Final Fantasy Essays

  • Review of Final Fantasy 13

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    the roles of the characters and controls their actions in order to further character development. RPGs generally have a strong story and character back story that fully immerses the player in the fictional world. Final Fantasy 13 or FF13 for short is the 13th installment in the Final Fantasy franchise and it that falls under this genre of gaming. A game of this genre and style should strive to have well developed visuals, a complete story, full character backstories that are interesting, a non-linear

  • Final Fantasy 13: Breakthrough Video Game

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    an excellent mixture of strategy and fast-paced motion? Well if that game is Final Fantasy 13, a single player game developed by Square Enix, you have played a game that Gaming Age calls “one of the most gorgeous games to grace a video game console”. Playing this game was one of the greatest moments of my life. This game has actually influenced me to go full force in wanting to make video games for a living. Final Fantasy 13, in my opinion, has accentuated the great gaming potential of the Xbox 360®

  • Elements of The Lord of the Rings in Final Fantasy VIII

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    Elements of The Lord of the Rings in Final Fantasy VIII J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy is arguably the most influential work of fantasy literature in modern times. Its epic tale of good against evil and its surreal world of magical and unusual characters and places have captured and enchanted readers since its publication half a century ago. The story of the struggle to destroy the One Ring still influences numerous tales of adventure in literature, film, and role-playing

  • What Are Yoshitaka Amano's Major Accomplishments

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    town outside of Shizuoka, Japan, underneath Mount Fuji. Amano was born on March 26th, 1952 and is currently still alive to this day. Amano had many major accomplishments, mainly from working in Character Design. He worked on every one of the Final Fantasy games up until today. Another major accomplishment, in my mind, was that he was technically the creator (co-wrote) the animated movie Angel's Egg. The movie was based off of his style of art, as well as him co-writing it. The movie Angel's Egg

  • Square Enix: Success in the Gaming Industry

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    develop and release on one of the most well known game series on the market. They released Final Fantasy in 1987 and it soon became the company's first hit. (GameFAQs, n.d.) The designer, Hironobu Sakaguchi, created a game that would revolutionize game play for years to come. The game drew inspiration from Enix's Dragon Quest and Nintendo's smash hit, The Legend of Zelda.(GameFAQs, n.d.) Final Fantasy would go on to produce nearly thirty-games. (GameFAQs, n.d.) The franchise is still growing

  • Types of Gamers

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    Video games have become one of the largest forms of entertainment within the last decade or two. People of all ages play these games to get out of the boring reality of things and experience the thrill of fantasy, combat, or adventure. But what kind of games gives you the experience you want? Some may want to control one person, a great being on a quest to restore his or her torn land, wielding great powers and becoming enveloped in a great story. Others may want to control a million persons, on

  • Sophomore Year Experience

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    It was the most time I ever put into one piece of poetry. I wrote it after a character from the game Final Fantasy XIII. The letter was to the character’s sister explaining her feelings to her sister. The poem was really sad behind the sophisticated words, but I am still satisfied with the poem. Even today, I still have not written a poem that could beat this

  • Interactive Fiction: Computer Games

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    characters I had grown attached to. Not long after this I bought a copy of a computer game called Final Fantasy 7. It changed the way I viewed storytelling completely. In the first few moments of the game I was placed in control of a character where I made the decisions. I chose where to go, what to do, who to talk to, even what to SAY! For the first time, I was able to actually live out a fantasy that all readers indulge in - being IN the story! And what a story it was. The game experience was

  • Personal Statement: Final Fantasy

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    mind, I want to beat my dad to a bloody mess, but that's not how things went. I lost my dad but I gain the greatest experience in my life. Just by playing a simple game I was hooked on doing more. On my birthday my mom bought me a game called Final Fantasy. I was so happy to get it that I ran to my room and played it on my PlayStation. As I played on I was mesmerized by the art and graphic of the game that in my head I said: " I want to do this for a living." So I started drawing and practicing

  • Great RPG

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    ”Jonez (2013). Many of the best RPG’s have no voice acting when some of the best voice acting are in horrible RPG’s. One example of a great RPG is Final Fantasy VII. The game came out in the late 90’s. It was popular in both Japan and America. Engulfing players across multiple consoles and PC’s in an in-depth world filled with adventure and fun. Final Fantasy VII changed the way RPG’s are made and revolutionized RPG’s as a whole with its intense in depth story line and its multi-leveling. “FF7 is, without

