After-school activity Essays

  • Advantages of After School Activities

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    After school activities are some organized activities students could participate after a traditional school day. A large number of students would like to join one or more extracurricular activities. As one of the strongest nations in this world today, the United States has the best education system, after school activities are indispensable in the system. After school activities are beneficial to students. Being involved in after-school activities like attending tutoring, joining school sports and

  • Inner-city Elementary After School Programs

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    Elementary After School Programs Inner-city elementary age kids face many challenges in and out of the classroom. These challenges range from education day in and day out, as well as, sometimes growing up in an impoverished family and community. Factors also include peers which these kids come into contact with at school, in the streets and at home. Kids today need more than ever an extra push of positive motivation from mentors. I believe that this constructive mentoring begins with after school

  • Volunteer Experience Reflection

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    not have a babysitter to watch her children after school while she is at work. She then gets them into an afterschool program that provides her children with a safe and supportive environment to reside in until she returns home. As a result of attending an after-school program, a child can be protected from things like crime and danger, positively interact with other children in a diverse setting, and develop socially and intellectually outside of school. While volunteering with the Boys & Girls Club

  • Qualities Of A Successful University Student Essay

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    ▪ What are the qualities you think make for a successful university student? How have you demonstrated such qualities in the past? From my expansive involvement both in and outside of school, I have discovered that my constant thirst for learning and my drive to achieve beyond my comfort zone will play a vital for university success. My self-motivation to improve persistently will therefore cause me to want to align all habits and work ethics in order to conquer goals. In every aspect of my daily

  • Personal Role Model Essay

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    impact in a young child’s life. The Allentown School District’s high schools are both considered Title I schools, meaning that over 40% of the school’s students come from families that are legally considered low-income ( In the ASD, this number is nearly doubled at 88.7% ( Most likely, these students come from homes in which the adults they live with are working most of the day and

  • Why Is Participation In Organized After School Activities

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    their time outside of school has consequences for their development. This knowledge indicates that organized activities, extracurricular activities, after-school programs, and youth organizations have increased distinctly. The intensity of research on controlled activities has revealed positive consequences of participation for academic, educational, social, civic, and physical development. This information, along with the safety and supervision provided by structured activities for youth with working

  • Sanctuary Of School Reflection

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    Sanctuary of School Reflection Essay Many families and students across the United States are starting to recognize the benefits that an afterschool program can ensure. Students need more than a strong curriculum, good teachers, and time in the classroom to succeed (Strauss). Since there is many things happening during a traditional school day; afterschool programs offer different activities to students that are not always available during school. These programs provide engaging experiences that

  • Why We Should Do Extracurricular Activities After School

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    My principal has decided that students must do an extracurricular activity after school. Extracurricular activities are activities outside of school that kids choose to do. Typically these are activities that kids do to have fun. The principal of my school said that we are required to do an extracurricular activity after school. This requirement has an agreement and a disagreement side. Many parents and teachers agree with this side but there are other parents, students, and teachers who disagree

  • After-School Programs

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    After-School Programs More parents than ever these days are working outside of the home. This means that when the school bell rings, many children are left unsupervised and with no where to go but an empty house with no supervision. Not only that, but some parents are also struggling to provide adequate after-school care. Either they cannot afford the monthly payments of a daycare, or the programs are just simply not available to them. (Ansell, 2004). This however could be detrimental not

  • Juvenile Justice

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    future than the generation a decade ago. Next we look at successful crime prevention efforts: after-school programs, mentoring, teen outreach programs, truancy abatement, anti-gang programs, family resource centers. There is evidence that these programs are beginning to pay off. Sending more, and younger teens through the adult court system has been a trend across the country in reaction to crimes, such as school shootings and violent rapes. Yet evidence shows that treating youth as adults does not reduce

  • Persuasive Essay: Helping Kids To Do An After School

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    whole school to do an after school activity. What if the kids have other important things to do like having a ride home or too busy doing other things after school that isn't school related? I think this is strongly unfair to kids that don't have time for any after school activity or can't afford to do an after school activity. Kids have a myriad amount of reasons for not staying after school. These are some reasons why I strongly disagree with forcing kids to do an after school activities.

  • The advantages extracurricular activites has on Elementary Students

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    Advantages Extracurricular Activities has on Elementary Students Mark, a fourth grader at Springfield Elementary came home and explained to his mom about the friend he had made during band class, and the teamwork he was involved in during volleyball practice. Mark failed to mention to his mom anything about his regular school day. “Extracurricular activities serve the same goal and functions as the required and elective courses in the curriculum. However, extracurricular activities provide experiences

  • Explain Why We Should Have A Longer School Day Essay

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    has to go to school at some point in their life. Most students in California attend school for 6 hours a day. In Adelanto, CA students learn math,science,language arts,history,PE, and an elective during that time.Some students are struggling academically with this kind of schedule.I believe that students would benefit with an 8 hour school day. I think students should have an 8 hour school day. We should have a longer school day because we could get another elective. “A longer school day would allow

  • Why Do Extracurricular Activities Should Be Mandatory

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    extracurricular activity should be one of those things for many reasons. There are too many problems that come with having another mandatory thing to do. Most 8th graders are already busy as it is and taking time away from what we have to do for our main classes, could be a large detriment on us. Some kids already have an after school activity that they do, but not for school and if they have time for that, that's great but if we are required to do an after school activity for the school, then that person

  • Research Proposal: The Effect of Extra-Curricular Activities on Academic Performance: A Quantitative Study

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    Introduction Do extra-curricular activities have a positive or negative effect on a student’s academic performance? If they do, then why do schools take activities away from students at the first sign of academic troubles? If they are scientifically proven to be positive, then why are they not curricular rather than extra curricular? There are numerous influences that impact the academic performance of a student other than after school activities. However, this study will focus on the effect

  • Should Students Participate In Extracurricular Activities?

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    My school's principle regards the idea that each student should participate in at least one extracurricular activity. This notion has been a controversial concept around the globe. Lots of people believe that students should have to participate in after school activities, but on the other hand some do not. Some students don't show interest in many things in school, however, they do show interest in things such as drugs and alcohol. In my experience of Student Council an extracurricular actives, I

  • Early Start Times

    767 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the year 2000, over 35 percent of kids said the only reason they disliked school was because of early start times. It is because of this that teens everywhere are truant when it comes to school. Teenagers should be for earlier start times because they will have more time to complete assigned homework and their after school activities would end earlier. With there being many more factors dealing with why early start times are better for the average student, the main argument lies with the fact

  • Physical Activity Intervention

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    would develop a physical activity intervention to decrease childhood obesity. This program will focus on the children who have obesity or are at risk of having obesity, living in the San Joaquin Valley.

  • Benefits Of After School Programs

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    After school, from 3 to 6 p.m, is a critical period of time in a child’s life. After school programs help keep kids safe and inspire them to learn during that period of time. After school programs are organized programs that youth can participate in outside of a traditional school day. Enrolling children in after school programs would provide them with benefits that unenrolled children would not receive, such as reduce risky behavior and promote physical health. After school programs provide a safe

  • Why We Should Get Shorter School Hours

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    Schools around the world must have shorter school hours because students need their sleep. Students should get shorter days because it can help students get their homework done faster and at a more reasonable time. It can also move up the after school activities so that students get home earlier, and it can help students get more sleep. Most students have after school activities and normally get home late. Parents want their children to go to bed at the right time because of activities the next day