Why We Shouldn T Have Cameras In Classrooms Research

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I'll persuade you that we shouldn't have cameras inside classrooms. The first reason is that kids would be watching the camera instead of learning. They would see how it looks like, and if it's a hidden camera. Then, the kids would be looking everywhere for it.

It wouldn't be good that the kids wouldn't pay attention to the teachers. Their grade can also go down if the only thing they did was look at the camera. In school, kids need to be able to learn as much as they can and not get distracted by a camera. For example, I can get distracted very easily by just focusing on that one object can make me lose concentration on learning what I need to learn about. When I'm distracted, I can't learn anything.

The next thing I think I should talk about is that how are the cameras going to get here and who or how is the money going to be raised. It wouldn't be good because cameras can cost a lot of money. It would be bad if we did buy it …show more content…

It just is like your being spied on. Plus for all the student they won't be learning anything from the teacher, they will just be looking at the camera for the whole class. It induces a constant feeling of guilt, to students, as well as to teachers. If you are a really professional, as a teacher, or even if you are just a normal person, claiming a right to normality, especially in schools, you realize that camera surveillance in class is something coming from paranoid people who cannot lead the activity through normal behavior.

You may wonder why teachers have such a problem with the invasion of privacy. It's not about having something to hide, after all they are frequently observed, and after all the classroom is full of students. It's dehumanizing to have cameras trained on teachers and students at all times. You're treating them like they are all ready criminals, and I think students especially have enough to deal

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