Computer-assisted language learning Essays

  • Computer Assisted Language Learning And Motivation Essay

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    The relationship between Computer-Assisted Language Learning and motivation Call in language teaching involves the use of computer technology to help in the process of presenting, reinforcing, and assessing learning materials that places emphasis on interactive elements. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) involves the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in learning and teaching a second or foreign language ranging from research to course development. Many researchers have

  • What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computer Assisted Language Learning

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    Since the last few decades, exercising the skills of spoken language has been receiving high degree of attention amongst the educators. The curricula of foreign language creates the main focus on the skills of productivity by laying special emphasis over the competence of communication. Since recent times, there have been advancements within the multimedia technology that has resulted in the emergence of computer assisted language learning as a tempting option towards traditional sources in order to


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    With this approach, students were the center of learning and teaching process (Mangelsdorf, 1992), and they “participated in the learning” (Uyen, personal communication, Dec 2013). Moreover, they were already “b... ... middle of paper ... ...hing, 2(1), 13-23. Rollinson, P. (2005). Using peer feedback in the ESL writing class. ELT Journal, 59, 23-30. Salih, A. R. (2013). Peer response to L2 student writing: Patterns and Expectations. English Language Teaching, 6(3), 42-50. Seow, A. (2002). The writing

  • Importance Of Mobile Assisted Language Learning

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    MOBILE ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING (MALL) TO ENHANCE L.S.R.W SKILLS By : Wael Fadhil Hasobi General Directorate of Education –Al Anbar -Iraq Mobile:9676703836

  • Constructivism and Connectivism as Theories of Learning

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    Educational technology is an umbrella term that includes many types of technologies such as computer softwares,the internet, I pads , iPods, and mobiles. By using the internet , learners are exposed to an amazing world. This world contains new branches of technology such as social networks including Twitter ,and Facebook, ,Wikis ,Blogs, and Rss.We have knowledge explosion. By using technology in learning ,learning processes have improved. Learners interact with technology rather than a teacher or a text

  • Computer In Education Essay

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    many beneficial tools for the society. Computers are now widely used by people of all stages of life and more and more people are becoming computer literate compared to a decade ago. This is because now computer are so convenient that with just a click on the mouse we can get almost every information we need Now most homes in the world, especially in the developed countries, are equipped with at least one computer. This further proves the fact that computers are becoming a large part of life today

  • ICT In Teaching English Pronunciation

    1936 Words  | 4 Pages

    Language is the main means whereby people communicate. It is also, ironically, the main means whereby people fail to communicate and pronounce English sounds. Many dynamic approaches have emerged due to computer technology to facilitate speaking skills. Teaching English pronunciation is an area of language teaching that many English teachers shun. While there are various instructional materials available, as well as books on the theories and methodologies of language teaching there is comparatively

  • Personal Learning Environment Essay

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    1. Atwell, G. (2007). Personal learning environments - The future of eLearning? Elearning Papers, 2, 1-8. This article explored the use of technology and the web as a new way of learning in an individual environment. Although learners have different learning styles, the author explains that changing technologies and new approaches to the way individuals are learning are becoming more and more present in people’s daily life. Therefore, eLearning is an opportunity for people who can now learn in their

  • Importance Of Listening Skills

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    believe that listening is the basic skill in language learning. Learners will never learn to communicate effective without effective listening skills. In fact over 50% of the time that students spend functioning in a second language will be devoted to listening. Despite this, listening is often either overlooked or undervalued. For most of people, being able to claim knowledge of a second language means being to able speak and write in that language. Thus, listening is the ability to accurately

  • Computer Technology In Literacy Essay

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    Computer Technology In Literacy Education Technologies have dramatically changed the diverse fields of our lives in terms of business, education, and culture. This development of technology has influenced a shift in the educational environment and pedagogy from traditional language education to technological language education, such as Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). Especially, a few decades ago, Literacy education had not applied educational

