Dominic Miller MW 1:00-2:50 Theory and Practice of Officiating - HUPF 3053 Training Camp Book Review Training camp is a development story, also it is a simple but great book. The only thing is that the language and style of the book is very basic, It is written at a high school level, in my opinion, which makes it a very easy and quick read, it was so easy I read this on my breaks at work. This story is about a guy named Martin Jones, who is a young football player trying to get into an NFL team in one of there training camp. "Making the team is a goal. But striving for greatness is a life mission. There is a difference, and you have to be honest with yourself and you have to be honest with me,” (Gordon 24). It's all going good until disaster strikes and he gets hurt and an injury sidelines him and he has to sit out. This makes him stressed, scared, and uncertain on what to do next. So he goes to went the team trainer and a coach, they have taken him under their care and start to train his mind, which he learns that to be the Best, he has a lot more to learn on and off the field. What he learns from one of the coaches that takes him under his wing, Coach Ken, is to that, a few lessons that he teaches to players so that they can be successful or even be great on and off the field, forever. I have read many development books since I could read, and there is always something in it that you can learn and make you a better person, and this one is no different. Most of the lessons that Martin had learned in the story, Training Camp, are things I have read and learned from other books that I have read, some of its quotes are very similar to books I’ve read, like one from Rick Warren in The Purpose Driven Life, but because it’s in a qu... ... middle of paper ... ...y inspire in others. One person in pursuit of excellence raises the standards of everyone around them. And they do this both in their work and in their life,” (Gordon 148). By doing all eleven of these things you will be on the road to become the best, and maybe the greatest of all time. Basically the best has to want it more then the next person, and keep practicing even when everyone is sleep. “How can you measure desire? Everyone has a desire to accomplish something meaningful and have an impact…The best of the best don’t just think about their desire for greatness, they act on it. They have a high capacity for work. They do the things that others won’t do, and they spend more time doing it. When everyone else is sleeping, the best are practicing and thinking and improving,” (Gordon 40-41). Also they have to remember the eleven steps that the book highlighted.
In Mr. Collin’s speech on Thursday, April 3, 2014, he highlighted a few of the most imperative principles of the thirty-five principles outlined in his “Creative Followership”. Collins suggested that through application of these principles, any individual has the potential to be passionately committed and deeply involved in their organization or project - and even in their personal life. All of this without having fashion his or her self into the next Andrew Carnegie. His or her contribution does not have to be as leader to be immeasurabl...
A college campus is nothing without a gym. College sports, and cultural events take place in the T.M. Elmore Gym on Alabama A&M’s campus. This gym is located on the west side of A&M’s campus between Louis Crews stadium and Dr. Ernest L. Knight West Campus dorms. This building has made a large impact on the culture of the school considering that the gym is home to sports teams, classrooms, pep rallies, guest speakers and convocations.
When I was young, I was always told to do the best I can possibly can and achieve the best of grades. To be flawless and to be exemplary at everything I do. These sayings said to me mostly by my Mom, have led me and helped me to, in many ways become preeminent in my education. As I was growing up those sayings have helped me to achieve excellence wherever possible, and most of the time over achieve excellence.
Every day in our lives, we desire to be perfect to please others. No matter how hard we try, if we do not achieve the concept of being perfect, then we will feel like failure. For example, every year at the Olympics, a newly crowned Olympic champion receiving a gold medal persuades young athletes to worry about winning a medal in every competition they compete. If they do not win a medal in a certain competition, then all their hopes are vanished for the next competition. This action shows how if we do not strive to emulate other people’s achievements, then we will not stand out from the rest of our population.
Competition with others can cause us as individuals to want to better ourselves and make us strive to improve positively. It allows us to assess what we can change and develop in education and or experience. My colleague Hailey La Fave comments, “ I’m constantly trying to better others and their venues trying to get people to come to mine. This to me, is positive, because everyday I'm trying to better myself with my promoting and helping the venue grow. So my competition results in better sales and bigger shows.” In making this comment, Hailey points out that the competition she feels within her job positively affects her and gives her the drive to improve business for herself and her co-workers. Therefore, because she feels compelled to help draw in more business and make more profit she feels self satisfaction within herself when the company does well. Not only does Hailey’s personal experience illustrate the improvement that can occur within ourselves from competition, so does this quote from Empowher magazine, the journalist Darlene Oakley states, “Wayne Gretzky, Steve Jobs, and Nelson Mandela didn’t become the best at what they did or achieve what they did by staying the same. They worked, and strove, and experienced failure and setbacks many times before becoming the people we now revere them for being.” Darlene is saying here, that empowering people of our nation haven’t made self progress by allowing their faults to stop them but in fact allowing it to help them become the people they are recognized as today and will be for the rest of time. Because of their struggles and feats with competition they have found ways to improve themselves and make contributions to the world. In conclusion, by the motivation from competitors both Hailey, and the influential men have made personal accomplishments and strive to
“Accept the challenge so that you can feel exhilaration of victory”. This quote was said by George S. Patton is discussion the important role that Athletic trainer should work and work until they win. Who are we are highly qualified multi skilled health care professionals. Also Athletic trainer prevent diagnosis treatment and rehabilitation of emergent acute or chronic injuries. Were also known for being high qualified multi skilled health care professional. Being and athletic trainer is a great and hardworking career. That involves meeting new people, dealing with different challenge each day, Also it has moderate schooling.
