Why We Should Have Healthy Lunches

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Think about what you had with your lunch today. A burger? Pizza? Maybe some candy? Delicious, but was it healthy? Probably not. You might not think what you had was important, but it actually is. Going everyday with a junky lunch is not the best idea for growing up into a healthy, happy lifestyle. Everyone should have a healthy lunch because it boosts the brain, improves your health, and promotes healthy eating. Healthy foods such as fruits can be nutritious and delicious, and you might not need to have a junky lunch to feel full and complete. You may not realize this, but healthy lunches are a vital component to your everyday life.

One reason for a healthy lunch is that it improves academic performance. Lunches, especially in school, should be healthy to boost your brain. According to Scholastic, “Glucose is the fuel that keeps the brain working.” Of course, this means natural glucose, not added, because healthy foods contain naturally occurring sugars or carbohydrates, according to Oregon State University. To get glucose, you must eat healthy food, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods. This will keep your brain working and improve your academic results. …show more content…

It is obvious that eating healthy foods would keep you healthier than eating junk foods, and according to an article by NutritionMD, “A healthy diet can help prevent cancer, since up to 60% of cancer cases are diet-related. Healthy foods can also help you maintain a healthy weight.” NIDDK also says that “overweight and obesity may increase the risk of many health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.” Obesity can lead to many things that can cause death, and it can be changed by just eating healthier. Eating a healthy lunch can prevent diseases and obesity, and overall maintains your

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