Persuasive Essay On Unhealthy School Lunches

539 Words2 Pages

Name: Samara Tyus
Date: 11/19/15
Hour: 4th

I don't think our school lunch is healthy because it has fat and too much sodium. Although it is good it is fattening it is the reason for much of the obesity in the U.S. Many kids have no other option to eat the unhealthy school lunches or they will be hungry.

A child who eats too much fat, sugar, sodium or processed food and too few vitamins and minerals is likely to develop a higher risk of several chronic health problems. These might include diabetes, kidney stones, bone loss, cancer and heart disease. This is important because us kids are the new generation. We need to lower the amount of sodium, fat and processed food that is being served.

Bringing awareness to unhealthy lunches are not helping school lunches get healthy says chef ann cooper an author, educator, and chef. But the government is not completely ignoring it the issue. The federal government has a variety of rules and regulations …show more content…

Active kids who need more calories than the federal limits are also at risk, and may end up feeling weak, fatigued or nauseous during sports and exercise. According to a 2012 article written by registered dietitian Timi Gustafson, not getting enough essential nutrients at meals may lower kids’ IQ scores, memory capacities, fine motor skills, social skills and languages skills into early adulthood and beyond. A child’s poor dietary habits can even influence his sleep patterns, which may have an effect on cognitive behaviors and academic abilities. The results of a research review published in 2004 in the "British Journal of Nutrition," children who are micronutrient-deficient may exhibit more aggressiveness, less mental endurance and lower intelligence test scores. our school lunches are affecting our learning abilities and this is a problem that needs to be resolved

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