Learning And Memory Essay

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In order to understand the functional relationship between learning and memory we have to first define what both learning and memory are. Learning can be described as “the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, or study, or by being taught” (Merriam-Webster, 2014). “Memory is the means by which we draw on our past experiences in order to use this information in the present” (Sternberg, 1999). Base on this definitions one can conclude memory is essential part of our lives. Without any memory of the past, we would not be able to operate in the present or reminisce about the future. We would not be able to remember what we did a few days ago, what we have accomplished today, or what we intend to do tomorrow. Without memory our ability to learn would not exist. Learning and Memory are linked to our cognitive abilities as well as that of animals. An example that can be used to show the relationship between learning and memory is the study of how a rat behaves in a maze. As we all know rats have been used in experimental mazes since at least the early 20th century. Hundreds if not thousands of studies have looked at how rats run different types of mazes, from T-maze, to radial arm mazes, and to water mazes. These maze studies help scientist study spatial learning and memory in rats. Maze studies helped us uncover general principles about learning that can be applied to several species, including mankind. In today’s modern societies, mazes tend to be used to determine whether different treatments affect learning and memory in rats. According to Kolata al, 2005 case study the tasks that comprise the learning battery were specifically chosen so that each one placed specific sensory, motor, motivational, and info...

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...t. Our environment changes every day, and we must be able to adapt to any situation. Even when we have knowledge of what rules and guidelines are, and know how to put into action, we are still require to combine the different variables every day. We must constantly compare the people and places around us, analyze them, and apply any new information to what we already know. This process is what makes us live, and it makes us the intelligent creatures at the top of the ecological food chain. Looking at quality of life, there is nothing more important than keeping the brain active. As we get older, the brain and its synaptic processes begin to slow down and decay. Older people have a higher probability to suffer from dementia and several other degenerative diseases. If we keep our brain learning, active, and alert the quality of life we have will be better as we age.

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