Why do you think gum should be chewed in school ? Reasons why i think gum should be chewed in class is because it can help students in class. Gum can improve student's memory and help them concentrate more.Why gum should be allowed to chew in school/classes.
Gum is good for students to chew in class. Chewing gum in the classroom can also reduce anxieties that go along with learning, and therefore can increase social performance in the classroom. The evidence supports the reasoning by explaining how gum is good for chewing in school. In addition to chewing gum helping the brain concentrate and focus, it can help other areas of the brain, too. This piece of evidence explains how the brain concentrates on focusing.
Chewing gum should be allowed in school because it relieve stress and anxiety. To be presented at the 2008 10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, found that chewing gum helps relieve anxiety, improve alertness and reduce stress among individuals in a laboratory setting. The evidence explained how gum relieve stress and anxiety. A new study from swinburne University in Melbourne Australia has shown that chewing gum can relieve stress and anxiety. The evidence supports the reason by saying how a study shows how chewing gum can relieve stress and anxiety.
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Some gum researchers have investigated whether it is the flavor of chewing gum that helps people retain and recall memories. This source of evidence explains if it’s the flavor of the gum that retain and recall memories. If people chew gum during learning, this may help them keep their attention on the material, and this may help them learn. This part of evidence explains how chewing gum during learning can keep their
In Middle School, before taking a big test teachers would always hand out peppermint or a piece of gum. The purpose behind this seemed unclear. However, from further research their was interesting facts about peppermint candy and Big Red cinnamon flavored gum. Peppermint candy is made with the oil of peppermint, which is extracted from the peppermint plant. This is why the candy can have some of the same effects as the oil itself. People believe the brain effects associated with peppermint are related to the scent of the peppermint, rather than the ingestion of it.
Instead of being focused on other people’s breath or one’s own, students can focus on the teacher or the assignment because chewing gum freshens breath. The key thing in tests is to remember what you need to do. Chewing gum improves pupils memory making the test a little easier to do. If students do not have as much anxiety, they can focus on class instead of worries about their future grades or a missing homework assignment. So, why shouldn’t students have gum in school? Gum has many qualities which will improve students quality in the
You’re a senior in college and you have a huge Chemistry exam coming your way. Studying for an exam can be very difficult to remember every little thing. Memory Mnemonics is a way of studying and remembering things. According to Patten “Using this system, verbal memory increased dramatically”. Patten, 1 ) It tells us that the Mnemonic system is inspiring and growing rapidly at the college level.
As you can see, this is why kids should be allowed to chew gum in school. Kids should be allowed to chew gum in school. Some may argue that chewing gum in school is distracting, but the good outweighs the bad. They help kids focus and relieve stress instead. All in all, if kids were allowed to chew gum in school they would be more focused on work than on getting out of
Sleep: it helps to keep our learning to be consolidate. Students need to have a good night sleep when they have school next day. Also, the next day of school, the student will have more energy and patience to study, to think and to take notes. The attention of the student in class will be strong that will help to restore basics information in his
...ormation that we know we'll need to use later, we try to memorize it by sending it to the long term compartment. Sometimes it stays there, and sometimes it dissolves. By understanding memory you will also know how you learn best. It will also help you to understand how your memory and how to make the best use of your memory. (How Memory Works. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://homeworktips.about.com/od/enhanceyourmemory/a/How-Memory-Works.htm)
You might guess it’s a custom dreamed up by a modern-day, real-life Willy Wonka, but people have been chewing gum, in various forms, since ancient times. There’s evidence that some northern Europeans were chewing birch bark tar 9,000 years ago, possibly for enjoyment as well as such medicinal purposes as relieving toothaches. The ancient Maya chewed a substance called chicle, derived from the sapodilla tree, as a way to quench thirst or fight hunger, according to “Chicle: The Chewing Gum of the Americas” by Jennifer P. Mathews. The Aztecs also used chicle and even had rules about its social acceptability. Only kids and single women were allowed to chew it in public, notes Mathews. Married women and widows could chew it privately to freshen their breath, while men could chew it in secret to clean their teeth.
