Judo Essays

  • Optic Nerve Atrophy and Judo Athletes

    1110 Words  | 3 Pages

    Optic Nerve Atrophy and Judo Athletes For athletes with disabilities, there is an ever-increasing pool of sports available in which they can compete. From wheelchair basketball to murder ball, the options are expanding and many have already become Paralympic sports. One of the most fascinating Paralympic sports is judo, a martial art that derives its origins from Jujutsu (“What is Judo and Kodokan,” 2014). According to the article “What is Judo and Kodokan” (2014) Judo was created by Professor Jigoro

  • Ronda Rousey: Mixed Martial Arts

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    Ann Maria was the first American man or woman to win a world judo championship, in 1984. (Segura) Judo is a style of fighting that many MMA fighters use as a basis for their fighting. So naturally Ronda would become a judo champ herself following in her mother’s footsteps. To understand how Ronda Rousey got to this point you need to go back to the beginning. Ronda has always been a fighter

  • Grappling styles and Martial Arts in Different Countries

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    grappling grew independently throughout the world and with time these different arts came in contact and mixed. There is only a finite amount of ways to manipulate the human body meaning at some point, all styles of grappling are related to each other. Judo, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, and Japanese Ju-Jitsu are some of the most popular styles today and each style has its own advantages and disadvantages. Ju-jitsu is a martial art from Japan that is a method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored

  • The Physics of Judo

    934 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Physics of Judo Judo is a martial art that is centered around physics. Even just the concept of throwing somebody is physics. To practice judo and not have a basic knowledge of physics is insane considering that physics is what makes judo possible. Judo is sport that consist of throws, take downs and over all control. Judo without physics is like have a sandwich with just bread, you don’t get much out of it. To understand how physics comes into play with judo we must start with Newton’s

  • I Found Myself at Wrestling Camp

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    Most girls don’t pay money to roll around on the ground with sweaty guys. Yet that is exactly what I did this last July. No, it’s not what you’re thinking; I went to wrestling camp. Wrestling is a sport that I’ve always wanted to try, but my shyness and insecurity held me back. This year I decided that I will no longer allow other people’s opinions affect my own decisions. Joining wrestling is the first major step I’m taking to change my life. “You want to do…wrestling? As in…wrestle?” This is the

  • Black Belt Autobiography

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    introduction I bet you have lots of memories about what you do in your free time, and I do too. I have written about my top five. If you want more details, then you should read my memoirs. the time I got my black belt Have you ever got a black belt? If you want one it takes lots of discipline. Also you have to make a commitment to get one because it takes lots of time. if you want to start then you start at white belt and then the rest of the belts which is hard but when you get your

  • My Greatest Achievement

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    My Greatest Achievement My greatest achievement took place when I was in eighth grade. It was when I became a master of the basics of Karate. It was when I had received my first degree black belt. I had taken Martial Arts for nine years before that and I was very excited to had finally gotten it. I was a third degree red belt when I became devoted toward reaching my goal of the black belt. Witnessing all of my fellow students receive black belts before me was even more motivating. They had

  • Persuasive Speech About Wrestling

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    Did you know that wrestling was one of the first sports that ever existed to mankind? I believe that wrestling is one of the best sports to help you with everyday life and, getting you healthy. Wrestling gets kids physically and, mentally fit and healthy, teaches them how to manage their time during wrestling, and gives them an opportunity to make new friends. The first reason that kids should consider joining wrestling is that they will feel healthy and become physically and mentally fit. Wrestling

  • My White Belt Essay

    1101 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sweat beading up, rolling down my face, wincing in pain as my body aches, but I keep on, knowing that the past four years of my life had led to this moment. As my day trudged on things finally came to an end and I’ve achieved my goal, I received my black belt. This happened around seven years ago. Today, I’ve won many awards, including many grand championships and being ranked top ten nationally. I continue on with my adventures within karate-fueled by my passion for the sport. In order to

  • black belt test

    1306 Words  | 3 Pages

    After years of training, I was finally being put to my ultimate test — the test for my first dan black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I had gotten up early that morning and ate just a small bowl of cereal. I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life and was sure that any more food I ate would come right back up. It was seven thirty in the morning, and my test wasn't until nine. People always talk about time flying, and I never really experienced the phenomenon until that morning. The hour between

