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Summary of healthy school lunches
Summary of healthy school lunches
Summary of healthy school lunches
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Recommended: Summary of healthy school lunches
Think about what you had with your lunch today. A burger? Pizza? Maybe some candy? Delicious, but was it healthy? Probably not. You might not think what you had was important, but it actually is. Going everyday with a junky lunch is not the best idea for growing up into a healthy, happy lifestyle. Everyone should have a healthy lunch because it boosts the brain, improves your health, and promotes healthy eating. Healthy foods such as fruits can be nutritious and delicious, and you might not need to have a junky lunch to feel full and complete. You may not realize this, but healthy lunches are a vital component to your everyday life.
One reason for a healthy lunch is that it improves academic performance. Lunches, especially in school, should be healthy to boost your brain. According to Scholastic, “Glucose is the fuel that keeps the brain working.” Of course, this means natural glucose, not added, because healthy foods contain naturally occurring sugars or carbohydrates, according to Oregon State University. To get glucose, you must eat healthy food, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods. This will keep your brain working and improve your academic results.
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It is obvious that eating healthy foods would keep you healthier than eating junk foods, and according to an article by NutritionMD, “A healthy diet can help prevent cancer, since up to 60% of cancer cases are diet-related. Healthy foods can also help you maintain a healthy weight.” NIDDK also says that “overweight and obesity may increase the risk of many health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.” Obesity can lead to many things that can cause death, and it can be changed by just eating healthier. Eating a healthy lunch can prevent diseases and obesity, and overall maintains your
Schools are meant to give our children a healthy and nurturing environment, and yet so much of the lunches in schools are fattening; does this stop schools from achieving the aforementioned goal? Childhood obesity in the United Sates continues to be a growing problem despite so any new programs to help combat it, and new research is showing how schools may be playing a large role in childhood obesity. School lunches are showing to be the problem, they encourage poor nutrition in our nation’s students, and simple reform is proving to not be enough to stop the rise in obesity rates.
I don't think our school lunch is healthy because it has fat and too much sodium. Although it is good it is fattening it is the reason for much of the obesity in the U.S. Many kids have no other option to eat the unhealthy school lunches or they will be hungry.
Allowing healthier school lunches will decrease obesity in children because it will give them the proper nutrition to reduce the risk of health issues. Since obesity causes many health issues, maintaining a proper nutrition will reduce the risk of health issues. According to Star- Telegram, a daily newspaper that serves Fort Worth and areas of North Texas states, “[School lunches that have] a meal of pizza sticks, a banana, raisins and whole milk has given way to whole wheat spaghetti with meat sauce, a whole wheat roll green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, kiwi and low-fat milk … This change will help more than 2.4 million Texas students who receive a free or reduced- price school lunch to lead healthier, more active lives—in and out of the classroom”(Par. 2 and 4). School lunches are supposed to guarantee students a well balance meal, so they can have the energy to proceed with their classes throughout the day. Meanwhile, students who receive a f...
“Our Schools need to start teaching kids how to be healthy.”- Unknown. School lunches have created a chronic problem in a school setting, and since it hasn't been fixed, 6-11 year olds have had a 17% increased chance of becoming obese (Centers for Disease control and Prevention). Most school districts don't even bother changing the food restrictions just so they can please their students. Unhealthy school lunches are a huge problem among children in the United States, it can cause obesity, stress, and many other problems.
School officials must also look at the percentage of children who are obese, and consider how providing a healthy school lunch will help to lower that number. Healthy school cafeteria food is essential for school-aged children in the United States because it will help them pay attention in school, improve their learning capabilities, and minimize childhood obesity. Healthy school lunches help students academically. There is no teacher who wants their students to be distracted. Often when children are hungry, because of a light lunch, or a lunch full of simple carbohydrates, they become distracted.