  • Bilingual Education vs English Immersion Programs

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    Programs Bilingual Education is defined as any school program that uses two languages. In a more theoretical sense it is any educational program whose ultimate goal is for the participants to be fully versed in all facets of both languages (i.e., able to listen, speak , read, and write in both languages). The definition of a coordinated, developmental bilingual approach has emphasized the goal of being equally fluid in both languages. Realistically, this has not been the goal for most K-12 bilingual schools

  • Critical Computer Applications in Language Learning

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    Computer application in language learning have become vital and critically important for the language learners nowadays. This situation is due to the emergence and practicality of the software and unlimited sources on the net that somehow help the learners to learn in a way that is more effective and efficient. Moreover in Malaysia the government through the ministry of education have put the importance for the students and educators in this country to master the knowledge of computing technology

  • Essay On Computer Assisted Learning

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    I. What is Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Learning? No one can deny that the computer is a vigorous workhorse that, unlike teachers, can be run endlessly. The interactive nature of any multimedia software and its ability to provide tasks enhance learner enthusiasm and stimulate him to be engaged in the learning process. The computer mediated communication provides a suitable platform where foreign language learners can go beyond the borders of the classroom via the internet. The communicative

  • Autonomous Learning Essay

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    cited in Țurloiu & Stefánsdóttir, 2011) suggests, autonomous learning involves teachers' playing the role of facilitator -not the source- and allowing the L2 learners to be the decision makers in the classroom. Based on Lowes & Target (1999; cited in Țurloiu & Stefánsdóttir, 2011) teachers need to expose learners to the situations which involve exposure to L2 and language use. Besides learner's involvement in all aspects of learning, Țurloiu and Stefánsdóttir (2011) emphasize the role of learner

  • The History of Computers in Education

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    The history of computers in education starts with the MARK1 and ENIAC computers being used in 1944 and 1946 in Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania respectively. The first use of computers then in education was to compute problems in the mathematical, scientific, and engineering fields to allow students to deal with big problems they would more than likely encounter one day in a real world situation. In 1959, Donald Bitier began the “large-scale” PLATO project, which was a “several thousand-terminal

  • The Importance Of Language Teacher Education

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    One area of interest within language teacher education (LTE) programs has been educating teachers across the field of computer-assisted language learning (CALL). In the last decades, the so called ‘CALL teacher education’ (Hubbard & Levy, 2006) has gained much popularity among teacher educators. In fact, in some parts of the world, teacher educators are obliged to incorporate CALL into their courses and language teachers, by the same token, are required to use computer technologies in their classes

  • Importance Of Word Processor

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    has widely affected every domain in human life in the last decades. Hence, using the computer has become an important tool in the teaching and learning process. It plays a remarkable role in learning and teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). Therefore, it is very important to prepare the new generations with the computers and its applications. Thus, the value of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has been increased in education. It has helped solve many problems of students

  • Statement Of Purpose For Computer Science

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    STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Akhil Lohchab Growing up in the late 90’s, I witnessed computers revolutionize India – we had cellphones and personal computers and the internet transforming our lives - and like most other kids, I was fascinated by them. It wasn’t until I took course on QBasic in 8th grade, however, that I really took a liking to computer programming. The idea of computer ‘languages’ seemed almost magical to me. Over the years, that proclivity for programming grew into a passion and led me to

  • Computer Aided Language Learning (CALL)

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    Through the last several courses, several areas have been reviewed and considered for research. The main area in which I am focusing on at this time is the area of computer aided language learning (CALL). Specifically, I am interested in the literacy development of second language learners. However, I am also aware that there is significant resistance from many teachers to integrate the technology in its entirety and there is also resistance from parents. From the student’s point of view, I think

  • Technology and Blended Learning

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    Technology and Learning In today’s world, technology is everywhere. Children are exposed to technology basically at birth. It is common to see infants watching T.V or computer screens and babies playing with their parent’s cell phones or tablets. Teachers from preschool through college have started to incorporate technology into the daily learning agenda and they are seeing positive results. Schools are going as far as using computer based teaching applications a quarter of the school day to improve