  • Compare And Contrast Boxing Vs Boxing

    1202 Words  | 3 Pages

    When the average person thinks about fighting or self defence their first image is of pugilistic combat. This punching and kicking, which is striking, is only half of hand to hand combat with its counterpart which is grappling. Grappling refers to using techniques to gain an advantageous position or to cause injury to an opponent. Striking is a direct attack with the attackers body. A simple way of looking at it is to compare wrestling to boxing because wrestling is a discipline that is primarily

  • McDonalds Business Analysis

    1307 Words  | 3 Pages

    in avoiding tit for tat principle. Palm did not take every opportunity that came their way. They thoroughly analyzed each one and did not spread themselves too thin. Overall, I think this case study was very helpful. I believe I now understand the judo strategy much better. I also believe that if employed successfully, it can definitely be a strength to any small company. References Dess, G., Lumpkin, G., & Eisner, A. (2007) Strategic Management (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Yoffie,

  • Conquering Social Anxiety: A Personal Journey

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    games like any other kid, but obviously, they lacked social interaction. I just didn’t want to talk to anyone else; I just didn’t care for any attention. I was told to make my mind up and decide what kind of club I wanted to join. My parents suggested judo, a tough and disciplined sport that I always respected, I agreed but instantly regretted my decision… The following day I was

  • Child Protection In Sport Case Study

    1503 Words  | 4 Pages

    Touching as part of coaching in sport is not prohibited. It’s important to consider that occasionally physical contact is unavoidable, or even essential. Imagine for example, a child that you are coaching is at risk of injuring or causing an accident, it would then be reasonable for the coach to step in and attempt to prevent that from happening. Nevertheless, physical contact in sport should always be proportionate, appropriate, sensitive and respectful, it should never be a surprise. Children

  • Nationalism of the Roundhouse Kick: Traditional Japanese Martial Arts and Society

    2578 Words  | 6 Pages

    Through the historical background of types of Japanese martial arts such as karate-do, jujutsu, aikido, and kenjutsu, the progression of the arts and a break from their origins, and eventually their place in Japanese sports and society today (karate, judo, kendo, and sumo), we will see how Japanese martial arts shifted back and forth between military and physical philosophy, and pacifist and Zen-like philosophy. To begin, it is generally difficult to pinpoint a consensus date for the commencement of

  • Tactical Communication In Law Enforcement

    1389 Words  | 3 Pages

    appropriate? It is my goal through my research paper to shed some light on a police tactic that is not as critically noted but is equally if not more so significant to use in daily police operations. Tactical communication, verbal self-defense, verbal judo or verbal aikido is defined as the use of dialogue to prevent, scale down, or end an attempted physical or verbal assault. It is a way for officers to employ words as a way to preserve intellectual, emotional and physical safety. It is a type of conflict

  • The Benefits Of Martial Arts

    930 Words  | 2 Pages

    Judo is the most well-known and practiced sport in the world (Stop Sport Injuries, 2011). Martial arts have become one of the most practiced sports around the world. Martial arts are a group of fighting skills that the person learns for some goal and it is also nicknamed as art of engagement or combat. Martial arts include many types of fighting skills such as, Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Taekwondo, boxing, Kung Fu, and many others. Each of these fighting skills is specialized in it is own style that

  • Women Representing Martial Arts

    2328 Words  | 5 Pages

    Women Representing Martial Arts In today’s society, men are looked upon as the authority in martial arts. Women can be just as accomplished and successful in martial arts as men. Many women are equally respected and are making great contributions in today’s martial arts society. Many martial arts competitions have changed their policies and allow women to participate in professional fighting organizations, such as the Ultimate Fighter Championship (UFC) and main events in many martial

  • Physics of Aikido

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    Way of Harmony of the Spirit" which holds true today, though different schools place different emphasis on the spiritual aspect. Aikido was first created approximatly 80 years ago by Morihei Ueshiba, and took a great many techniques from Jujitsu, Judo and Kenjutsu and modified them. Ueshiba focused on forming a martial art that placed a great emphasis on moral and spiritual values as well as a system of techniques that would integrate with the philosophy of Aikido. What about the physics?

  • The Effect of Sportsmanship and Motivation on Athletic Aggression

    1121 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abstract: The main objective of this experiment was to find what relationships threre are between sportsmanship, motivation and athletic aggression. There we three preset propositions that they anticipated for their theory: (a) self-determined sport motivation will be positively predictive of sportspersonship orientations, (b) sportspersonship orientations will mediate the relationship between self-determined sport motivation and athletic aggression, and (c) sportspersonship orientations will