What Is The Law Of Diffusion Of Innovation

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Thomas Edison once said “nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to a point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That 's not the place to become discouraged.” This quotation implies that even when things may seem difficult, never give up, only work harder to find another way and push through to succeed. This quotation relates to How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek 's Ted Talk. Many companies want to succeed in their business but must use different methods such as the golden circle. This model explains why some people are inspired by leaders, and organizations over others. In Sinecks speech, he also discusses The Law of Diffusion of Innovation which defines mass market success and how achieve it. The Golden Circle can be defined as a model that focuses on three different aspect such as why how, and what. These three categories vary in which companies focus on their inventions. This explains how some organizations and leaders are able to inspire where others aren’t. Many organizations don’t know “why" they do something, but they know “what" they do, and "how" they do it. Apple thinks differently because they know “why" they make their products which makes people want to buy them. People …show more content…

This law discusses the population broken down into categories such as innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards with the percentages for each. Throughout one 's lifetime, people will switch between different categories in society. If you want mass market success, you can 't have it until you reach 15-18% market penetration because there is a gap between the early majority and the early adopters. When a company releases a new product, they want to population to buy into their idea, however how do you find the population who “just gets

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