When we asked the question of how we remember, forget, and learn has been the topic of lots of discussions. Examining how importantly the successes and fails of our memory skills affect our lives, this interest seems exceedingly justified. We count on our memories for lots of what we do like whenever we do identifying, appreciating, and responding right according to the objects and persons we interact in our environment and to the actions in which we take part in writing, speaking, reading, or else communicating in thinking, reasoning, and problem solving, and also to recall the past about our experiences. That is our memory, which holds, and allows us to use, the knowledge we have get about ourselves and the life and that catches the ways in which we have configured to the world so as to better cope with it. There is so much we de...
Slime can be a fidget, gives kids something to do, and can reduce stress. Therefore slime should not be banned in school. To start off, slime can be a fidget, for adults and kids. Not everybody would want to make slime and bring it to school but, for the kids that do want to, slime should not be banned in school. Everybody has certain needs and fidgeting with something might be one of theirs.
[This] Research suggests that chewing increases heart rate, blood pressure, and cerebral blood flow.” All this essentially helps to wake up ones brain, and allow better concentration and
When we chew gum, we are basically chewing rubber. Gum started out as latex sap from a tree (the sapodilla). The tree grew in Central America, and the sap we chewed was called chicle. Chicle has the same properties as rubber, because it doesn’t break down when we chew it. Later, after World War II, scientists found a way to create something called synthetic rubber. Synthetic rubber is still similar to chicle because it still doesn’t break down when you chew it, but it isn’t natural like chicle is. (How Stuff Works, 2000… April 1st)
Learning and memory are fascinating. The world could not function without either. They both are used in many different fashions in a wide variety of places. Learning and Memory have been carefully studied by professionals but are also well known and used by the common people on a daily basis. I am one of those common people, a student who is constantly learning and making the most of my memory. Since enrolling in The Psychology of Learning and Memory class I have come to the realization that I encounter situations in my life that exemplify the very concepts I have studied. I have also learned that it is beneficial to apply the lessons learned in class to my everyday life. Positive reinforcement, learned helplessness and serial recall are a few among many of the learning and memory models that have come to action in my life and in my final reflections surrounding the course.
In order to understand the functional relationship between learning and memory we have to first define what both learning and memory are. Learning can be described as “the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, or study, or by being taught” (Merriam-Webster, 2014). “Memory is the means by which we draw on our past experiences in order to use this information in the present” (Sternberg, 1999). Base on this definitions one can conclude memory is essential part of our lives. Without any memory of the past, we would not be able to operate in the present or reminisce about the future. We would not be able to remember what we did a few days ago, what we have accomplished today, or what we intend to do tomorrow. Without memory our ability to learn would not exist. Learning and Memory are linked to our cognitive abilities as well as that of animals. An example that can be used to show the relationship between learning and memory is the study of how a rat behaves in a maze. As we all know rats have been used in experimental mazes since at least the early 20th century. Hundreds if not thousands of studies have looked at how rats run different types of mazes, from T-maze, to radial arm mazes, and to water mazes. These maze studies help scientist study spatial learning and memory in rats. Maze studies helped us uncover general principles about learning that can be applied to several species, including mankind. In today’s modern societies, mazes tend to be used to determine whether different treatments affect learning and memory in rats. According to Kolata al, 2005 case study the tasks that comprise the learning battery were specifically chosen so that each one placed specific sensory, motor, motivational, and info...
Ban Junk Food Junk food. Is it the responsibility of schools to ban junk food and promote a healthy lifestyle for children of all ages between 6-18? Yes, yes it is. In my opinion, schools promoting a healthy lifestyle is as important as the children’s parents’ responsibility. Schools have as much impact in that department as children are fed during school hours.
Learning to tie shoes and ride a bike requires the encoding, storing, and retrieving of past observations of the procedure. With a lot of practice, children master these skills so well that they are able to remember them the rest of their lives. Memory is the storing of information over time. It is one of the most important concepts in learning; if things are not remembered, no learning can take place. As a process, memory refers to the "dynamic mechanism associated with the retention and retrieval of information about past experiences" (Sternberg 260). We use our memory about the past to help us understand the present. The study or memory in psychology is used in different ways, as well as there are many different ways to study how memory works in humans. In psychology there are many tasks used to measure memory, and different types of memory storages that human's use, such as sensory storing, or short term storing. There are also a lot of techniques that humans use to improve their memory, which they can use to learn, such as mnemonic devices. All these things can be classified as important issues in the study of human memory and ways of learning.