  • Pillars Of Competition Essay

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    In 2015, Obsidian Entertainment, an independent American video game developer, released a 3D in 2D role-playing game called Pillars of Eternity. The game was the spiritual successor of popular game titles Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale, which ran the mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons. Visit its universe and experience a gameplay filled with heavy lore and tactical combat. Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign Pillars of Eternity used the game engine Unity that applied both 2D and 3D effects. When the

  • Harry Potter Comparison Research Paper

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    Fantasy novels take readers on a wonderful journey of imagination that transports them to another reality where they can assume another identity and become anything and anyone they wish. Truly amazing authors can capture their audience, and after the final page has been turned, leave the begging for more. Two of the most successful fantasy series of this century are the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling and The Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R Tolkin. Both of these book series will make readers

  • Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell

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    What is fantasy? Fantasy is an element of literature that pulls away from reality; it takes away from what the readers know to be true. It can be unrealistic, creating a story with the stereotypical fantastical element; however it can also be a more realistic setting - such as a Midwestern town - and have elements of fantasy intertwined. The Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell is a realistic story focused on a professional hunter, Rainsford, and his journey through a mysterious island after he

  • Reproductive Fantasy is Burning

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    Reproductive Fantasy is Burning Of fire, what can be written that would not be better off singed, immolated, baked, or outright burnt? Flame of the match lights a watch. Dancing embers of destruction hide records, burn bodies and papers. Glistening radiance of torches light the way through the night of Victorian horror and fantasy. Fire is lively (it breathers, it takes in, it puts out, it moves, it grows, and it makes more) yet takes away life (defined by the same characteristics.) Everywhere

  • Fantasy Dependence in David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly

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    Fantasy Dependence in David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly M. Butterfly, as its title suggests, is the reworking of Puccini’s opera, Madama Butterfly. In Puccini’s opera, Lieutenant Pinkerton, a United Sates Navy officer, purchases the conjugal rights to Cio-Cio-San, a fifteen-yrear-old Japanese Geisha girl, for one hundred yen, and marries her with the convenient provision that each contract can be annulled on a monthly notice. Meanwhile, Pinkerton leaves Cio-Cio-San for the United States to

  • Analysis Of Charlotte's Web

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    Often times, children’s literature addresses more than what originally meets the eye. E. B. White’s Charlotte’s Web is considered a classic in today’s era, though it presents controversial themes throughout the book, namely, Charlotte’s Web explores death and the circle of life. Charlotte’s Web challenges many common assumptions about children’s literature as many individuals would not explore such a weighty topic in a children’s book. It is quite apparent that White’s intended audience is for younger

  • Fantasy and Illusion in A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Streetcar Named Desire, through the study of character and tropology, fantasy and illusion allow one to make life appear as it should be rather than as it is. Blanche is a delusional character who creates life from her imagination to help her pass through the hardness of life. Blanche admits that living in fantasy is much better than living in reality. When she was talking to her lover “Mitch”, she admits that the world of fantasy is much kinder as she says, “I don't want realism. I want magic!” (Williams

  • Pan's Labyrinth Essay

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    According to Marina Wagner, fantasy and fairy-tales need a narrator and a circle of listeners to exist. This makes cinema a suitable medium for this genre, where the camera narrates and the audience listens. Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) shares several characteristics with fairy-tales and myths. However, its link and continous parallelism with reality, given through a complex conflux of stylistic film elements, and the crudeness in which the film’s topics are conveyed, make the film

  • John Derek's Tarzan the Ape Man

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    major way. While movies of Tarzan have come and gone, a unique 1981 version of Tarzan the Ape Man stuck out. This controversial film uses the book from Jane Porter’s (Bo Derek, who is also the producer) point of view. It is a sexy film, where fantasies are fulfilled and dreams come true. The motion picture primarily focuses on Jane’s take of her relationship with Tarzan (Miles O’Keeffe). This modern version of Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes has a distinctively romantic theme throughout. Jane

  • Elements of Fantasy in Catwings Return

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    example of the Fantastical genre. Published in 1989, "Catwings Return" has some elements similar to those found in Magical Realism, but the story mostly has elements of Fantasy in it. By examining the American story "Catwings Return," a reader will be able to see the similarities and differences between Magical Realism and Fantasy. In order to have some characteristics similar to those in Magical Realism, a text must contain both realistic elements and magical elements (Flores 112). In "Catwings