was set in The Shire, Rivendell, and Lorien. The main action of the book lasts about one year. Frodo Baggins is the protagonist. Sauron is the antagonist. Other key characters include Aragon, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, Sam Gamgee, Gandalf, Merry, and Pippin. The genre of the book is fictional fantasy. Bilbo Baggins has a magic ring that makes you invisible. He leaves this ring to his cousin Frodo. Bilbo’s friend Gandalf of Grey tells Frodo how dangerous

  • The Hobbit Book And Movie Comparison

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    Mckellen, Armitage, and Cumberbatch delivered their characters perfectly. Perhaps the most pleasant surprise was the strength of Bard, a fierce man who did his best to protect and lead his people. However the characters of Beorn, Galadriel, and even Legolas were shockingly below standards. Beorn was depicted as an animal. Galadriel’s scene where she fights against the nine kings left an intense creepy impression. As for

  • LOTR: The Two Towers

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    Pierre La Monica English 3 Honors Mr. Horner 4/18/16 LOTR: The Two Towers As Frodo and Sam leave, orcs capture Merry and Pippin and kill Boromir. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli decide to let Frodo go and rescue Merry and Pippin. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli follow the orcs as they run across Rohan toward Saruman's fortress. They find evidence the orcs of Sauron and Saruman have fought and that either one hobbit is still alive, but they begin to lose hope as they fall farther and farther behind. After

  • Essay On The Two Towers

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    Standards flapping in the wind as hosts of heavily armed men saddle horses, swords and daggers and bows secured to belts and backs. An enemy lurks in the darkness, a threat to their lords, their land. Suns rise and set on dreaded mornings and blood-soaked battlefields as those that remain strive to carry on. These scenes are reminiscent of the bedtime stories of brave medieval knights riding off on quests and crusades in the name of something greater then themselves. Such sentiments are echoed in

  • The Hobbit Writing Assignment

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    The Hobbit. It was written by J.R.R. Tolkien. The main character is Bilbo Baggins. Some character traits that describe him are cautious and neat but, at the same time he can be sneaky and devious. A minor character of my novel is Legolas. A character trait to describe Legolas would be reserved. A dynamic character in the novel would be Bilbo Baggins because he starts off afraid of stepping out of his comfort zone. But, he takes a risk by agreeing to Gandalf and joining the journey to the Lonely Mountain

  • LOTR Esaay

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    This novel cannot be easily summarized; it is a trilogy composed of 1031 pages, not including the numerous appendices, maps, and the index. This fantasy is one of the most detailed in existence with various other works. The Lord of The Rings is the tale of a courageous journey taken on by an unlikely fellowship and focused around one unexpected and tragic hero. This tragic hero is Frodo Baggins, a hobbit who has lived in paradise his entire life. The pleasant, laid-back life of Frodo abruptly comes

  • The Hunger Games Movie Vs Book

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    Hollywood has grown fond of making movies based on teenagers’ favorite books. Whether they are making a romantic story about a vampire, or an action story about a demigod, Hollywood can’t seem to please the readers. After reading many books that are now being turned into movies such as The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Hobbit, and Harry Potter, teenagers are often let down by the movie adaptation. Unfortunately movies cannot accurately depict the books. To keep the films

  • The Lord of the Rings Film Techniques

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    Darkness, if given strength, has the potential to destroy the world. In a battle between good and evil, the inhabitants of Middle Earth discover how vulnerable their world actually is. One ring holds the fate of the world; its existence threatens the life of all living creatures. If Darkness recaptures its creation, the world as the citizens of Middle Earth know it will cease to exist. One individual, Frodo Baggins, holds the fate of the world in his hands as he fights to destroy the ring. Throughout

  • JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

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    quite extensive. As the book starts out, the camp is attacked by a band of Orcs and Boromir is killed. Before he breathes his last breath, Boromir tells Aragorn that the Orcs have carried off the other Hobbits. Aragorn tells Gimli (a dwarf) and Legolas (a elf) that he thinks Frodo and Sam have gone alone to Mordor and that they themselves should follow the Orcs and not Frodo. Meanwhile, Pippin and Merry, in the custody of the Orcs, lie captive awaiting their fates. Somehow, Pippin gets hold of

  • The Myth about Tolkien

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    “The Lord of the Rings is racist. It is soaked in the logic that race determines behavior.” (Ibata 2). Many people have tried to perpetuate the myth that J.R.R. Tolkien was racist. They cite various scenes in The Lord of the Rings, in both the books and in the movies. These people are lying or ignorant. J.R.R. Tolkien was not a racist, nor did he ever intend for his novels to be viewed as such. There is plenty of evidence to defend Tolkien from these claims such as: the themes of his novels, like

  • The Hobbit Movie Vs Movie Analysis

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    From the Press to the Big Screen Recently, Peter Jackson has transformed the light-hearted novel The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien into a breathtaking trilogy. Primarily intended for children, the novel which is a mere 288 pages is now three movies that amount to over ten hours of film. Although keeping the same setting and plot of reclaiming the Lonely Mountain from the dragon Smaug, the movies differentiate themselves from the book when it comes to the additions in characters and main events. By adding

  • Chapter 1-6 Summary Of The Lord Of The Rings The Fellowship Of The Rings

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    The prologue, spoken by Galadriel, shows the Dark Lord Sauron forging the One Ring in order to conquer the lands of Middle-earth. A Last Alliance of Elves and Men is formed to counter Sauron's forces at the foot of Mount Doom, but Sauron kills Elendil, the High King of Men. His son, Prince Isildur grabs Elendil's broken sword Narsil, and slashes at Sauron's hand, separating him from the Ring and vanquishing his army. However, because Sauron's "life force" is bound to the Ring, he is not completely

  • Lord of the Rings and The Illiad

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    others against the Orcs and determines to continue the quest alone, though Sam guesses his intent and comes along. The Fellowship of the Ring is broken. Orcs sent by Saruman and Sauron kill Boromir and kidnap Merry and Pippin. Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas pursue the orcs bearing Merry and Pippin to Saruman. Merry and Pippin escape into Fangorn Forest, where they are befriended by Treebeard, the oldest of the tree-like Ents. Aragorn... ... middle of paper ... a series of games in his honor

  • Frodo Franchise Essay

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    Eric Modransky Instructor: Rick Clemons Eng. 280-32 February 17, 2014 A Critique on the Frodo Franchise The Frodo Franchise is an academic book written by the film scholar Kristin Thompson about the Lord of the Rings (shortened to Rings) films. Early on, Thompson states that she wrote this book for three reasons. The first reason was her love for Tolkien’s work. The second reason was because the Rings had one of the most historically significant impacts on modern day movies. The third reason

  • J.R.R Tolkien Believed Fairy Tales were Corrupted by Making Them Childlike and Evil

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    Fairy tales have been told for generations and now every child has dolls, movies and books filled with magical adventure. Cinderella, Sleeping beauty, and Snow white have become classics in every household. However, J.R.R. Tolkien described in his essay “On Fairy Stories” that the world has corrupted fairy tales by making them childlike and denoting them to evil. Our culture prescribed fairies to be diminutive, supernatural creatures; however, fairies are neither small nor necessarily supernatural

  • The Literary Value of The Lord of the Rings

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    The most famous work in the epic fantasy genre is The Lord of the Rings, written by J. R. R. Tolkien over the course of ten years and published in 1954. Over the last few decades, there has been a lot of controversy over whether or not a story in this genre could be considered a valuable literary work. It was suggested that fantasy was clichéd and too unrealistic to be in touch with the daily life. However, when one reads between the lines, one can find a different interpretation within the same