As a child, Stephen Curry was raised like any other child, except he grew up playing multiple sports. “In an age of hyper-specialization, Curry has reached the pinnacle of his sport by doing the exact opposite. He played basketball, but he also played some baseball, football, soccer and basically everything else in a sports buffet” (Cohen). Now, Curry is known as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Is this because of his vast background of many sports? In today’s world, children should be introduced to a variety of different sports in order to promote discipline and hard work, prevent injury, and fulfill their college desires.
People may possess a multitude of skills and qualities that make them leaders but only a select few contribute to their success. These qualities help to distinguish them as leaders in their homes, committees and more. As a leader, one should always strive for their “team” to get better rather than just being good (Halverson). pushing them can be effective in helping them to get more done and improve their skills. A leader would not work his followers to the bone for they would tire out easily. this could end up decreasing productivity while people would look forward to working. By wanting to improve, a team can push through barriers as opposed to only trying to reach a certain level. Th...
In conclusion, Jobs used the first two habits, be proactive and begin with the end in mind, and became successful. Likewise, these habits were illustrated in both the 2005 Stanford commencement speech and Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career. Using these same habits, anyone has the potential to become
Athletic Trainers play a crucial part in today’s professional sports. They also help on lower levels of sports in high school, and college level teams. The job of an athletic trainer is simple yet very important, they are charged with treating, and preventing injuries. A trainer does this by developing therapies to reduce pain, and improve mobility (“Athletic Trainer Salaries”). They have to stand for long periods of time, work well with athletes of different sizes, move or carry equipment around, good mobility and communication skills to give instructions (“Athletic Trainer, Healthcare Program”). These trainers serve as a crucial part of an athlete getting back into their sport. Athletic trainers usually work under the direction of a physician, so they are like the Doctor’s healing hands in action.
...for individual progression but for the greater good. (Bell, 2006) A virtuous and talented individual will have little honor and respect unless the strength are utilized for the people. (Doh, 2013)
She seeks the best in each and everyone person she meets. Helping people reach his or her full potential as God created him and her to become is this transformational leader’s goal in life. She knows that to become the one of the best leaders, she has to remain committed to renew learning daily, seek mentorship, and be flexible to change (Kouzes & Posner, 2012, p. 334). Self-development and honest evaluation assists her in personal growth. Kouzes and Posner (2012) continue, “No matter how good you are, you have to always want to be
To become a truly effective leader, one must encapsulate the various behaviors related to the aforementioned course learnings in his/her persona and demonstrate such behaviors daily. This course has allowed me to identify four behaviors that all leaders must portray to be effective. The first of which is that a leader must be inspirational. To do so, a leader must set the appropriate vision and direction for the organization and provide a path to achieving defined goals. Additionally, a leader must induce the proper levels of motivation so that each employee has sufficient incentive to work towards the organization’s goals. As discussed in the class, motivation can be accomplished by factors such as rewarding hard work and providing the correct opportunities to employees. While these are motivating in that employees desire to be fairly compensated and to be doing work they deem valuable, inspiration comes more from organizational culture. A leader will be inspirational by setting a tone that appreciates each employee’s contribution, no matter how small in scale it is. Further, employees are inspired when they work collaboratively in a group setting and can capitalize on individual strengths to drive organizational goals.
Sports psychology is the study of how psychology influences sports, athletic performance, exercise and physical activity. Some sports psychologists work with professional athletes and coaches to improve performance and increase motivation. Other professionals use exercise and sports to enhance people’s lives and well-being. While finding ways to help athletes is certainly an important part of sports psychology, the application of exercise and physical activity for improving the lives of non-athletes is also a major focus.
The passion that a person possesses has never ceased to amaze me. When I see a person that has such enthusiasm for a specific interest or hobby, I can’t help but want to follow in the footsteps of that person. Seeing someone that has the power to inspire and holds the attributes of a great leader ignites a fire within me to become a more determined and focused individual. Fortunately, I have had the benefit of having several passionate and inspirational people in my life that I look up to. Little do these people know that I take notice of their every move and dream to one day acquire the same character traits that they possess.