Why Study Art Analysis

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1. How does studying the art and technique of other artists improve your artwork?
Studying other artist can help you learn different techniques in painting, finding lights and darks, and mixing colors. Each artist has its only style they draw or paint in. An example being some artist tend to make their paintings have lots of texture and brushstrokes, while others make every detail shown and with precise and crisp lines. Studying artist also helps you decide how you would like to draw or paint your project. For example, you may look at several paintings and may enjoy the look of lots of brushstrokes and mixed colors and add it into your painting. Famous art is in a way a trial run for your own art.
2. Name the artists you studied and explain how they used COLOR, LIGHT, and BRUSHSTROKES in their style of painting. …show more content…

My artist used lots of brushstrokes. This was the most obvious detail of her work. She liked to blend all the objects into the paintings, but you could still understand what she had painted. You should also used little details when it came to thinks like faces to make the image more distinct. Mary Cassatt also mixed colors in her paintings to really make her paintings pop and catch the eye. For the most part Mary Cassatt didn't use super vibrant colors, but more mellow colors. She added highlights and darks to really bring her pieces of work together. My favorite technique that Cassatt does is how she makes her paintings appear brushstrokey but also pays attention to little, little details.
3. Critique your paintings - what worked, what didn’t and what did you

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