School lunches affect the students school work and the grades, due to the unhealthy lunches at school. Without the students getting the right nutrition needed, they do not meet the academic expectations. The teachers expect the students to perform well in school especially through the year. “Without good food, students are just stressed out with school, and then still stressed about being encouraged to perform good as well” (Anderson). When students get the proper nutrition it can help them avoid bad behavior that would require getting detention, suspension or even expulsion(Anderson). School lunches could also affect the grades the students receive because they lack the nutrition they need. “Studies have shown that students grades went up when they are eating healthier”(Anderson). If schools had healthier lunches it would help raise their grades by 4% because with the food needed to have focus and energy to do
Parent should explain to their children that choosing a healthier, more nutritious lunch will give them enough energy to have a productive school day and after school activities. Parents can look over the school menu with their kids and can explain which foods are the best and why. Parents can also pack healthy lunches for their children, at least occasionally. Kids should be encouraged to choose meals that include fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, accompanied by either milk, juice, or water. Something as simple as cutting food up will make children actually want to it. Cubing food such as chicken, cheese, veggies, and fruits can give them an appealing look and can make kids actually enjoy their food. Some other things to keep in mind when packing school lunch are replacing some of the unhealthy foods. Instead of high fat lunch meats, lower fat deli meats are better and white bread replaced with wheat should be considered. Instead of snacking on cookies, replacing that with maybe trail mix or yogurt is a good option. Anything with less fat and sugar, and more fiber and vegetables is good. Packing children’s school lunch is about the healthiest, most nutritious filled lunch they can receive at
Many cafeteria workers and staff members in 49 states have said many students do not want the governments new school lunches. Almost 7 out of 17 schools with have been seen with students throwing away some or all their fruits or vegetables, even the cafeteria workers are suffering under these new standards. About 60.3 percent of school districts want flexibility to be given to all schools to improve their ability to provide and give good nutrition without harm to any instructions and school district operations. Schools should know by now what is good for students and what is not, but they should not go overboard with the wheat and whole grain items. Another example that shows that schools should be responsible for providing a nutritious lunch is knowing that there are a variety of ways to make healthy foods taste good for school students. Healthy tasty food that will risk diabetes and obesity .One of the biggest reasons people do not eat healthy foods is because they feel it as if it will not taste good. The problem is, if your health food does not taste good, you are eating the wrong health food. Just because something is good for you does not mean it has to taste nasty, boring, or completely gross. There are plenty of ideas out there for eating healthy without making sacrifices on taste. “It is silly that people are worried about kids throwing things out. There are many ways to make
It would be a great idea for all schools to switch to an healthier school lunch. They should change it because it will help children focus on test, quizzes, and inside of the classroom when taking notes. The kinds of foods that should be token away is the kids least favorite foods. For example kids will write down the most ten hated school foods served, which ever is the most voted gets token away. Then kids could give options of healthy school lunches to be replaced.
With lunch carrying one third of the calories you have a day, children need to have a healthy lunch for enough energy throughout the day. In the article “What Are the Benefits of Healthy School Lunches?” It states, “A healthy school lunch provides sound nutrition
The health of school lunches has been a very controversial topic among students, parents, schools, and the government. Parents want their children to be healthy, but at a low cost. It seems that the “healthier” the school lunches are, the more they cost and the less kids want to eat them. Also, the proportions of food may not be enough to fill the students’ stomachs. Many children also have food allergies and other medical conditions that may need to be accommodated. Many parents feel that the lunches being served to their children are unhealthy and overpriced. Although the government and schools seem to be trying to fix these problems, some parents say they are not making much progress.
School lunch has been a major issue because of the lack of nutrients and real food given to students. The government controls what is being served in schools. The federal government began getting involved with the school lunch program during the 1930s. Clearly that was a complete fail because the federal government had no constitutional role in school lunches. The lunch was getting worse that students started protesting about the calories they wanted it reduce and way better food. Michelle Obama designed a program to improve the lunch nutrition standards. Some people have compared Americans school lunch menu with other countries and our food is one of the worst. If we do not start changing our school menus it can lead to health issues.
Have you ever tasted school cafeteria food? I don’t think you would want to. In school story books, do you have characters saying that the food tasted good at school cafeterias? Nope. Why is this? Cafeteria food is often cheap, bought in bulk, high in calories, malnutritious, and microwaved. Student polls and opinions prove this. Therefore, this leads to a suggestion: Healthier, tastier foods and a better, advanced lunch system should be implemented.
Staying healthy and eating right is a lifestyle that many people should consider. A juicy hamburger from McDonalds dripping with special sauce topped with cheese is not exactly considered a healthy meal. Our society today is busy and on the go at all times. It is so much easier to stop and get fast food and then continue on. However, we should stop and think; is it really worth it to not eat right and exercise?
Eating healthy should be done every day, or on a regular basis, it is also good for dieting. It is an important part of the body’s wellbeing. Balancing the amount of food intake with high calories can lower obesity of such. Healthy eating is an important thing in today’s society, but the main thing that is hindering a person from doing so is the fact that the stores are pack with food that have very high calories. In fact, eating healthy is not just following a strict set of dieting tricks, it is about what is being put in the body, and it is also about how much is being put into the body. It doesn’t matter how healthy the food is, sometime to most of the time the healthiest food contain some of the most fattening ingredients. People should think about what they are eating. Even though people show