Write An Essay On The Dangers Of Being Anti-Carbs

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Being anti-carb seems to be trendy these days, with protein-centric diets proliferating and a greater awareness of the health dangers of highly processed foods, which are often carb-heavy. But not all carbs are bad for you, and if you choose well they can actually be very healthy!
The key is to avoid those sugar- and white flour-laden snack foods full of refined carbs that spike your glucose levels and can contribute to weight gain, Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. These are the carbs that have earned their bad reputation, having been stripped of the fiber and natural nutrients they once had. They are made of smaller, simpler molecules that your body breaks down very easily. This quickly raises your blood sugar, which then drops …show more content…

Their larger, more complex molecules tend to take longer for your system to digest.
Make it a habit to ditch the white bread, white rice, regular pasta, processed snack foods, sugary sweets and especially soda and other drinks full of sugar. Switch to smart carb choices, in their whole, natural form whenever possible.
Do your body a favor and reach for these and other whole foods — and you may just enjoy benefits like being hungry less often, weight loss, more stable blood sugar levels, lower risk of heart disease and overall better health!
• Whole grain foods such as 100% whole-wheat or other whole-grain breads, pastas and cereals (just don’t be fooled by products simply calling themselves “wheat” or “multigrain” or containing “wheat flour” — these are not necessarily smarter carb choices. Check the label for the terms “whole wheat” or “whole grain”)
• Whole white wheat bread — made with whole flour from a white wheat plant. It tastes more like white bread, but is nutritionally similar to whole wheat

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